blob: b97a87628bd2ebd4516c800a3a0db3bc6a5cae5f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Autocompletion config for YouCompleteMe in ARC.
# 1. Install YCM []
# (Googlers should check out [go/ycm])
# 2. Point to this config file in your .vimrc:
# let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf =
# '<arc_depot>/src/build/'
# 3. Profit!
# Usage notes:
# * You must have built ARC before using this.
# * Not all files have correct completion information since ninja does not use
# gomacc for all C++ files.
# * You can avoid the call to ninja every time a file is saved/loaded by
# creating a JSON compilation database with the following command:
# $ ninja -t compdb cxx.nacl_i686 cc.nacl_i686 > \
# ycm/compile_commands.json
# Replacing 'nacl_i686' with the current ARC target.
# Hacking notes:
# * The purpose of this script is to construct an accurate enough command line
# for YCM to pass to clang so it can build and extract the symbols.
# * Right now, we only pull some flags. That seems to be sufficient for
# everything I have used it for.
# * That whole ninja & clang thing? We could support other configs if someone
# were willing to write the correct commands and a parser.
# * This has only been tested on gPrecise.
import os
import subprocess
# Flags from YCM's default config.
default_flags = [
def _get_arc_root():
"""Searches for the root of the ARC checkout.
This file is checked in the src/build/ directory, so we only need to go
up two directories.
(String) Path of the ARC root.
return os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..'))
def _get_source_filename(filename):
"""Gets the corresponding source file for headers.
Header files do not have an associated gomacc command. Instead, try to
find its corresponding .cc/.cpp file to get the right flags.
filename: (String) Path to the file being edited.
(String) Best guess for the source file corresponding to |filename|.
root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.h':
alternates = ['.cc', '.cpp']
for alt_extension in alternates:
alt_name = root + alt_extension
if os.path.exists(alt_name):
return alt_name
return filename
def _get_staging_relative_filename(arc_root, filename):
if not (arc_root and filename.startswith(arc_root)):
return filename
# For ARC, ninja and the compilation database it writes out both use file
# paths relative to the staging directory.
rel_filename = filename[len(arc_root) + 1:]
if rel_filename.startswith('mods/'):
rel_filename = 'out/staging/' + rel_filename[len('mods/'):]
elif rel_filename.startswith('third_party/'):
rel_filename = 'out/staging/' + rel_filename[len('third_party/'):]
elif rel_filename.startswith('src/'):
rel_filename = 'out/staging/' + rel_filename
return os.path.join(arc_root, rel_filename)
def _get_clang_command_compdb(arc_root, compilation_database_folder,
"""Query the compdb to get the compiler flags for |filename|.
This avoids calling ninja every time YCM needs to get the compiler
flags. The compilation database must be regenerated every time a file
is added, or ./configure is called. See here for more details:
compilation_database_folder: (String) The path of the JSON compilation
database: the ycm/ directory.
arc_root: (String) Path to the root of the ARC repository.
filename: (String) Path to source file being edited.
(List of Strings) Command line arguments for clang.
import ycm_core
filename = _get_staging_relative_filename(arc_root, filename)
database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase(compilation_database_folder)
compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename)
if not compilation_info:
return []
return compilation_info.compiler_flags_
def _get_compiled_output_file_from_ninja(arc_root, filename):
stdout = subprocess.check_output(
['ninja', '-v', '-C', arc_root, '-t', 'query', filename])
object_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + '.o'
for line in stdout.split('\n'):
if line.endswith(object_filename):
return line.strip()
return None
def _get_build_commands_from_ninja(arc_root, filename):
stdout = subprocess.check_output(
['ninja', '-v', '-C', arc_root, '-t', 'commands', filename])
return stdout.split('\n')
def _find_last_gomacc_command(commands):
for line in reversed(commands):
if 'gomacc' in line:
return line.split(' ')
return None
def _get_clang_command_ninja(arc_root, filename):
"""Returns the command line to build |filename|.
Asks ninja how it would build the source file. If the specified file is a
header, tries to find its companion source file first.
arc_root: (String) Path to the root of the ARC repository.
filename: (String) Path to source file being edited.
(List of Strings) Command line arguments for clang.
if not arc_root:
return []
# Ask ninja about the dependency graph for the source file
filename = _get_staging_relative_filename(arc_root, filename)
rel_filename = filename[len(arc_root) + 1:]
output_filename = _get_compiled_output_file_from_ninja(arc_root,
if not output_filename:
return []
commands = _get_build_commands_from_ninja(arc_root, output_filename)
if not commands:
return []
# Ninja might execute several commands to build something. We want the last
# gomacc command.
gomacc = _find_last_gomacc_command(commands)
if not gomacc:
return []
return gomacc
def absolute_path(filepath, arc_root):
if filepath[0] == '/':
return filepath
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(arc_root, filepath))
def _process_flags(arc_root, flags):
"""Filter out flags and convert all paths to absolute paths.
arc_root: (String) Path to the root of the ARC repository.
flags: (List of Strings) List of flags returned by ninja/compdb
(List of Strings) The filtered flags ready for YCM"""
arc_flags = []
take_next_as_path = False
# Parse out whitelisted flags. These seem to be the only ones that are
# important for YCM's purposes.
for flag in flags:
if take_next_as_path:
take_next_as_path = False
arc_flags.append(absolute_path(flag, arc_root))
elif flag.startswith('-I'):
# Relative paths need to be resolved, because they're relative to the
# output dir, not the source.
if flag == '-I':
take_next_as_path = True
arc_flags.append('-I' + absolute_path(flag[2:], arc_root))
elif flag.startswith('-') and flag[1] in 'DUWFfmO':
if flag == '-Wno-deprecated-register' or flag == '-Wno-header-guard':
# These flags causes libclang (3.3) to crash. Remove it until things
# are fixed.
return arc_flags
def FlagsForFile(filename):
"""This is the main entry point for YCM. Its interface is fixed.
filename: (String) Path to source file being edited.
'flags': (List of Strings) Command line flags.
'do_cache': (Boolean) True if the result should be cached.
arc_root = _get_arc_root()
compilation_database_folder = os.path.join(arc_root, 'ycm')
filename = _get_source_filename(filename)
arc_flags = []
# Try reading the compilation database first
if os.path.exists(compilation_database_folder):
arc_flags = _get_clang_command_compdb(arc_root,
# Fall back to getting it from ninja
if not arc_flags:
arc_flags = _get_clang_command_ninja(arc_root,
final_flags = default_flags + _process_flags(arc_root, arc_flags)
return {
'flags': final_flags,
'do_cache': True