blob: cc058b35b81eb19555cd2a866111f33392a82a5e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Pinpoint Job Scheduler Module
This module implements a simple FIFO scheduler which in the future will be a
full-featured multi-dimensional priority queue based scheduler that leverages
more features of Swarming for managing the capacity of the Pinpoint swarming
# TODO(dberris): Isolate the service that will make all the scheduling decisions
# and make this API a wrapper to the scheduler.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import datetime
import functools
import random
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard.common import bot_configurations
SECS_PER_HOUR = datetime.timedelta(hours=1).total_seconds()
# TODO(dberris): These models are temporary, when we move to using the service
# we'll use the google-cloud-datastore API directly.
class QueueElement(ndb.Model):
"""Models an element in a queues."""
_default_indexed = False
timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now_add=True)
queue_length = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
job_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
status = ndb.StringProperty(
required=True, default='Queued', choices=['Running', 'Done', 'Cancelled'])
# Priority is in "nice" order, where 0 is highest priority and anything higher
# is lower priority.
priority = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=0)
# Cost is imbued at schedule time, and is advisory if the queue supports
# cost-based scheduling.
cost = ndb.FloatProperty(default=1.0)
class SampleElementTiming(ndb.Model):
"""Represents a measurement of queue time delay."""
_default_indexed = False
job_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
enqueue_timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(required=True)
picked_timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(required=True, auto_now_add=True)
queue_length = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True)
class Queues(ndb.Model):
"""A root element for all queues."""
class ConfigurationQueue(ndb.Model):
"""Models a per-pool (configuration) FIFO queue."""
_default_indexed = False
_default_memcache = True
jobs = ndb.StructuredProperty(QueueElement, repeated=True)
configuration = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=True)
samples = ndb.StructuredProperty(SampleElementTiming, repeated=True)
def GetOrCreateQueue(cls, configuration):
parent = Queues.get_by_id('root')
if not parent:
parent = Queues(id='root')
queue = ConfigurationQueue.get_by_id(
configuration, parent=ndb.Key('Queues', 'root'))
if not queue:
return ConfigurationQueue(
parent=ndb.Key('Queues', 'root'))
return queue
def AllQueues(cls):
return cls.query(
projection=[cls.configuration], ancestor=ndb.Key('Queues', 'root'))
def put(self):
# We clean up the queue of any 'Done' and 'Cancelled' elements before we
# persist the data. = [j for j in if j.status not in {'Done', 'Cancelled'}]
# We also only persist samples that are < 7 days old, and capping the number
# of samples. This prevents us from growing the entries too large dominated
# by the samples.
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
self.samples = [
s for s in self.samples
if s.enqueue_timestamp - now < datetime.timedelta(days=7)
if len(self.samples) > 50:
self.samples = random.sample(self.samples, 50)
super(ConfigurationQueue, self).put()
class Error(Exception):
class QueueNotFound(Error):
def Schedule(job, cost=1.0):
"""Schedules a job for later execution.
This function deduces the appropriate queue to which a fully-formed
`dashboard.pinpoint.models.job.Job` must be enqueued, and persists a reference
to the job ID to the queue for later execution.
- job: a fully-formed `dashboard.models.job.Job` instance.
- cost: an advisory weight for scheduling in a cost-based scheduler.
- ndb.TransactionFailedError when we fail to persist the queue
Returns None.
# Take a job and find an appropriate pool to enqueue it through.
# 1. Use the configuration as the name of the pool.
# TODO(dberris): Figure out whether a missing configuration is even valid.
configuration = job.arguments.get('configuration', '(none)')
priority = job.priority
# 2. Load the (potentially empty) FIFO queue.
queue = ConfigurationQueue.GetOrCreateQueue(configuration)
# TODO(dberris): Check whether we have too many elements in the queue,
# and reject the attempt?
# 3. Enqueue job according to insertion time.
def PickJobs(configuration, budget=1.0):
"""Picks a job for execution for a given configuration.
This returns the next eligible job to run which is one that's either already
running, or one that's Queued.
Returns a list of tuples (job_id, 'Running'|'Queued') if we have eligible
jobs to run, or a list with a single element (None, None). We'll use the
provided budget and the costs of each queued element to determine which
jobs to pick for scheduling decisions.
- configuration: a configuration name, also used as a queue identifier.
- budget: we will consume this budget, i.e. only return a value if the cost
for a queued item is less than or equal to the budget provided.
- ndb.TransactionFailedError when we fail to persist the queue
# Load the FIFO queue for the configuration.
queue = ConfigurationQueue.GetOrCreateQueue(configuration)
if not
return [(None, None)]
# Find all the 'Running' instances and consume the budget to return all the
# currently running jobs.
results = []
for job in
if budget <= 0:
# We have no more budget for running new jobs.
return results
if job.status == 'Running':
results.append((job.job_id, job.status))
budget -= job.cost
# Sort the jobs in priority and submission time. Note that we can starve lower
# priority (those whose priority is higher than 0) jobs by design, since we'll
# assume those are batch jobs. j: (j.priority, j.timestamp))
for job in
# Short-circuit out if the budget is not exhausted.
if budget <= 0.0:
# Pick the first job that's queued, and mark it 'Running'.
if job.status == 'Queued':
results.append((job.job_id, job.status))
budget -= job.cost
job.status = 'Running'
# Add this to the samples.
# Persist the changes transactionally.
# Then return the results.
return results
def QueueStats(configuration):
"""Computes and returns statistics for a queue.
Returns a dictionary with the following keys:
- queued_jobs: A point-in-time count of the number of queued jobs for the
- cancelled_jobs: A point-in-time count of cancelled jobs.
- running_jobs: A point-in-time count of jobs that are "running".
- queue_time_samples: A list of floats, representing the number of hours the
most recent jobs from the past 7 days have been in the queue.
queue = ConfigurationQueue.get_by_id(
configuration, parent=ndb.Key('Queues', 'root'))
if not queue:
raise QueueNotFound()
def StatCombiner(status_map, job):
key = '{}_jobs'.format(job.status.lower())
status_map.setdefault(key, 0)
status_map[key] += 1
return status_map
def _FormatSample(s):
t = s.picked_timestamp - s.enqueue_timestamp
return (t.total_seconds() / SECS_PER_HOUR, s.queue_length)
result = functools.reduce(StatCombiner,, {})
'queue_time_samples': [_FormatSample(s) for s in queue.samples],
'job_id_with_status': [{
'job_id': j.job_id,
'status': j.status
} for j in],
return result
def Cancel(job):
"""Marks a job for cancellation in the appropriate queue.
This updates a job's status in the queue as cancelled, making it ineligible
for running. This operation is not reversible.
- job: a fully-formed dashboard.pinpoint.models.job.Job instance.
- ndb.TransactionFailedError on failure to transactionally update the queue.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the job was found and cancelled.
# Take a job and determine the FIFO Queue it's associated to.
configuration = job.arguments.get('configuration', '(none)')
# Find the job, and mark it cancelled.
# TODO(dberris): Figure out whether a missing configuration is even valid.
queue = ConfigurationQueue.GetOrCreateQueue(configuration)
found = False
for queued_job in
if queued_job.job_id == job.job_id:
if queued_job.status in {'Running', 'Queued'}:
queued_job.status = 'Cancelled'
found = True
return found
def Complete(job):
"""Marks a job completed in the appropriate queue.
This updates a job's status in the queue as completed, making it ineligible
for running. This operation is not reversible.
- job: a fully-formed dashboard.pinpoint.models.job.Job instance.
- ndb.TransactionFilaedError on failure to transactionally update the queue.
Returns None.
# TODO(dberris): Figure out whether a missing configuration is even valid.
configuration = job.arguments.get('configuration', '(none)')
queue = ConfigurationQueue.GetOrCreateQueue(configuration)
# We can only complete 'Running' jobs.
for queued_job in
if queued_job.job_id == job.job_id:
if queued_job.status == 'Running':
queued_job.status = 'Done'
def Remove(configuration, job_id):
"""Forcibly removes a job from the queue, by ID.
This updates the queue to remove the job identifier. Note that this does not
update a job's status. This is mostly a convenience method to forcibly remove
jobs from a queue as a remedial action.
- configuration: a string identifying the configuration, used as a queue
identifier as well.
- job_id: a string identifying a job instance.
- ndb.TransactionFilaedError on failure to transactionally update the queue.
Returns None
queue = ConfigurationQueue.GetOrCreateQueue(configuration) = [j for j in if j.job_id != job_id]
def AllConfigurations():
return [q.configuration for q in ConfigurationQueue.AllQueues().fetch()]
class SchedulerOptions(
collections.namedtuple('SchedulerOptions', ('costs', 'budget'))):
__slots__ = ()
def GetSchedulerOptions(configuration):
# Here we're getting the configuration settings on the following, for this
# particular configuration:
# - What cost do we attribute to tryjobs/bisections?
# - What is the budget for each scheduling iteration?
# These options will all be part of a sub-object in the 'scheduler' key in
# the bot configuration. What we're expecting is a structure like so:
# {
# "scheduler": {
# "cost": {
# },
# "budget": <floating point>
# }
# }
bot_config = bot_configurations.Get(configuration)
except ValueError:
bot_config = {}
scheduler_options = bot_config.get('scheduler', {})
return SchedulerOptions(
'costs', collections.defaultdict(lambda: DEFAULT_COST)),
budget=scheduler_options.get('budget', DEFAULT_BUDGET))
def Cost(job):
"""Computes the cost for a job, for scheduling decisions.
Returns a floating point number to indicate cost in a cost-based scheduler.
return GetSchedulerOptions(job.configuration).costs[job.comparison_mode]