blob: 753475ab8640c1b77d6403ea4468beca2ea1fa0a [file] [log] [blame]
# These are the testing and deploy steps for the performance dashboard
# services. We re-use the docker-compose files in the dev_dockerfiles directory
# to ensure we're runing the same test and deploy cycle everytime.
timeout: 1800s # Wait for 30 minutes for the whole process to finish.
diskSizeGb: 100
machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8'
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
docker pull$PROJECT_ID/dashboard-base:latest || exit 0
- name: ''
dir: 'dashboard/dev_dockerfiles'
args: [
'-t', 'dashboard-base:latest',
'-t', '$PROJECT_ID/dashboard-base:latest',
'--cache-from', '$PROJECT_ID/dashboard-base:latest',
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/docker-compose'
dir: 'dashboard/dev_dockerfiles'
args: [
'run', 'python-unittest-dashboard'
# We need to provide the auth token that the service account is using to the
# container from which we're going to deploy the Dashboard services.
- name: '$PROJECT_ID/docker-compose'
dir: 'dashboard/dev_dockerfiles'
args: [
'run', 'cloudbuild-prepare-deployment'
- name: ''
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
app, deploy, '--no-promote', '--version', 'cloud-build-${SHORT_SHA}',
# We enumerate the files we need to deploy just for the dashboard.
# TODO(dberris): Figure out how we can include cron.yaml and dispatch.yaml
# from this automation. This fails in production with the service account
# used by cloud-build, so we've left it out for now.
- name: ''
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'deploy', 'queue.yaml',
# We check in the target versions to avoid unintended traffic changes.
- name: ''
id: 'Set traffic for default service'
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'services', 'set-traffic', 'default',
- name: ''
id: 'Set traffic for api service'
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'services', 'set-traffic', 'api',
- name: ''
id: 'Set traffic for upload service'
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'services', 'set-traffic', 'upload',
- name: ''
id: 'Set traffic for upload-processing service'
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'services', 'set-traffic', 'upload-processing',
- name: ''
id: 'Set traffic for pinpoint service'
dir: 'deploy-dashboard'
args: [
'app', 'services', 'set-traffic', 'pinpoint',
- name: ''
entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
args: [
'-x', '-e', 'dashboard/dev_dockerfiles/',
'api', 'default', 'pinpoint', 'upload-processing', 'upload'
images: ['$PROJECT_ID/dashboard-base:latest']