blob: 7b12cf775da7c7fab7fcd2c3d4e0ab4e2122bb5e [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.mre', function() {
function Failure(job, functionHandleString, traceCanonicalUrl,
failureTypeName, description, stack) {
this.job = job;
this.functionHandleString = functionHandleString;
this.traceCanonicalUrl = traceCanonicalUrl;
this.failureTypeName = failureTypeName;
this.description = description;
this.stack = stack;
Failure.prototype = {
asDict() {
// TODO(eakuefner): Serialize job once reduction is implemented.
return {
function_handle_string: this.functionHandleString,
trace_canonical_url: this.traceCanonicalUrl,
type: this.failureTypeName,
description: this.description,
stack: this.stack
Failure.fromDict = function(failureDict) {
return new Failure(undefined, failureDict.function_handle_string,
failureDict.trace_canonical_url, failureDict.type,
failureDict.description, failureDict.stack);
return {