blob: 4bb8a3a662da17cbce9b605dff03835cb3d3a298 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef CCPrioritizedTextureManager_h
#define CCPrioritizedTextureManager_h
#include "CCPrioritizedTexture.h"
#include "CCPriorityCalculator.h"
#include "CCTexture.h"
#include "GraphicsContext3D.h"
#include "IntRect.h"
#include "IntSize.h"
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace cc {
class CCPrioritizedTexture;
class CCPriorityCalculator;
class CCPrioritizedTextureManager {
static PassOwnPtr<CCPrioritizedTextureManager> create(size_t maxMemoryLimitBytes, int maxTextureSize, int pool)
return adoptPtr(new CCPrioritizedTextureManager(maxMemoryLimitBytes, maxTextureSize, pool));
PassOwnPtr<CCPrioritizedTexture> createTexture(IntSize size, GC3Denum format)
return adoptPtr(new CCPrioritizedTexture(this, size, format));
typedef Vector<CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing*> BackingVector;
// FIXME ( This 64MB default is a straggler from the
// old texture manager and is just to give us a default memory allocation before
// we get a callback from the GPU memory manager. We should probaby either:
// - wait for the callback before rendering anything instead
// - push this into the GPU memory manager somehow.
static size_t defaultMemoryAllocationLimit() { return 64 * 1024 * 1024; }
// memoryUseBytes() describes the number of bytes used by existing allocated textures.
// memoryAboveCutoffBytes() describes the number of bytes that would be used if all
// textures that are above the cutoff were allocated.
// memoryUseBytes() <= memoryAboveCutoffBytes() should always be true.
size_t memoryUseBytes() const { return m_memoryUseBytes; }
size_t memoryAboveCutoffBytes() const { return m_memoryAboveCutoffBytes; }
size_t memoryForSelfManagedTextures() const { return m_maxMemoryLimitBytes - m_memoryAvailableBytes; }
void setMaxMemoryLimitBytes(size_t bytes) { m_maxMemoryLimitBytes = bytes; }
size_t maxMemoryLimitBytes() const { return m_maxMemoryLimitBytes; }
void prioritizeTextures();
void clearPriorities();
void reduceMemoryOnImplThread(size_t limitBytes, CCResourceProvider*);
bool evictedBackingsExist() const { return !m_evictedBackings.isEmpty(); }
void getEvictedBackings(BackingVector& evictedBackings);
void unlinkEvictedBackings(const BackingVector& evictedBackings);
// Deletes all evicted backings, unlinking them from their owning textures if needed.
// Returns true if this function unlinked any backings from their owning texture while
// destroying them.
bool deleteEvictedBackings();
bool requestLate(CCPrioritizedTexture*);
void reduceMemory(CCResourceProvider*);
void clearAllMemory(CCResourceProvider*);
void acquireBackingTextureIfNeeded(CCPrioritizedTexture*, CCResourceProvider*);
void registerTexture(CCPrioritizedTexture*);
void unregisterTexture(CCPrioritizedTexture*);
void returnBackingTexture(CCPrioritizedTexture*);
friend class CCPrioritizedTextureTest;
enum EvictionPriorityPolicy {
// Compare textures. Highest priority first.
static inline bool compareTextures(CCPrioritizedTexture* a, CCPrioritizedTexture* b)
if (a->requestPriority() == b->requestPriority())
return a < b;
return CCPriorityCalculator::priorityIsHigher(a->requestPriority(), b->requestPriority());
// Compare backings. Lowest priority first.
static inline bool compareBackings(CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing* a, CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing* b)
int priorityA = a->requestPriorityAtLastPriorityUpdate();
int priorityB = b->requestPriorityAtLastPriorityUpdate();
if (priorityA != priorityB)
return CCPriorityCalculator::priorityIsLower(priorityA, priorityB);
bool aboveCutoffA = a->wasAbovePriorityCutoffAtLastPriorityUpdate();
bool aboveCutoffB = b->wasAbovePriorityCutoffAtLastPriorityUpdate();
if (!aboveCutoffA && aboveCutoffB)
return true;
if (aboveCutoffA && !aboveCutoffB)
return false;
return a < b;
CCPrioritizedTextureManager(size_t maxMemoryLimitBytes, int maxTextureSize, int pool);
void updateBackingsPriorities();
void evictBackingsToReduceMemory(size_t limitBytes, EvictionPriorityPolicy, CCResourceProvider*);
CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing* createBacking(IntSize, GC3Denum format, CCResourceProvider*);
void evictBackingResource(CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing*, CCResourceProvider*);
void assertInvariants();
size_t m_maxMemoryLimitBytes;
unsigned m_priorityCutoff;
size_t m_memoryUseBytes;
size_t m_memoryAboveCutoffBytes;
size_t m_memoryAvailableBytes;
int m_pool;
typedef HashSet<CCPrioritizedTexture*> TextureSet;
typedef ListHashSet<CCPrioritizedTexture::Backing*> BackingSet;
typedef Vector<CCPrioritizedTexture*> TextureVector;
TextureSet m_textures;
BackingSet m_backings;
BackingVector m_evictedBackings;
TextureVector m_tempTextureVector;
BackingVector m_tempBackingVector;
// Set by the main thread when it adjust priorities in such a way that
// the m_backings array's view of priorities is now out of date.
bool m_needsUpdateBackingsPrioritites;
} // cc