blob: 768b6d4dfbe0e9076e1d02036242753352dbe6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebDisplayItemClipTree_h
#define WebDisplayItemClipTree_h
#include "public/platform/WebCommon.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFloatRect.h"
#include "public/platform/WebPrivateOwnPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class DisplayItemClipTree;
// Represents a hierarchy of rectangular clips which apply to ranges of a
// display list and may be of interest to the compositor.
// It consists of a tree of "transform nodes", stored in a flattened
// representation in which their order is not guaranteed. Each node has a
// parent (whose clip, and those of its ancestors, also apply to content),
// a transform node index (into an associated |WebDisplayItemTransformTree|
// which defines the coordinate space in which this clip is interpreted),
// and a rectangle representing the clip.
// Rounded-rect clips are represented here by their bounding rect; the rounded
// clip should be represented outside the clip tree (e.g. as a mask).
class BLINK_PLATFORM_EXPORT WebDisplayItemClipTree {
enum : size_t { kInvalidIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1) };
struct ClipNode {
ClipNode(size_t parent, size_t transformNodeIndex, const WebFloatRect& clipRect)
: parentNodeIndex(parent)
, transformNodeIndex(transformNodeIndex)
, clipRect(clipRect)
bool isRoot() const { return parentNodeIndex == kInvalidIndex; }
// Index of parent in m_nodes (kInvalidIndex for root).
size_t parentNodeIndex;
// Index of transform node in which this clip should be interpreted.
// Cannot be WebDisplayItemTransformTree::kInvalidIndex.
size_t transformNodeIndex;
// Rectangular clip in the space of the transform node.
WebFloatRect clipRect;
WebDisplayItemClipTree(const WTF::PassOwnPtr<DisplayItemClipTree>&);
// Returns the number of nodes in the clip tree.
size_t nodeCount() const;
// Returns a node in the clip tree by its index (from 0 to nodeCount() - 1).
const ClipNode& nodeAt(size_t index) const;
WebPrivateOwnPtr<const DisplayItemClipTree> m_private;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebDisplayItemClipTree_h