blob: a55acc50c5b99615faeff6bf88faa77db3518c76 [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that itemValue must be null if the element does not have an itemprop attribute
Created element of type: meta
Set attribute: content, value: test
PASS createElement('meta', {content: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: audio
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('audio', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: embed
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('embed', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: iframe
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('iframe', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: img
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('img', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: source
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('source', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: track
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('track', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: video
Set attribute: src, value: test
PASS createElement('video', {src: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: a
Set attribute: href, value: test
PASS createElement('a', {href: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: area
Set attribute: href, value: test
PASS createElement('area', {href: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: link
Set attribute: href, value: test
PASS createElement('link', {href: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: object
Set attribute: data, value: test
PASS createElement('object', {data: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: time
PASS createElement('time', {}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: time
Set attribute: datetime, value: test
PASS createElement('time', {datetime: 'test'}).itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: div
PASS createElement('div', {}, 'test').itemValue == null is true
Created element of type: madeuponthespot
PASS createElement('madeuponthespot', {}, 'test').itemValue == null is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true