blob: 366c14edecc3ba168be270e5769dc82e15d412ac [file] [log] [blame]
# This file should only include tests that we never intend to fix.
# There should only be 4 categories of tests here:
# 1. Test harness tests.
# 2. Tests enabled by chromium embedders (e.g. Opera).
# 3. Tests that apply to some platforms but not others.
# 4. Tests that are too slow in Debug and so we only want to skip them in Debug.
# FIXME: Remove the WontFix keyword and have that be implied. That way, people won't abuse
# WontFix outside of this file.
# Perf tests are really slow in debug builds and there are few benefits in running them.
[ Debug ] http/tests/perf [ WontFix ]
# This test verifies that a mismatch reftest will fail if both results are the
# same. Because the whole point is that this test should fail when run, it's
# not SKIP, just WONTFIX.
fast/harness/sample-fail-mismatch-reftest.html [ WontFix ]
# Platform specific virtual test suites.
[ Win Mac Android ] virtual/linux-subpixel [ WontFix ]
[ Linux XP Android ] virtual/antialiasedtext [ WontFix ]
# Chrome Win/Linux doesn't support emacs key-bindings.
[ Win Linux ] editing/pasteboard/emacs-cntl-y-001.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] editing/pasteboard/emacs-ctrl-a-k-y.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] editing/pasteboard/emacs-ctrl-k-with-move.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] editing/pasteboard/emacs-ctrl-k-y-001.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] editing/input/emacs-ctrl-o.html [ WontFix ]
# Chrome Mac doesn't support Ctrl+Up/Down key-bindings.
[ Mac ] editing/input/ctrl-up-down.html [ WontFix ]
# Chrome uses different keyboard accelerators from those used by Safari, so
# this test will always fail.
[ Linux Win ] fast/events/option-tab.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Win ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/option-tab.html [ WontFix ]
# This test only applies to overlay scrollbar platforms.
[ SnowLeopard Win Linux ] fast/dom/partial-layout-overlay-scrollbars.html [ WontFix ]
# These tests are only valid on platforms with overlay scrollbars support.
[ SnowLeopard ] inspector/device-emulation [ WontFix ]
# <progress> on Mac is always animated. So it's hard to get a reliable pixel result.
[ Mac ] fast/dom/HTMLProgressElement/progress-element.html [ WontFix ]
# This requires usp10.dll version 1.600 or greater on Windows and
# it isn't installed on XP by default.
[ XP ] css3/font-feature-settings-rendering.html [ WontFix ]
# These test the CoreAnimation plugin model which we never intend to support on
# Windows and Linux.
[ Win Linux ] compositing/plugins/1x1-composited-plugin.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] compositing/plugins/composited-plugin.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] compositing/plugins/large-to-small-composited-plugin.html [ WontFix ]
[ Win Linux ] compositing/plugins/small-to-large-composited-plugin.html [ WontFix ]
# Mac's popup behavior is different.
[ Mac ] fast/forms/select/menulist-onchange-fired-with-key-up-down.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/forms/select/popup-with-display-none-optgroup.html [ WontFix ]
# Chromium does not support PDF content in <img> tags.
[ Win Linux ] compositing/images/direct-pdf-image.html [ WontFix ]
# Pan-scroll tests are Windows-specific.
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-click.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-click-hyperlink.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-drag.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-event-fired.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-in-iframe.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-nested-divs.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-panIcon.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] fast/events/panScroll-nested-divs-forbidden.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-click.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-click-hyperlink.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-drag.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-event-fired.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-in-iframe.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-nested-divs.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-panIcon.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/panScroll-nested-divs-forbidden.html [ WontFix ]
# These tests are specific to Windows and Linux.
[ Mac ] fast/forms/calendar-picker/date-open-picker-with-f4-key.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/forms/calendar-picker/datetimelocal-open-picker-with-f4-key.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/forms/calendar-picker/month-open-picker-with-f4-key.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/forms/calendar-picker/week-open-picker-with-f4-key.html [ WontFix ]
# Mac does not have menu key.
[ Mac ] editing/spelling/spelling-on-context-menu-key.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/events/menu-key-context-menu-document.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/events/menu-key-context-menu.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/events/menu-key-context-menu-position.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/menu-key-context-menu-document.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/menu-key-context-menu.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] virtual/pointerevent/fast/events/menu-key-context-menu-position.html [ WontFix ]
# Link Highlighting is only supported on Windows and Linux
[ Mac ] compositing/gestures [ WontFix ]
# These tests are specific to Linux.
[ Mac Win ] editing/selection/linux_selection_color.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac Win ] fast/text/chromium-linux-fontconfig-renderstyle.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac Win ] fast/text/international/arabic-vertical-offset.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac Win ] fast/text/international/complex-joining-using-gpos.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac Win ] fast/text/international/draw-complex-text-from-to.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac Win ] svg/text/text-with-geometric-precision.svg [ WontFix ]
# Mac has different fallback behavior so that this test won't work there
[ Mac ] fast/text/font-cachekey.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] virtual/antialiasedtext/fast/text/font-cachekey.html [ WontFix ]
# This test is specific to Android. Because long pressing on disabled/readonly input/textarea
# won't trigger text selection on Linux/Mac/Windows platforms, hence we need to skip it.
[ Linux Mac Win ] editing/selection/readonly-disabled-text-selection.html [ WontFix ]
# AAT/mortx shaping not supported on platforms other than Mac
[ Linux Win Android ] fast/text/aat-morx.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux Win Android ] virtual/antialiasedtext/fast/text/aat-morx.html [ WontFix ]
# This test crashes occasionally on Windows and we can't seem to repro locally.
# See comments in
[ Win ] fast/canvas/webgl/index-validation-with-resized-buffer.html [ WontFix ]
# Tests in media/stable are only supposed to be run as virtual test (see virtual/stable/media).
media/stable [ WontFix ]
# Only run fake-Android tests on Linux
[ Mac Win ] virtual/android [ WontFix ]
# We only run it through the virtual gpu test suite.
fast/canvas/canvas-lost-gpu-context.html [ WontFix ]
# Chrome Linux doesn't support NPAPI plugins anymore.
[ Linux ] http/tests/plugins/interrupted-get-url.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux ] http/tests/plugins/third-party-cookie-accept-policy.html [ WontFix ]
[ Linux ] plugins/mouse-click-plugin-clears-selection.html [ WontFix ]
# Missing Chrome Mac support, will start working when we move to harfbuzz on mac.
[ Mac ] fast/text/international/zerowidthjoiner.html [ WontFix ]
# Hits an assert on Snow-leopard Debug but not on any other platforms.
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/sources/debugger-async/async-callstack-mutation-observer.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/sources/debugger-async/async-callstack.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/sources/debugger-async/async-callstack-scopes.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/console/console-format.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/elements/styles-2/pseudo-elements.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/sources/debugger-breakpoints/dom-breakpoints.html [ WontFix ]
[ Snowleopard Debug ] inspector/sources/debugger-breakpoints/event-listener-breakpoints.html [ WontFix ]
[ SnowLeopard Debug ] virtual/antialiasedtext/fast/text/trailing_whitespace_wrapping.html [ WontFix ]
[ SnowLeopard Debug ] fast/text/trailing_whitespace_wrapping.html [ WontFix ]
# Subpixel font scaling requires DirectWrite on windows (which isn't supported
# on XP) and antialiasing on mac (which isn't enabled tests).
[ XP Mac ] fast/text/sub-pixel/text-scaling-ltr.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP Mac ] fast/text/sub-pixel/text-scaling-pixel.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP Mac ] fast/text/sub-pixel/text-scaling-rtl.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP Mac ] fast/text/sub-pixel/text-scaling-vertical.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP Mac ] fast/text/sub-pixel/text-scaling-webfont.html [ WontFix ]
[ Mac ] fast/text/mixed-direction-bidi-wrap.html [ WontFix ]
# Mac 10.6 only due to slight changes in text rendering
[ SnowLeopard ] fast/text/international/text-shaping-arabic.html [ WontFix ]
[ SnowLeopard ] virtual/antialiasedtext/fast/text/international/text-shaping-arabic.html [ WontFix ]
# Mac 10.6 debug only, and the tests are very artificial to test orientation of all code points.
[ SnowLeopard Debug ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001k.html [ WontFix ]
[ SnowLeopard Debug ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001m.html [ WontFix ]
# We don't have the necessary fonts for these tests on XP.
[ XP ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001f.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001g.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001h.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001l.html [ WontFix ]
[ XP ] imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3/text-orientation-script-001o.html [ WontFix ]
# Relies on precise timing which isn't reliable on XP.
[ XP ] imported/web-platform-tests/user-timing/test_user_timing_mark.html [ WontFix ]
# We don't have full plane2 support on XP.
[ XP ] fast/text/international/plane2.html [ WontFix ]
# These two printing tests fail with the threaded compositor but they
# aren't critical to run in this mode.
virtual/threaded/printing/setPrinting.html [ WontFix ]
virtual/threaded/printing/width-overflow.html [ WontFix ]
# This test only fails with an ASSERT in Debug build.
[ Release ] editing/input/orphan-set-selection-range.html [ WontFix ]