blob: e5a2a912969b215f1a8583eff5bf20a909e87843 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<title>media controls cast button</title>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="media-file.js"></script>
<script src="media-controls.js"></script>
<script src="video-test.js"></script>
<video width="100" controls></video>
function castButton(element)
var controlID = "-internal-media-controls-cast-button";
var button = mediaControlsElement(window.internals.shadowRoot(element).firstChild, controlID);
if (!button)
throw "Failed to find cast button";
return button;
function overlayCastButton(element)
var controlID = "-internal-media-controls-overlay-cast-button";
var button = mediaControlsElement(window.internals.shadowRoot(element).firstChild, controlID);
if (!button)
throw "Failed to find cast button";
return button;
function castButtonDimensions(element)
var button = castButton(element);
var buttonBoundingRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
return new Array(buttonBoundingRect.width, buttonBoundingRect.height);
function castButtonCoordinates(element, id)
var button = castButton(element);
var buttonBoundingRect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = buttonBoundingRect.left + buttonBoundingRect.width / 2;
var y = + buttonBoundingRect.height / 2;
return new Array(x, y);
video.src = findMediaFile("video", "content/test");
mediaElement.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function()
// Pretend we have a cast device
internals.mediaPlayerRemoteRouteAvailabilityChanged(video, true);
// Video should not have a cast button since the video is too narrow
button = castButton(video);
assert_equals(, "none", "button should not be visible with no cast devices");
// It should, however, have an overlay cast button instead
button = overlayCastButton(video);
rect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
videoRect = video.getBoundingClientRect();
assert_greater_than_equal(,, "button should be at top left of video");
assert_greater_than_equal(rect.left, videoRect.left, "button should be at top left of video");
assert_less_than_equal(rect.bottom, + videoRect.height / 2, "button should be at top left of video");
assert_less_than_equal(rect.right, videoRect.left + videoRect.width / 2, "button should be at top left of video");