blob: f9a0d86a4561106b77c61221cf426adee50e5f61 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=video-test.js></script>
<p>Verify there is a 'durationchange' event just before 'ended' event if the initially reported duration exceeds the actual data.</p>
var initialReportedDuration = -1;
video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = "content/truncated.webm";;
waitForEvent('durationchange', function() {
// Note the initial reported duration
if (initialReportedDuration == -1)
initialReportedDuration = video.duration;
waitForEventAndEnd('ended', function() {
// Verify that the actual duration is less than
// the initial reported duration
testExpected("video.duration < initialReportedDuration", true);