blob: 0fe8e2b0a77bdd1f253d198a9ca24e3bf33d950c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h"
#include "core/dom/Fullscreen.h"
#include "core/dom/StyleEngine.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlock.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFlowThread.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFullScreen.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutGeometryMap.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/line/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/DeprecatedPaintLayer.h"
#include "core/paint/InlinePainter.h"
#include "core/paint/ObjectPainter.h"
#include "core/style/StyleInheritedData.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatQuad.h"
#include "platform/geometry/Region.h"
#include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h"
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsLayoutInline : public LayoutBoxModelObject {
virtual ~SameSizeAsLayoutInline() { }
LayoutObjectChildList m_children;
LineBoxList m_lineBoxes;
static_assert(sizeof(LayoutInline) == sizeof(SameSizeAsLayoutInline), "LayoutInline should stay small");
LayoutInline::LayoutInline(Element* element)
: LayoutBoxModelObject(element)
LayoutInline* LayoutInline::createAnonymous(Document* document)
LayoutInline* layoutObject = new LayoutInline(nullptr);
return layoutObject;
void LayoutInline::willBeDestroyed()
// Make sure we do not retain "this" in the continuation outline table map of our containing blocks.
if (parent() && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && style()->hasOutline()) {
bool containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline = continuation() || isInlineElementContinuation();
if (containingBlockPaintsContinuationOutline) {
if (LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlock()) {
if (LayoutBlock* cbCb = cb->containingBlock())
// Make sure to destroy anonymous children first while they are still connected to the rest of the tree, so that they will
// properly dirty line boxes that they are removed from. Effects that do :before/:after only on hover could crash otherwise.
// Destroy our continuation before anything other than anonymous children.
// The reason we don't destroy it before anonymous children is that they may
// have continuations of their own that are anonymous children of our continuation.
LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation();
if (continuation) {
if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) {
if (firstLineBox()) {
// We can't wait for LayoutBoxModelObject::destroy to clear the selection,
// because by then we will have nuked the line boxes.
// FIXME: The FrameSelection should be responsible for this when it
// is notified of DOM mutations.
if (isSelectionBorder())
// If line boxes are contained inside a root, that means we're an inline.
// In that case, we need to remove all the line boxes so that the parent
// lines aren't pointing to deleted children. If the first line box does
// not have a parent that means they are either already disconnected or
// root lines that can just be destroyed without disconnecting.
if (firstLineBox()->parent()) {
for (InlineFlowBox* box = firstLineBox(); box; box = box->nextLineBox())
} else if (parent()) {
LayoutInline* LayoutInline::inlineElementContinuation() const
LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation();
if (!continuation || continuation->isInline())
return toLayoutInline(continuation);
return toLayoutBlock(continuation)->inlineElementContinuation();
void LayoutInline::updateFromStyle()
// FIXME: Is this still needed. Was needed for run-ins, since run-in is considered a block display type.
// FIXME: Support transforms and reflections on inline flows someday.
static LayoutObject* inFlowPositionedInlineAncestor(LayoutObject* p)
while (p && p->isLayoutInline()) {
if (p->isRelPositioned())
return p;
p = p->parent();
return nullptr;
static void updateStyleOfAnonymousBlockContinuations(LayoutObject* block, const ComputedStyle& newStyle, const ComputedStyle& oldStyle, LayoutObject* containingBlockOfEndOfContinuation)
// If an inline's outline or in-flow positioning has changed then any descendant blocks will need to change their styles accordingly.
bool updateOutline = !newStyle.isOutlineEquivalent(&oldStyle);
bool updatePosition = newStyle.position() != oldStyle.position() && (newStyle.hasInFlowPosition() || oldStyle.hasInFlowPosition());
if (!updateOutline && !updatePosition)
for (; block && block != containingBlockOfEndOfContinuation && block->isAnonymousBlock(); block = block->nextSibling()) {
if (!toLayoutBlock(block)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation())
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> newBlockStyle = ComputedStyle::clone(block->styleRef());
if (updateOutline)
if (updatePosition) {
// If we are no longer in-flow positioned but our descendant block(s) still have an in-flow positioned ancestor then
// their containing anonymous block should keep its in-flow positioning.
if (oldStyle.hasInFlowPosition() && inFlowPositionedInlineAncestor(toLayoutBlock(block)->inlineElementContinuation()))
void LayoutInline::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
LayoutBoxModelObject::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
// Ensure that all of the split inlines pick up the new style. We
// only do this if we're an inline, since we don't want to propagate
// a block's style to the other inlines.
// e.g., <font>foo <h4>goo</h4> moo</font>. The <font> inlines before
// and after the block share the same style, but the block doesn't
// need to pass its style on to anyone else.
const ComputedStyle& newStyle = styleRef();
LayoutInline* continuation = inlineElementContinuation();
LayoutInline* endOfContinuation = nullptr;
for (LayoutInline* currCont = continuation; currCont; currCont = currCont->inlineElementContinuation()) {
LayoutBoxModelObject* nextCont = currCont->continuation();
endOfContinuation = currCont;
if (continuation && oldStyle) {
LayoutObject* block = containingBlock()->nextSibling();
if (block && block->isAnonymousBlock())
updateStyleOfAnonymousBlockContinuations(block, newStyle, *oldStyle, endOfContinuation->containingBlock());
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew = hasSelfPaintingLayer() || hasBoxDecorationBackground() || newStyle.hasPadding() || newStyle.hasMargin() || newStyle.hasOutline();
if (oldStyle && alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew) {
void LayoutInline::updateAlwaysCreateLineBoxes(bool fullLayout)
// Once we have been tainted once, just assume it will happen again. This way effects like hover highlighting that change the
// background color will only cause a layout on the first rollover.
if (alwaysCreateLineBoxes())
const ComputedStyle& parentStyle = parent()->styleRef();
LayoutInline* parentLayoutInline = parent()->isLayoutInline() ? toLayoutInline(parent()) : 0;
bool checkFonts = document().inNoQuirksMode();
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew = (parentLayoutInline && parentLayoutInline->alwaysCreateLineBoxes())
|| (parentLayoutInline && parentStyle.verticalAlign() != BASELINE)
|| style()->verticalAlign() != BASELINE
|| style()->textEmphasisMark() != TextEmphasisMarkNone
|| (checkFonts && (!parentStyle.font().fontMetrics().hasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(style()->font().fontMetrics())
|| parentStyle.lineHeight() != style()->lineHeight()));
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew && checkFonts && document().styleEngine().usesFirstLineRules()) {
// Have to check the first line style as well.
const ComputedStyle& firstLineParentStyle = parent()->styleRef(true);
const ComputedStyle& childStyle = styleRef(true);
alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew = !firstLineParentStyle.font().fontMetrics().hasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(childStyle.font().fontMetrics())
|| childStyle.verticalAlign() != BASELINE
|| firstLineParentStyle.lineHeight() != childStyle.lineHeight();
if (alwaysCreateLineBoxesNew) {
if (!fullLayout)
LayoutRect LayoutInline::localCaretRect(InlineBox* inlineBox, int, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine)
if (firstChild()) {
// This condition is possible if the LayoutInline is at an editing boundary,
// i.e. the VisiblePosition is:
// <LayoutInline editingBoundary=true>|<LayoutText> </LayoutText></LayoutInline>
// FIXME: need to figure out how to make this return a valid rect, note that
// there are no line boxes created in the above case.
return LayoutRect();
ASSERT_UNUSED(inlineBox, !inlineBox);
if (extraWidthToEndOfLine)
*extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0;
LayoutRect caretRect = localCaretRectForEmptyElement(borderAndPaddingWidth(), 0);
if (InlineBox* firstBox = firstLineBox()) {
// FIXME: the call to roundedLayoutPoint() below is temporary and should be removed once
// the transition to LayoutUnit-based types is complete (
return caretRect;
void LayoutInline::addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
if (continuation())
return addChildToContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
return addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
static LayoutBoxModelObject* nextContinuation(LayoutObject* layoutObject)
if (layoutObject->isInline() && !layoutObject->isReplaced())
return toLayoutInline(layoutObject)->continuation();
return toLayoutBlock(layoutObject)->inlineElementContinuation();
LayoutBoxModelObject* LayoutInline::continuationBefore(LayoutObject* beforeChild)
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == this)
return this;
LayoutBoxModelObject* curr = nextContinuation(this);
LayoutBoxModelObject* nextToLast = this;
LayoutBoxModelObject* last = this;
while (curr) {
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == curr) {
if (curr->slowFirstChild() == beforeChild)
return last;
return curr;
nextToLast = last;
last = curr;
curr = nextContinuation(curr);
if (!beforeChild && !last->slowFirstChild())
return nextToLast;
return last;
void LayoutInline::addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
// Make sure we don't append things after :after-generated content if we have it.
if (!beforeChild && isAfterContent(lastChild()))
beforeChild = lastChild();
if (!newChild->isInline() && !newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// We are placing a block inside an inline. We have to perform a split of this
// inline into continuations. This involves creating an anonymous block box to hold
// |newChild|. We then make that block box a continuation of this inline. We take all of
// the children after |beforeChild| and put them in a clone of this object.
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> newStyle = ComputedStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(styleRef(), BLOCK);
// If inside an inline affected by in-flow positioning the block needs to be affected by it too.
// Giving the block a layer like this allows it to collect the x/y offsets from inline parents later.
if (LayoutObject* positionedAncestor = inFlowPositionedInlineAncestor(this))
// Push outline style to the block continuation.
if (!newStyle->isOutlineEquivalent(style()))
LayoutBlockFlow* newBox = LayoutBlockFlow::createAnonymous(&document());
LayoutBoxModelObject* oldContinuation = continuation();
splitFlow(beforeChild, newBox, newChild, oldContinuation);
LayoutBoxModelObject::addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
LayoutInline* LayoutInline::clone() const
LayoutInline* cloneInline = new LayoutInline(node());
return cloneInline;
void LayoutInline::moveChildrenToIgnoringContinuation(LayoutInline* to, LayoutObject* startChild)
LayoutObject* child = startChild;
while (child) {
LayoutObject* currentChild = child;
child = currentChild->nextSibling();
to->addChildIgnoringContinuation(children()->removeChildNode(this, currentChild), nullptr);
void LayoutInline::splitInlines(LayoutBlock* fromBlock, LayoutBlock* toBlock,
LayoutBlock* middleBlock, LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont)
// If we're splitting the inline containing the fullscreened element,
// |beforeChild| may be the layoutObject for the fullscreened element. However,
// that layoutObject is wrapped in a LayoutFullScreen, so |this| is not its
// parent. Since the splitting logic expects |this| to be the parent, set
// |beforeChild| to be the LayoutFullScreen.
if (Fullscreen* fullscreen = Fullscreen::fromIfExists(document())) {
const Element* fullScreenElement = fullscreen->webkitCurrentFullScreenElement();
if (fullScreenElement && beforeChild && beforeChild->node() == fullScreenElement)
beforeChild = fullscreen->fullScreenLayoutObject();
// FIXME: Because splitting is O(n^2) as tags nest pathologically, we cap the depth at which we're willing to clone.
// There will eventually be a better approach to this problem that will let us nest to a much
// greater depth (see bugzilla bug 13430) but for now we have a limit. This *will* result in
// incorrect rendering, but the alternative is to hang forever.
const unsigned cMaxSplitDepth = 200;
Vector<LayoutInline*> inlinesToClone;
LayoutInline* topMostInline = this;
for (LayoutObject* o = this; o != fromBlock; o = o->parent()) {
topMostInline = toLayoutInline(o);
if (inlinesToClone.size() < cMaxSplitDepth)
// Keep walking up the chain to ensure |topMostInline| is a child of |fromBlock|,
// to avoid assertion failure when |fromBlock|'s children are moved to |toBlock| below.
// Create a new clone of the top-most inline in |inlinesToClone|.
LayoutInline* topMostInlineToClone = inlinesToClone.last();
LayoutInline* cloneInline = topMostInlineToClone->clone();
// Now we are at the block level. We need to put the clone into the |toBlock|.
toBlock->children()->appendChildNode(toBlock, cloneInline);
// Now take all the children after |topMostInline| and remove them from the |fromBlock|
// and put them into the toBlock.
fromBlock->moveChildrenTo(toBlock, topMostInline->nextSibling(), nullptr, true);
LayoutInline* currentParent = topMostInlineToClone;
LayoutInline* cloneInlineParent = cloneInline;
// Clone the inlines from top to down to ensure any new object will be added into a rooted tree.
// Note that we have already cloned the top-most one, so the loop begins from size - 2 (except if
// we have reached |cMaxDepth| in which case we sacrifice correct rendering for performance).
for (int i = static_cast<int>(inlinesToClone.size()) - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
// Hook the clone up as a continuation of |currentInline|.
LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont = currentParent->continuation();
// Create a new clone.
LayoutInline* current = inlinesToClone[i];
cloneInline = current->clone();
// Insert our |cloneInline| as the first child of |cloneInlineParent|.
cloneInlineParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(cloneInline, nullptr);
// Now we need to take all of the children starting from the first child
// *after* |current| and append them all to the |cloneInlineParent|.
currentParent->moveChildrenToIgnoringContinuation(cloneInlineParent, current->nextSibling());
currentParent = current;
cloneInlineParent = cloneInline;
// The last inline to clone is |this|, and the current |cloneInline| is cloned from |this|.
ASSERT(this == inlinesToClone.first());
// Hook |cloneInline| up as the continuation of the middle block.
// Now take all of the children from |beforeChild| to the end and remove
// them from |this| and place them in the clone.
moveChildrenToIgnoringContinuation(cloneInline, beforeChild);
void LayoutInline::splitFlow(LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBlock* newBlockBox,
LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont)
LayoutBlock* pre = nullptr;
LayoutBlock* block = containingBlock();
// Delete our line boxes before we do the inline split into continuations.
bool madeNewBeforeBlock = false;
if (block->isAnonymousBlock() && (!block->parent() || !block->parent()->createsAnonymousWrapper())) {
// We can reuse this block and make it the preBlock of the next continuation.
pre = block;
if (pre->isLayoutBlockFlow())
block = block->containingBlock();
} else {
// No anonymous block available for use. Make one.
pre = block->createAnonymousBlock();
madeNewBeforeBlock = true;
LayoutBlock* post = toLayoutBlock(pre->createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(block));
LayoutObject* boxFirst = madeNewBeforeBlock ? block->firstChild() : pre->nextSibling();
if (madeNewBeforeBlock)
block->children()->insertChildNode(block, pre, boxFirst);
block->children()->insertChildNode(block, newBlockBox, boxFirst);
block->children()->insertChildNode(block, post, boxFirst);
if (madeNewBeforeBlock) {
LayoutObject* o = boxFirst;
while (o) {
LayoutObject* no = o;
o = no->nextSibling();
pre->children()->appendChildNode(pre, block->children()->removeChildNode(block, no));
splitInlines(pre, post, newBlockBox, beforeChild, oldCont);
// We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
// time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.
// Always just do a full layout in order to ensure that line boxes (especially wrappers for images)
// get deleted properly. Because objects moves from the pre block into the post block, we want to
// make new line boxes instead of leaving the old line boxes around.
void LayoutInline::addChildToContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
LayoutBoxModelObject* flow = continuationBefore(beforeChild);
ASSERT(!beforeChild || beforeChild->parent()->isLayoutBlock() || beforeChild->parent()->isLayoutInline());
LayoutBoxModelObject* beforeChildParent = nullptr;
if (beforeChild) {
beforeChildParent = toLayoutBoxModelObject(beforeChild->parent());
} else {
LayoutBoxModelObject* cont = nextContinuation(flow);
if (cont)
beforeChildParent = cont;
beforeChildParent = flow;
if (newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
return beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
// A continuation always consists of two potential candidates: an inline or an anonymous
// block box holding block children.
bool childInline = newChild->isInline();
bool bcpInline = beforeChildParent->isInline();
bool flowInline = flow->isInline();
if (flow == beforeChildParent)
return flow->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
// The goal here is to match up if we can, so that we can coalesce and create the
// minimal # of continuations needed for the inline.
if (childInline == bcpInline || (beforeChild && beforeChild->isInline()))
return beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
if (flowInline == childInline)
return flow->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, 0); // Just treat like an append.
return beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
void LayoutInline::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
InlinePainter(*this).paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
template<typename GeneratorContext>
void LayoutInline::generateLineBoxRects(GeneratorContext& yield) const
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
generateCulledLineBoxRects(yield, this);
} else if (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox()) {
for (; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
yield(LayoutRect(curr->topLeft(), curr->size()));
} else {
template<typename GeneratorContext>
void LayoutInline::generateCulledLineBoxRects(GeneratorContext& yield, const LayoutInline* container) const
if (!culledInlineFirstLineBox()) {
bool isHorizontal = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
// We want to get the margin box in the inline direction, and then use our font ascent/descent in the block
// direction (aligned to the root box's baseline).
if (curr->isBox()) {
LayoutBox* currBox = toLayoutBox(curr);
if (currBox->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
RootInlineBox& rootBox = currBox->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
int logicalTop = rootBox.logicalTop() + (rootBox.layoutObject().style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent() - container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent());
int logicalHeight = container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().height();
if (isHorizontal)
yield(LayoutRect(currBox->inlineBoxWrapper()->x() - currBox->marginLeft(), logicalTop, currBox->size().width() + currBox->marginWidth(), logicalHeight));
yield(LayoutRect(logicalTop, currBox->inlineBoxWrapper()->y() - currBox->marginTop(), logicalHeight, currBox->size().height() + currBox->marginHeight()));
} else if (curr->isLayoutInline()) {
// If the child doesn't need line boxes either, then we can recur.
LayoutInline* currInline = toLayoutInline(curr);
if (!currInline->alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
currInline->generateCulledLineBoxRects(yield, container);
} else {
for (InlineFlowBox* childLine = currInline->firstLineBox(); childLine; childLine = childLine->nextLineBox()) {
RootInlineBox& rootBox = childLine->root();
int logicalTop = rootBox.logicalTop() + (rootBox.layoutObject().style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent() - container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent());
int logicalHeight = container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().height();
if (isHorizontal) {
yield(LayoutRect(childLine->x() - childLine->marginLogicalLeft(),
childLine->logicalWidth() + childLine->marginLogicalLeft() + childLine->marginLogicalRight(),
} else {
childLine->y() - childLine->marginLogicalLeft(),
childLine->logicalWidth() + childLine->marginLogicalLeft() + childLine->marginLogicalRight()));
} else if (curr->isText()) {
LayoutText* currText = toLayoutText(curr);
for (InlineTextBox* childText = currText->firstTextBox(); childText; childText = childText->nextTextBox()) {
RootInlineBox& rootBox = childText->root();
int logicalTop = rootBox.logicalTop() + (rootBox.layoutObject().style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent() - container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().ascent());
int logicalHeight = container->style(rootBox.isFirstLineStyle())->font().fontMetrics().height();
if (isHorizontal)
yield(LayoutRect(childText->x(), logicalTop, childText->logicalWidth(), logicalHeight));
yield(LayoutRect(logicalTop, childText->y(), logicalHeight, childText->logicalWidth()));
namespace {
class AbsoluteRectsGeneratorContext {
AbsoluteRectsGeneratorContext(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
: m_rects(rects)
, m_accumulatedOffset(accumulatedOffset) { }
void operator()(const LayoutRect& rect)
IntRect intRect = enclosingIntRect(rect);
intRect.move(m_accumulatedOffset.x(), m_accumulatedOffset.y());
Vector<IntRect>& m_rects;
const LayoutPoint& m_accumulatedOffset;
} // unnamed namespace
void LayoutInline::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
AbsoluteRectsGeneratorContext context(rects, accumulatedOffset);
if (const LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation()) {
if (continuation->isBox()) {
const LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(continuation);
continuation->absoluteRects(rects, toLayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - containingBlock()->location() + box->locationOffset()));
} else {
continuation->absoluteRects(rects, toLayoutPoint(accumulatedOffset - containingBlock()->location()));
namespace {
class AbsoluteQuadsGeneratorContext {
AbsoluteQuadsGeneratorContext(const LayoutInline* layoutObject, Vector<FloatQuad>& quads)
: m_quads(quads)
, m_geometryMap()
m_geometryMap.pushMappingsToAncestor(layoutObject, 0);
void operator()(const FloatRect& rect)
Vector<FloatQuad>& m_quads;
LayoutGeometryMap m_geometryMap;
} // unnamed namespace
void LayoutInline::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool* wasFixed) const
AbsoluteQuadsGeneratorContext context(this, quads);
if (const LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation())
continuation->absoluteQuads(quads, wasFixed);
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::offsetLeft() const
LayoutPoint topLeft;
if (InlineBox* firstBox = firstLineBoxIncludingCulling()) {
topLeft = firstBox->topLeft();
return adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(topLeft).x();
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::offsetTop() const
LayoutPoint topLeft;
if (InlineBox* firstBox = firstLineBoxIncludingCulling()) {
topLeft = firstBox->topLeft();
return adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(topLeft).y();
static LayoutUnit computeMargin(const LayoutInline* layoutObject, const Length& margin)
if (margin.isFixed())
return margin.value();
if (margin.hasPercent())
return minimumValueForLength(margin, std::max(LayoutUnit(), layoutObject->containingBlock()->availableLogicalWidth()));
return LayoutUnit();
LayoutRectOutsets LayoutInline::marginBoxOutsets() const
return LayoutRectOutsets(marginTop(), marginRight(), marginBottom(), marginLeft());
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginLeft() const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginLeft());
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginRight() const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginRight());
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginTop() const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginTop());
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginBottom() const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginBottom());
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginStart(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle) const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginStartUsing(otherStyle ? otherStyle : style()));
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginEnd(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle) const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginEndUsing(otherStyle ? otherStyle : style()));
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginBefore(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle) const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginBeforeUsing(otherStyle ? otherStyle : style()));
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::marginAfter(const ComputedStyle* otherStyle) const
return computeMargin(this, style()->marginAfterUsing(otherStyle ? otherStyle : style()));
bool LayoutInline::nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
return m_lineBoxes.hitTest(this, result, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, hitTestAction);
namespace {
class HitTestCulledInlinesGeneratorContext {
HitTestCulledInlinesGeneratorContext(Region& region, const HitTestLocation& location) : m_intersected(false), m_region(region), m_location(location) { }
void operator()(const FloatRect& rect)
m_intersected = m_intersected || m_location.intersects(rect);
bool intersected() const { return m_intersected; }
bool m_intersected;
Region& m_region;
const HitTestLocation& m_location;
} // unnamed namespace
bool LayoutInline::hitTestCulledInline(HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
if (!visibleToHitTestRequest(result.hitTestRequest()))
return false;
HitTestLocation tmpLocation(locationInContainer, -toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
Region regionResult;
HitTestCulledInlinesGeneratorContext context(regionResult, tmpLocation);
generateCulledLineBoxRects(context, this);
if (context.intersected()) {
updateHitTestResult(result, tmpLocation.point());
// We can not use addNodeToListBasedTestResult to determine if we fully enclose the hit-test area
// because it can only handle rectangular targets.
result.addNodeToListBasedTestResult(node(), locationInContainer);
return regionResult.contains(tmpLocation.boundingBox());
return false;
PositionWithAffinity LayoutInline::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint& point)
// FIXME: Does not deal with relative positioned inlines (should it?)
LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlock();
if (firstLineBoxIncludingCulling()) {
// This inline actually has a line box. We must have clicked in the border/padding of one of these boxes. We
// should try to find a result by asking our containing block.
return cb->positionForPoint(point);
// Translate the coords from the pre-anonymous block to the post-anonymous block.
LayoutPoint parentBlockPoint = cb->location() + point;
LayoutBoxModelObject* c = continuation();
while (c) {
LayoutBox* contBlock = c->isInline() ? c->containingBlock() : toLayoutBlock(c);
if (c->isInline() || c->slowFirstChild())
return c->positionForPoint(parentBlockPoint - contBlock->locationOffset());
c = toLayoutBlock(c)->inlineElementContinuation();
return LayoutBoxModelObject::positionForPoint(point);
namespace {
class LinesBoundingBoxGeneratorContext {
LinesBoundingBoxGeneratorContext(FloatRect& rect) : m_rect(rect) { }
void operator()(const FloatRect& rect)
FloatRect& m_rect;
} // unnamed namespace
IntRect LayoutInline::linesBoundingBox() const
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
FloatRect floatResult;
LinesBoundingBoxGeneratorContext context(floatResult);
generateCulledLineBoxRects(context, this);
return enclosingIntRect(floatResult);
IntRect result;
// See <rdar://problem/5289721>, for an unknown reason the linked list here is sometimes inconsistent, first is non-zero and last is zero. We have been
// unable to reproduce this at all (and consequently unable to figure ot why this is happening). The assert will hopefully catch the problem in debug
// builds and help us someday figure out why. We also put in a redundant check of lastLineBox() to avoid the crash for now.
ASSERT(!firstLineBox() == !lastLineBox()); // Either both are null or both exist.
if (firstLineBox() && lastLineBox()) {
// Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side.
LayoutUnit logicalLeftSide = 0;
LayoutUnit logicalRightSide = 0;
for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->logicalLeft() < logicalLeftSide)
logicalLeftSide = curr->logicalLeft();
if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->logicalRight() > logicalRightSide)
logicalRightSide = curr->logicalRight();
bool isHorizontal = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
LayoutUnit x = isHorizontal ? logicalLeftSide : firstLineBox()->x();
LayoutUnit y = isHorizontal ? firstLineBox()->y() : logicalLeftSide;
LayoutUnit width = isHorizontal ? logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide : lastLineBox()->logicalBottom() - x;
LayoutUnit height = isHorizontal ? lastLineBox()->logicalBottom() - y : logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide;
result = enclosingIntRect(LayoutRect(x, y, width, height));
return result;
InlineBox* LayoutInline::culledInlineFirstLineBox() const
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
// We want to get the margin box in the inline direction, and then use our font ascent/descent in the block
// direction (aligned to the root box's baseline).
if (curr->isBox())
return toLayoutBox(curr)->inlineBoxWrapper();
if (curr->isLayoutInline()) {
LayoutInline* currInline = toLayoutInline(curr);
InlineBox* result = currInline->firstLineBoxIncludingCulling();
if (result)
return result;
} else if (curr->isText()) {
LayoutText* currText = toLayoutText(curr);
if (currText->firstTextBox())
return currText->firstTextBox();
return nullptr;
InlineBox* LayoutInline::culledInlineLastLineBox() const
for (LayoutObject* curr = lastChild(); curr; curr = curr->previousSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
// We want to get the margin box in the inline direction, and then use our font ascent/descent in the block
// direction (aligned to the root box's baseline).
if (curr->isBox())
return toLayoutBox(curr)->inlineBoxWrapper();
if (curr->isLayoutInline()) {
LayoutInline* currInline = toLayoutInline(curr);
InlineBox* result = currInline->lastLineBoxIncludingCulling();
if (result)
return result;
} else if (curr->isText()) {
LayoutText* currText = toLayoutText(curr);
if (currText->lastTextBox())
return currText->lastTextBox();
return nullptr;
LayoutRect LayoutInline::culledInlineVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const
FloatRect floatResult;
LinesBoundingBoxGeneratorContext context(floatResult);
generateCulledLineBoxRects(context, this);
LayoutRect result(enclosingLayoutRect(floatResult));
bool isHorizontal = style()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
// For overflow we just have to propagate by hand and recompute it all.
if (curr->isBox()) {
LayoutBox* currBox = toLayoutBox(curr);
if (!currBox->hasSelfPaintingLayer() && currBox->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
LayoutRect logicalRect = currBox->logicalVisualOverflowRectForPropagation(styleRef());
if (isHorizontal) {
} else {
} else if (curr->isLayoutInline()) {
// If the child doesn't need line boxes either, then we can recur.
LayoutInline* currInline = toLayoutInline(curr);
if (!currInline->alwaysCreateLineBoxes())
else if (!currInline->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
} else if (curr->isText()) {
// FIXME; Overflow from text boxes is lost. We will need to cache this information in
// InlineTextBoxes.
LayoutText* currText = toLayoutText(curr);
return result;
LayoutRect LayoutInline::linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox() const
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes())
return culledInlineVisualOverflowBoundingBox();
if (!firstLineBox() || !lastLineBox())
return LayoutRect();
// Return the width of the minimal left side and the maximal right side.
LayoutUnit logicalLeftSide = LayoutUnit::max();
LayoutUnit logicalRightSide = LayoutUnit::min();
for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
logicalLeftSide = std::min(logicalLeftSide, curr->logicalLeftVisualOverflow());
logicalRightSide = std::max(logicalRightSide, curr->logicalRightVisualOverflow());
RootInlineBox& firstRootBox = firstLineBox()->root();
RootInlineBox& lastRootBox = lastLineBox()->root();
LayoutUnit logicalTop = firstLineBox()->logicalTopVisualOverflow(firstRootBox.lineTop());
LayoutUnit logicalWidth = logicalRightSide - logicalLeftSide;
LayoutUnit logicalHeight = lastLineBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow(lastRootBox.lineBottom()) - logicalTop;
LayoutRect rect(logicalLeftSide, logicalTop, logicalWidth, logicalHeight);
if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
rect = rect.transposedRect();
return rect;
LayoutRect LayoutInline::absoluteClippedOverflowRect() const
if (!continuation())
return clippedOverflowRect(view());
FloatRect floatResult;
LinesBoundingBoxGeneratorContext context(floatResult);
LayoutInline* endContinuation = inlineElementContinuation();
while (LayoutInline* nextContinuation = endContinuation->inlineElementContinuation())
endContinuation = nextContinuation;
for (LayoutBlock* currBlock = containingBlock(); currBlock && currBlock->isAnonymousBlock(); currBlock = toLayoutBlock(currBlock->nextSibling())) {
for (LayoutObject* curr = currBlock->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
LayoutRect rect = curr->clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(view());
if (curr == endContinuation)
return LayoutRect(enclosingIntRect(floatResult));
return LayoutRect();
LayoutRect LayoutInline::clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
// If we don't create line boxes, we don't have any invalidations to do.
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes())
return LayoutRect();
return clippedOverflowRect(paintInvalidationContainer);
LayoutRect LayoutInline::clippedOverflowRect(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
const LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation();
if ((!firstLineBoxIncludingCulling() && !continuation) || style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
return LayoutRect();
LayoutRect overflowRect(linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox());
mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(paintInvalidationContainer, overflowRect, paintInvalidationState);
LayoutUnit outlineSize = style()->outlineSize();
if (outlineSize) {
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (!curr->isText())
overflowRect.unite(curr->rectWithOutlineForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer, outlineSize));
if (continuation && !continuation->isInline() && continuation->parent())
overflowRect.unite(continuation->rectWithOutlineForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer, outlineSize));
return overflowRect;
LayoutRect LayoutInline::rectWithOutlineForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutUnit outlineWidth, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
LayoutRect r(LayoutBoxModelObject::rectWithOutlineForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer, outlineWidth, paintInvalidationState));
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (!curr->isText())
r.unite(curr->rectWithOutlineForPaintInvalidation(paintInvalidationContainer, outlineWidth, paintInvalidationState));
return r;
void LayoutInline::mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect& rect, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
if (paintInvalidationState && paintInvalidationState->canMapToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer)) {
if (style()->hasInFlowPosition() && layer())
if (paintInvalidationState->isClipped())
if (paintInvalidationContainer == this)
bool containerSkipped;
LayoutObject* o = container(paintInvalidationContainer, &containerSkipped);
if (!o)
LayoutPoint topLeft = rect.location();
if (style()->hasInFlowPosition() && layer()) {
// Apply the in-flow position offset when invalidating a rectangle. The layer
// is translated, but the layout box isn't, so we need to do this to get the
// right dirty rect. Since this is called from LayoutObject::setStyle, the relative position
// flag on the LayoutObject has been cleared, so use the one on the style().
topLeft += layer()->offsetForInFlowPosition();
// FIXME: We ignore the lightweight clipping rect that controls use, since if |o| is in mid-layout,
// its controlClipRect will be wrong. For overflow clip we use the values cached by the layer.
if (o->hasOverflowClip()) {
LayoutBox* containerBox = toLayoutBox(o);
if (rect.isEmpty())
if (containerSkipped) {
// If the paintInvalidationContainer is below o, then we need to map the rect into paintInvalidationContainer's coordinates.
LayoutSize containerOffset = paintInvalidationContainer->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o);
o->mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(paintInvalidationContainer, rect, paintInvalidationState);
LayoutSize LayoutInline::offsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject* container, const LayoutPoint& point, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint) const
ASSERT(container == this->container());
LayoutSize offset;
if (isRelPositioned())
offset += offsetForInFlowPosition();
offset += container->columnOffset(point);
if (container->hasOverflowClip())
offset -= toLayoutBox(container)->scrolledContentOffset();
if (offsetDependsOnPoint)
*offsetDependsOnPoint = (container->isBox() && container->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) || container->isLayoutFlowThread();
return offset;
void LayoutInline::mapLocalToContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState& transformState, MapCoordinatesFlags mode, bool* wasFixed, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState) const
if (paintInvalidationContainer == this)
if (paintInvalidationState && paintInvalidationState->canMapToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer)) {
LayoutSize offset = paintInvalidationState->paintOffset();
if (style()->hasInFlowPosition() && layer())
offset += layer()->offsetForInFlowPosition();
bool containerSkipped;
LayoutObject* o = container(paintInvalidationContainer, &containerSkipped);
if (!o)
if (mode & ApplyContainerFlip && o->isBox()) {
if (o->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
IntPoint centerPoint = roundedIntPoint(transformState.mappedPoint());
transformState.move(toLayoutBox(o)->flipForWritingMode(LayoutPoint(centerPoint)) - centerPoint);
mode &= ~ApplyContainerFlip;
LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, roundedLayoutPoint(transformState.mappedPoint()));
bool preserve3D = mode & UseTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D());
if (mode & UseTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) {
TransformationMatrix t;
getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t);
transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
} else {
transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
if (containerSkipped) {
// There can't be a transform between paintInvalidationContainer and o, because transforms create containers, so it should be safe
// to just subtract the delta between the paintInvalidationContainer and o.
LayoutSize containerOffset = paintInvalidationContainer->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o);
transformState.move(-containerOffset.width(), -containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform);
o->mapLocalToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, transformState, mode, wasFixed, paintInvalidationState);
void LayoutInline::updateDragState(bool dragOn)
if (LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation())
void LayoutInline::childBecameNonInline(LayoutObject* child)
// We have to split the parent flow.
LayoutBlock* newBox = containingBlock()->createAnonymousBlock();
LayoutBoxModelObject* oldContinuation = continuation();
LayoutObject* beforeChild = child->nextSibling();
children()->removeChildNode(this, child);
splitFlow(beforeChild, newBox, child, oldContinuation);
void LayoutInline::updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult& result, const LayoutPoint& point)
if (result.innerNode())
Node* n = node();
LayoutPoint localPoint(point);
if (n) {
if (isInlineElementContinuation()) {
// We're in the continuation of a split inline. Adjust our local point to be in the coordinate space
// of the principal layoutObject's containing block. This will end up being the innerNode.
LayoutBlock* firstBlock = n->layoutObject()->containingBlock();
// Get our containing block.
LayoutBox* block = containingBlock();
localPoint.moveBy(block->location() - firstBlock->locationOffset());
result.setNodeAndPosition(n, localPoint);
void LayoutInline::dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout)
if (fullLayout) {
if (!alwaysCreateLineBoxes()) {
// We have to grovel into our children in order to dirty the appropriate lines.
for (LayoutObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned())
if (curr->isBox() && !curr->needsLayout()) {
LayoutBox* currBox = toLayoutBox(curr);
if (currBox->inlineBoxWrapper())
} else if (!curr->selfNeedsLayout()) {
if (curr->isLayoutInline()) {
LayoutInline* currInline = toLayoutInline(curr);
for (InlineFlowBox* childLine = currInline->firstLineBox(); childLine; childLine = childLine->nextLineBox())
} else if (curr->isText()) {
LayoutText* currText = toLayoutText(curr);
for (InlineTextBox* childText = currText->firstTextBox(); childText; childText = childText->nextTextBox())
} else {
InlineFlowBox* LayoutInline::createInlineFlowBox()
return new InlineFlowBox(*this);
InlineFlowBox* LayoutInline::createAndAppendInlineFlowBox()
InlineFlowBox* flowBox = createInlineFlowBox();
return flowBox;
LayoutUnit LayoutInline::lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode /*direction*/, LinePositionMode /*linePositionMode*/) const
if (firstLine && document().styleEngine().usesFirstLineRules()) {
const ComputedStyle* s = style(firstLine);
if (s != style())
return s->computedLineHeight();
return style()->computedLineHeight();
int LayoutInline::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const
ASSERT(linePositionMode == PositionOnContainingLine);
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = style(firstLine)->fontMetrics();
return fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType) + (lineHeight(firstLine, direction, linePositionMode) - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
LayoutSize LayoutInline::offsetForInFlowPositionedInline(const LayoutBox& child) const
// FIXME: This function isn't right with mixed writing modes.
if (!isRelPositioned())
return LayoutSize();
// When we have an enclosing relpositioned inline, we need to add in the offset of the first line
// box from the rest of the content, but only in the cases where we know we're positioned
// relative to the inline itself.
LayoutSize logicalOffset;
LayoutUnit inlinePosition;
LayoutUnit blockPosition;
if (firstLineBox()) {
inlinePosition = firstLineBox()->logicalLeft();
blockPosition = firstLineBox()->logicalTop();
} else {
inlinePosition = layer()->staticInlinePosition();
blockPosition = layer()->staticBlockPosition();
// Per an absolute positioned box
// with a static position should locate itself as though it is a normal flow box in relation to
// its containing block. If this relative-positioned inline has a negative offset we need to
// compensate for it so that we align the positioned object with the edge of its containing block.
if (>hasStaticInlinePosition(style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()))
logicalOffset.setWidth(std::max(LayoutUnit(), -offsetForInFlowPosition().width()));
if (!>hasStaticBlockPosition(style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()))
return style()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? logicalOffset : logicalOffset.transposedSize();
void LayoutInline::imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect*)
if (!parent())
// FIXME: We can do better.
namespace {
class AbsoluteLayoutRectsGeneratorContext {
AbsoluteLayoutRectsGeneratorContext(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
: m_rects(rects)
, m_accumulatedOffset(accumulatedOffset) { }
void operator()(const FloatRect& rect)
LayoutRect layoutRect(rect);
layoutRect.move(m_accumulatedOffset.x(), m_accumulatedOffset.y());
Vector<LayoutRect>& m_rects;
const LayoutPoint& m_accumulatedOffset;
class AbsoluteLayoutRectsIgnoringEmptyRectsGeneratorContext : public AbsoluteLayoutRectsGeneratorContext {
AbsoluteLayoutRectsIgnoringEmptyRectsGeneratorContext(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset)
: AbsoluteLayoutRectsGeneratorContext(rects, accumulatedOffset) { }
void operator()(const FloatRect& rect)
if (!rect.isEmpty())
} // unnamed namespace
void LayoutInline::addFocusRingRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset) const
// Add line boxes only if this object is the first object of addFocusRingRects().
// Otherwise the parent (LayoutBlockFlow or LayoutInline) should have added line box rects
// covering those of this object.
if (rects.isEmpty()) {
AbsoluteLayoutRectsIgnoringEmptyRectsGeneratorContext context(rects, additionalOffset);
addFocusRingRectsForNormalChildren(rects, additionalOffset);
if (LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation = this->continuation()) {
if (continuation->isInline())
continuation->addFocusRingRects(rects, additionalOffset + (continuation->containingBlock()->location() - containingBlock()->location()));
continuation->addFocusRingRects(rects, additionalOffset + (toLayoutBox(continuation)->location() - containingBlock()->location()));
void LayoutInline::computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const
AbsoluteLayoutRectsGeneratorContext context(rects, layerOffset);
void LayoutInline::addAnnotatedRegions(Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>& regions)
// Convert the style regions to absolute coordinates.
if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
if (style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionNone)
AnnotatedRegionValue region;
region.draggable = style()->getDraggableRegionMode() == DraggableRegionDrag;
region.bounds = LayoutRect(linesBoundingBox());
LayoutObject* container = containingBlock();
if (!container)
container = this;
FloatPoint absPos = container->localToAbsolute();
region.bounds.setX(absPos.x() + region.bounds.x());
region.bounds.setY(absPos.y() + region.bounds.y());
void LayoutInline::invalidateDisplayItemClients(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) const
for (InlineFlowBox* box = firstLineBox(); box; box = box->nextLineBox())
} // namespace blink