blob: 6c5d602d05e043036655836a4792ba3e2c16e48e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeRenderingContext.h"
#include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "core/animation/css/CSSAnimations.h"
#include "core/css/resolver/StyleResolver.h"
#include "core/dom/ContainerNode.h"
#include "core/dom/FullscreenElementStack.h"
#include "core/dom/Node.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/InsertionPoint.h"
#include "core/rendering/FlowThreadController.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderFullScreen.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderNamedFlowThread.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderText.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderView.h"
namespace WebCore {
static bool isRendererReparented(const RenderObject* renderer)
if (!renderer->node()->isElementNode())
return false;
if (renderer->style() && !renderer->style()->flowThread().isEmpty())
return true;
if (toElement(renderer->node())->shouldBeReparentedUnderRenderView(renderer->style()))
return true;
return false;
RenderObject* NodeRenderingContext::nextRenderer() const
if (RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer())
return renderer->nextSibling();
Element* element = m_node->isElementNode() ? toElement(m_node) : 0;
if (element && element->shouldBeReparentedUnderRenderView(m_style.get())) {
// FIXME: Reparented renderers not in the top layer should probably be
// ordered in DOM tree order. We don't have a good way to do that yet,
// since NodeRenderingTraversal isn't aware of reparenting. It's safe to
// just append for now; it doesn't disrupt the top layer rendering as
// the layer collection in RenderLayer only requires that top layer
// renderers are orderered correctly relative to each other.
if (!element->isInTopLayer())
return 0;
const Vector<RefPtr<Element> >& topLayerElements = element->document().topLayerElements();
size_t position = topLayerElements.find(element);
ASSERT(position != kNotFound);
for (size_t i = position + 1; i < topLayerElements.size(); ++i) {
if (RenderObject* renderer = topLayerElements[i]->renderer())
return renderer;
return 0;
if (m_parentFlowRenderer)
return m_parentFlowRenderer->nextRendererForNode(m_node);
// Avoid an O(N^2) walk over the children when reattaching all children of a node.
if (m_renderingParent && m_renderingParent->needsAttach())
return 0;
for (Node* sibling = NodeRenderingTraversal::nextSibling(m_node); sibling; sibling = NodeRenderingTraversal::nextSibling(sibling)) {
RenderObject* renderer = sibling->renderer();
if (renderer && !isRendererReparented(renderer))
return renderer;
return 0;
RenderObject* NodeRenderingContext::previousRenderer() const
if (RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer())
return renderer->previousSibling();
// FIXME: This doesn't work correctly for reparented elements that are
// display: none. We'd need to duplicate the logic in nextRenderer, but since
// nothing needs that yet just assert.
ASSERT(!m_node->isElementNode() || !toElement(m_node)->shouldBeReparentedUnderRenderView(m_style.get()));
if (m_parentFlowRenderer)
return m_parentFlowRenderer->previousRendererForNode(m_node);
// FIXME: We should have the same O(N^2) avoidance as nextRenderer does
// however, when I tried adding it, several tests failed.
for (Node* sibling = NodeRenderingTraversal::previousSibling(m_node); sibling; sibling = NodeRenderingTraversal::previousSibling(sibling)) {
RenderObject* renderer = sibling->renderer();
if (renderer && !isRendererReparented(renderer))
return renderer;
return 0;
RenderObject* NodeRenderingContext::parentRenderer() const
if (RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer())
return renderer->parent();
if (m_node->isElementNode() && toElement(m_node)->shouldBeReparentedUnderRenderView(m_style.get())) {
// The parent renderer of reparented elements is the RenderView, but only
// if the normal parent would have had a renderer.
// FIXME: This behavior isn't quite right as the spec for top layer
// only talks about display: none ancestors so putting a <dialog> inside
// an <optgroup> seems like it should still work even though this check
// will prevent it.
if (!m_renderingParent || !m_renderingParent->renderer())
return 0;
return m_node->document().renderView();
if (m_parentFlowRenderer)
return m_parentFlowRenderer;
return m_renderingParent ? m_renderingParent->renderer() : 0;
bool NodeRenderingContext::shouldCreateRenderer() const
if (!m_renderingParent)
return false;
RenderObject* parentRenderer = this->parentRenderer();
if (!parentRenderer)
return false;
if (!parentRenderer->canHaveChildren())
return false;
if (!m_renderingParent->childShouldCreateRenderer(*m_node))
return false;
return true;
// Check the specific case of elements that are children of regions but are flowed into a flow thread themselves.
bool NodeRenderingContext::elementInsideRegionNeedsRenderer()
Element* element = toElement(m_node);
bool elementInsideRegionNeedsRenderer = false;
RenderObject* parentRenderer = this->parentRenderer();
if ((parentRenderer && !parentRenderer->canHaveChildren() && parentRenderer->isRenderRegion())
|| (!parentRenderer && element->parentElement() && element->parentElement()->isInsideRegion())) {
if (!m_style)
m_style = element->styleForRenderer();
elementInsideRegionNeedsRenderer = element->shouldMoveToFlowThread(m_style.get());
// Children of this element will only be allowed to be flowed into other flow-threads if display is NOT none.
if (element->rendererIsNeeded(*m_style))
return elementInsideRegionNeedsRenderer;
void NodeRenderingContext::moveToFlowThreadIfNeeded()
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::cssRegionsEnabled())
Element* element = toElement(m_node);
if (!element->shouldMoveToFlowThread(m_style.get()))
FlowThreadController* flowThreadController = m_node->document().renderView()->flowThreadController();
m_parentFlowRenderer = flowThreadController->ensureRenderFlowThreadWithName(m_style->flowThread());
flowThreadController->registerNamedFlowContentNode(m_node, m_parentFlowRenderer);
void NodeRenderingContext::createRendererForElementIfNeeded()
Element* element = toElement(m_node);
if (!shouldCreateRenderer() && !elementInsideRegionNeedsRenderer())
// If m_style is already available, this scope shouldn't attempt to trigger animation updates.
CSSAnimationUpdateScope cssAnimationUpdateScope(m_style ? 0 : element);
if (!m_style)
m_style = element->styleForRenderer();
if (!element->rendererIsNeeded(*m_style))
RenderObject* newRenderer = element->createRenderer(m_style.get());
if (!newRenderer)
RenderObject* parentRenderer = this->parentRenderer();
if (!parentRenderer->isChildAllowed(newRenderer, m_style.get())) {
// Make sure the RenderObject already knows it is going to be added to a RenderFlowThread before we set the style
// for the first time. Otherwise code using inRenderFlowThread() in the styleWillChange and styleDidChange will fail.
RenderObject* nextRenderer = this->nextRenderer();
newRenderer->setAnimatableStyle(m_style.release()); // setAnimatableStyle() can depend on renderer() already being set.
if (FullscreenElementStack::isActiveFullScreenElement(element)) {
newRenderer = RenderFullScreen::wrapRenderer(newRenderer, parentRenderer, &element->document());
if (!newRenderer)
// Note: Adding newRenderer instead of renderer(). renderer() may be a child of newRenderer.
parentRenderer->addChild(newRenderer, nextRenderer);
void NodeRenderingContext::createRendererForTextIfNeeded()
Text* textNode = toText(m_node);
if (!shouldCreateRenderer())
RenderObject* parentRenderer = this->parentRenderer();
if (m_parentDetails.resetStyleInheritance())
m_style = textNode->document().styleResolver()->defaultStyleForElement();
m_style = parentRenderer->style();
if (!textNode->textRendererIsNeeded(*this))
RenderText* newRenderer = textNode->createTextRenderer(m_style.get());
if (!parentRenderer->isChildAllowed(newRenderer, m_style.get())) {
// Make sure the RenderObject already knows it is going to be added to a RenderFlowThread before we set the style
// for the first time. Otherwise code using inRenderFlowThread() in the styleWillChange and styleDidChange will fail.
RenderObject* nextRenderer = this->nextRenderer();
// Parent takes care of the animations, no need to call setAnimatableStyle.
parentRenderer->addChild(newRenderer, nextRenderer);