blob: ab738eb54835d6f9af3bdeb25ad75c85d53f7861 [file] [log] [blame]
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function testGetComputedStyle(el) {
return el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el);
function test() {
var default_op = $('default-select').options[0];
var size0_op = $('size0-select').options[0];
var size1_op = $('size1-select').options[0];
var default_color = testGetComputedStyle(default_op)['background-color'];
var size0_color = testGetComputedStyle(size0_op)['background-color'];
var size1_color = testGetComputedStyle(size1_op)['background-color'];
$('result').textContent =
(default_color == size0_color && default_color == size1_color) ? "PASS"
: "FAIL";
if (window.testRunner)
<body onload='test();'>
This test verifies that the dropdown background colors of &lt;select&gt; and &lt;select size="0"|"1"&gt; are consistent. You should see PASS below if test passes. Otherwise, FAIL shows up.
<div id='result'>Oops</div>
<select id='default-select'>
<option>Item 1</option>
<option>Item 2</option>
<select size="0" id='size0-select'>
<option>Item 1</option>
<option>Item 2</option>
<select size="1" id='size1-select'>
<option>Item 1</option>
<option>Item 2</option>
Note: Two items are used so that you could manually see the difference. The test logic only needs the first item to run.