blob: 8214156af70e83abd5c0646a7ed629a55d08d50b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebScheduler_h
#define WebScheduler_h
#include "WebCommon.h"
#include "public/platform/WebThread.h"
namespace blink {
class WebTraceLocation;
// This class is used to submit tasks and pass other information from Blink to
// the platform's scheduler.
class BLINK_PLATFORM_EXPORT WebScheduler {
virtual ~WebScheduler() { }
// An IdleTask is passed a deadline in CLOCK_MONOTONIC seconds and is
// expected to complete before this deadline.
class IdleTask {
virtual ~IdleTask() { }
virtual void run(double deadlineSeconds) = 0;
// Returns true if there is high priority work pending on the main thread
// and the caller should yield to let the scheduler service that work.
// Must be called on the main thread.
virtual bool shouldYieldForHighPriorityWork() { return false; }
// Returns true if a currently running idle task could exceed its deadline
// without impacting user experience too much. This should only be used if
// there is a task which cannot be pre-empted and is likely to take longer
// than the largest expected idle task deadline. It should NOT be polled to
// check whether more work can be performed on the current idle task after
// its deadline has expired - post a new idle task for the continuation of
// the work in this case.
// Must be called from the main thread.
virtual bool canExceedIdleDeadlineIfRequired() { return false; }
// Schedule an idle task to run the Blink main thread. For non-critical
// tasks which may be reordered relative to other task types and may be
// starved for an arbitrarily long time if no idle time is available.
// Takes ownership of |IdleTask|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void postIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&, IdleTask*) { }
// Like postIdleTask but guarantees that the posted task will not run
// nested within an already-running task. Posting an idle task as
// non-nestable may not affect when the task gets run, or it could
// make it run later than it normally would, but it won't make it
// run earlier than it normally would.
virtual void postNonNestableIdleTask(const WebTraceLocation&, IdleTask*) { }
// Like postIdleTask but does not run the idle task until after some other
// task has run. This enables posting of a task which won't stop the Blink
// main thread from sleeping, but will start running after it wakes up.
// Takes ownership of |IdleTask|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void postIdleTaskAfterWakeup(const WebTraceLocation&, IdleTask*) { }
// Schedule a loading task to be run on the Blink main thread. Loading
// tasks usually have the default priority, but may be deprioritised
// when the user is interacting with the device.
// Takes ownership of |WebThread::Task|. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void postLoadingTask(const WebTraceLocation&, WebThread::Task*) { }
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebScheduler_h