blob: 8e190779e3dde6a1978cab6e03f22eb24dc931e1 [file] [log] [blame]
Test <video> element size with and without 'src' and 'poster' attributes.
Testing movie with no 'src' and no 'poster', with 'width' and 'height' attributes.
EXPECTED (video.clientWidth == '640') OK
EXPECTED (video.clientHeight == '480') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoWidth == '0') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoHeight == '0') OK
Removing 'width' and 'height' attributes.
Testing movie with no 'src' and no 'poster', with NO 'width' and 'height' attributes, should be default size.
EXPECTED (video.clientWidth == '300') OK
EXPECTED (video.clientHeight == '150') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoWidth == '0') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoHeight == '0') OK
Setting 'poster' to "content/abe.png"
Testing movie with 'poster' but no 'src', should be image size.
EXPECTED (video.clientWidth == '76') OK
EXPECTED (video.clientHeight == '103') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoWidth == '0') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoHeight == '0') OK
Setting 'src' to "content/test.[extension]"
Testing movie with 'poster' and 'src', should be <video> size.
EXPECTED (video.clientWidth == '320') OK
EXPECTED (video.clientHeight == '240') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoWidth == '320') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoHeight == '240') OK
Setting 'src' to "content/bogus.[extension]" 'poster' to "content/greenbox.png"
Testing movie with 'poster' and invalid 'src', should be image size.
EXPECTED (video.clientWidth == '25') OK
EXPECTED (video.clientHeight == '25') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoWidth == '0') OK
EXPECTED (video.videoHeight == '0') OK