blob: 683e68ca5f42037f9bd2b98fceedc2ad8a8ea8e3 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/bluetooth-helpers.js"></script>
'use strict';
test(t => { assert_true(window.testRunner instanceof Object); t.done(); },
'window.testRunner is required for the following tests.');
promise_test(() => {
return requestDeviceWithKeyDown({filters: [{services: ['generic_access']}]})
.then(device => device.connectGATT())
.then(gattServer => gattServer.getPrimaryService('generic_access'))
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic('gap.device_name'))
.then(characteristic => {
return assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
characteristic.readValue(), {
name: 'NetworkError',
message: 'Bluetooth Device is no longer in range.'
}, 'Device went out of range');
}, 'Device goes out of range. Reject with NetworkError.');
promise_test(() => {
return requestDeviceWithKeyDown({filters: [{services: ['generic_access']}]})
.then(device => device.connectGATT())
.then(gattServer => gattServer.getPrimaryService('generic_access'))
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic('gap.device_name'))
.then(characteristic => {
return assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
characteristic.readValue(), {
name: 'InvalidStateError',
message: 'GATT Service no longer exists.'
}, 'Service got removed.');
}, 'Service gets removed. Reject with InvalidStateError.');
promise_test(() => {
return requestDeviceWithKeyDown({filters: [{services: ['generic_access']}]})
.then(device => device.connectGATT())
.then(gattService => gattService.getPrimaryService('generic_access'))
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic('gap.device_name'))
.then(characteristic => {
return assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
characteristic.readValue(), {
name: 'InvalidStateError',
message: 'GATT Characteristic no longer exists.'
}, 'Characteristic got removed.');
}, 'Characteristic gets removed. Reject with InvalidStateError.');
// The following tests make sure the Web Bluetooth implementation
// responds correctly to the different types of errors the
// underlying platform might return for GATT operations.
// Each implementation maps these characteristics to specific code paths
// that result in different errors thus increasing code coverage
// when testing. Therefore some of these characteristics might not be useful
// for all implementations.
testName: 'GATT Error: Unknown.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA1),
error: {
name: 'NotSupportedError',
message: 'GATT Error Unknown.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Failed.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA2),
error: {
name: 'NotSupportedError',
message: 'GATT operation failed for unknown reason.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: In Progress.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA3),
error: {
name: 'NetworkError',
message: 'GATT operation already in progress.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Invalid Length.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA4),
error: {
name: 'InvalidModificationError',
message: 'GATT Error: invalid attribute length.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Permitted.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA5),
error: {
name: 'NotSupportedError',
message: 'GATT operation not permitted.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Authorized.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA6),
error: {
name: 'SecurityError',
message: 'GATT operation not authorized.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Paired.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA7),
// TODO(ortuno): Change to InsufficientAuthenticationError or similiar
// once is
// resolved.
error: {
name: 'NetworkError',
message: 'GATT Error: Not paired.'
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Supported.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA8),
error: {
name: 'NotSupportedError',
message: 'GATT Error: Not supported.'
}].forEach(testSpec => {
promise_test(() => {
return requestDeviceWithKeyDown({filters: [{services: [errorUUID(0xA0)]}]})
.then(device => device.connectGATT())
.then(gattServer => gattServer.getPrimaryService(errorUUID(0xA0)))
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic(testSpec.uuid))
.then(characteristic => {
return assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
'Trying to read the characteristic failed');
}, testSpec.testName);
promise_test(() => {
return requestDeviceWithKeyDown({filters: [{services: ['generic_access']}]})
.then(device => device.connectGATT())
.then(gattServer => gattServer.getPrimaryService('generic_access'))
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic('gap.device_name'))
.then(characteristic => characteristic.readValue())
.then(value => {
let decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
let value_str = decoder.decode(value);
assert_equals(value_str, 'Generic Access Device');
}, 'Request for characteristic. Should return right characteristic');