blob: 3b502f3e7eb417295dbc342c99ff0078929b7bbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "platform/heap/GCInfo.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/heap/Heap.h"
namespace blink {
// GCInfo indices start from 1 for heap objects, with 0 being treated
// specially as the index for freelist entries and large heap objects.
int GCInfoTable::s_gcInfoIndex = 0;
size_t GCInfoTable::s_gcInfoTableSize = 0;
GCInfo const** s_gcInfoTable = nullptr;
void GCInfoTable::ensureGCInfoIndex(const GCInfo* gcInfo, size_t* gcInfoIndexSlot)
// Keep a global GCInfoTable lock while allocating a new slot.
AtomicallyInitializedStaticReference(Mutex, mutex, new Mutex);
MutexLocker locker(mutex);
// If more than one thread ends up allocating a slot for
// the same GCInfo, have later threads reuse the slot
// allocated by the first.
if (*gcInfoIndexSlot)
int index = ++s_gcInfoIndex;
size_t gcInfoIndex = static_cast<size_t>(index);
RELEASE_ASSERT(gcInfoIndex < GCInfoTable::maxIndex);
if (gcInfoIndex >= s_gcInfoTableSize)
s_gcInfoTable[gcInfoIndex] = gcInfo;
releaseStore(reinterpret_cast<int*>(gcInfoIndexSlot), index);
void GCInfoTable::resize()
static const int gcInfoZapValue = 0x33;
// (Light) experimentation suggests that Blink doesn't need
// more than this while handling content on popular web properties.
const size_t initialSize = 512;
size_t newSize = s_gcInfoTableSize ? 2 * s_gcInfoTableSize : initialSize;
ASSERT(newSize < GCInfoTable::maxIndex);
s_gcInfoTable = reinterpret_cast<GCInfo const**>(realloc(s_gcInfoTable, newSize * sizeof(GCInfo)));
memset(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s_gcInfoTable) + s_gcInfoTableSize * sizeof(GCInfo), gcInfoZapValue, (newSize - s_gcInfoTableSize) * sizeof(GCInfo));
s_gcInfoTableSize = newSize;
void GCInfoTable::init()
void GCInfoTable::shutdown()
s_gcInfoTable = nullptr;
void assertObjectHasGCInfo(const void* payload, size_t gcInfoIndex)
#if !defined(COMPONENT_BUILD)
// On component builds we cannot compare the gcInfos as they are statically
// defined in each of the components and hence will not match.
BasePage* page = pageFromObject(payload);
ASSERT(HeapObjectHeader::fromPayload(payload)->gcInfoIndex() == gcInfoIndex);
} // namespace blink