blob: d7eece4c4697abd2ff058068a3f0f84a38b8e7d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GarbageCollected_h
#define GarbageCollected_h
#include "platform/heap/ThreadState.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "wtf/Assertions.h"
#include "wtf/ListHashSet.h"
#include "wtf/TypeTraits.h"
namespace blink {
template<typename T> class GarbageCollected;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V, typename W, typename X> class HeapHashMap;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V> class HeapHashSet;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V> class HeapLinkedHashSet;
template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U> class HeapListHashSet;
template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity> class HeapVector;
template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity> class HeapDeque;
template<typename T, typename U, typename V> class HeapHashCountedSet;
template<typename T> class HeapTerminatedArray;
template<typename T, typename Traits> class HeapVectorBacking;
template<typename Table> class HeapHashTableBacking;
template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity> class HeapListHashSetAllocator;
class InlinedGlobalMarkingVisitor;
template<typename T> class Persistent;
// GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE is used to make the plugin ignore a particular class or
// field when checking for proper usage. When using GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE
// a bug-number should be provided as an argument where the bug describes
// what needs to happen to remove the GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE again.
#define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug) \
#define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug)
// Template to determine if a class is a GarbageCollectedMixin by checking if it
// has IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker
template<typename T>
struct IsGarbageCollectedMixin {
typedef char YesType;
struct NoType {
char padding[8];
template <typename U> static YesType checkMarker(typename U::IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker*);
template <typename U> static NoType checkMarker(...);
static const bool value = sizeof(checkMarker<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(YesType);
template <typename T>
struct IsGarbageCollectedType {
using TrueType = char;
struct FalseType {
char dummy[2];
using NonConstType = typename WTF::RemoveConst<T>::Type;
using GarbageCollectedSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, GarbageCollected>;
using GarbageCollectedMixinSubclass = IsGarbageCollectedMixin<NonConstType>;
using HeapHashSetSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapHashSet>;
using HeapLinkedHashSetSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapLinkedHashSet>;
using HeapListHashSetSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplateTypenameSizeTypename<NonConstType, HeapListHashSet>;
using HeapHashMapSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapHashMap>;
using HeapVectorSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplateTypenameSize<NonConstType, HeapVector>;
using HeapDequeSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplateTypenameSize<NonConstType, HeapDeque>;
using HeapHashCountedSetSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapHashCountedSet>;
using HeapTerminatedArraySubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapTerminatedArray>;
using HeapVectorBackingSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapVectorBacking>;
using HeapHashTableBackingSubclass = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<NonConstType, HeapHashTableBacking>;
template<typename U, size_t inlineCapacity> static TrueType listHashSetNodeIsHeapAllocated(WTF::ListHashSetNode<U, HeapListHashSetAllocator<U, inlineCapacity>>*);
static FalseType listHashSetNodeIsHeapAllocated(...);
static const bool isHeapAllocatedListHashSetNode = sizeof(TrueType) == sizeof(listHashSetNodeIsHeapAllocated(reinterpret_cast<NonConstType*>(0)));
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static const bool value =
|| GarbageCollectedMixinSubclass::value
|| HeapHashSetSubclass::value
|| HeapLinkedHashSetSubclass::value
|| HeapListHashSetSubclass::value
|| HeapHashMapSubclass::value
|| HeapVectorSubclass::value
|| HeapDequeSubclass::value
|| HeapHashCountedSetSubclass::value
|| HeapTerminatedArraySubclass::value
|| HeapVectorBackingSubclass::value
|| HeapHashTableBackingSubclass::value
|| isHeapAllocatedListHashSetNode;
// The GarbageCollectedMixin interface and helper macro
// USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN can be used to automatically define
// TraceTrait/ObjectAliveTrait on non-leftmost deriving classes
// which need to be garbage collected.
// Consider the following case:
// class B {};
// class A : public GarbageCollected, public B {};
// We can't correctly handle "Member<B> p = &a" as we can't compute addr of
// object header statically. This can be solved by using GarbageCollectedMixin:
// class B : public GarbageCollectedMixin {};
// class A : public GarbageCollected, public B {
// };
// With the helper, as long as we are using Member<B>, TypeTrait<B> will
// dispatch adjustAndMark dynamically to find collect addr of the object header.
// Note that this is only enabled for Member<B>. For Member<A> which we can
// compute the object header addr statically, this dynamic dispatch is not used.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT GarbageCollectedMixin {
typedef int IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker;
virtual void adjustAndMark(Visitor*) const = 0;
virtual void trace(Visitor*) { }
virtual void adjustAndMark(InlinedGlobalMarkingVisitor) const = 0;
virtual void trace(InlinedGlobalMarkingVisitor);
virtual bool isHeapObjectAlive() const = 0;
public: \
void adjustAndMark(VISITOR visitor) const override \
{ \
typedef WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<typename WTF::RemoveConst<TYPE>::Type, blink::GarbageCollected> IsSubclassOfGarbageCollected; \
static_assert(IsSubclassOfGarbageCollected::value, "only garbage collected objects can have garbage collected mixins"); \
if (TraceEagerlyTrait<TYPE>::value) { \
if (visitor->ensureMarked(static_cast<const TYPE*>(this))) \
TraceTrait<TYPE>::trace(visitor, const_cast<TYPE*>(this)); \
return; \
} \
visitor->mark(static_cast<const TYPE*>(this), &blink::TraceTrait<TYPE>::trace); \
} \
// A C++ object's vptr will be initialized to its leftmost base's vtable after
// the constructors of all its subclasses have run, so if a subclass constructor
// tries to access any of the vtbl entries of its leftmost base prematurely,
// it'll find an as-yet incorrect vptr and fail. Which is exactly what a
// garbage collector will try to do if it tries to access the leftmost base
// while one of the subclass constructors of a GC mixin object triggers a GC.
// It is consequently not safe to allow any GCs while these objects are under
// (sub constructor) construction.
// To prevent GCs in that restricted window of a mixin object's construction:
// - The initial allocation of the mixin object will enter a no GC scope.
// This is done by overriding 'operator new' for mixin instances.
// - When the constructor for the mixin is invoked, after all the
// derived constructors have run, it will invoke the constructor
// for a field whose only purpose is to leave the GC scope.
// GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker's constructor takes care of
// this and the field is declared by way of USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN().
public: \
void* operator new(size_t size) \
{ \
void* object = TYPE::allocateObject(size, IsEagerlyFinalizedType<TYPE>::value); \
ThreadState* state = ThreadStateFor<ThreadingTrait<TYPE>::Affinity>::state(); \
state->enterGCForbiddenScopeIfNeeded(&(reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(object)->m_mixinConstructorMarker)); \
return object; \
} \
GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker m_mixinConstructorMarker; \
// Mixins that wrap/nest others requires extra handling:
// class A : public GarbageCollected<A>, public GarbageCollectedMixin {
// ...
// }'
// public B final : public A, public SomeOtherMixinInterface {
// ...
// };
// The "operator new" for B will enter the forbidden GC scope, but
// upon construction, two GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker constructors
// will run -- one for A (first) and another for B (secondly). Only
// the second one should leave the forbidden GC scope. This is realized by
// recording the address of B's GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker
// when the "operator new" for B runs, and leaving the forbidden GC scope
// when the constructor of the recorded GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker
// runs.
public: \
bool isHeapObjectAlive() const override \
{ \
return Heap::isHeapObjectAlive(this); \
} \
// An empty class with a constructor that's arranged invoked when all derived constructors
// of a mixin instance have completed and it is safe to allow GCs again. See
// AllocateObjectTrait<> comment for more.
// USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN() declares a GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker<> private
// field. By following Blink convention of using the macro at the top of a class declaration,
// its constructor will run first.
class GarbageCollectedMixinConstructorMarker {
// FIXME: if prompt conservative GCs are needed, forced GCs that
// were denied while within this scope, could now be performed.
// For now, assume the next out-of-line allocation request will
// happen soon enough and take care of it. Mixin objects aren't
// overly common.
ThreadState* state = ThreadState::current();
// Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected heap.
// Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the heap. 'delete'
// should not be called on objects that inherit from GarbageCollected.
// Instances of GarbageCollected will *NOT* get finalized. Their destructor
// will not be called. Therefore, only classes that have trivial destructors
// with no semantic meaning (including all their subclasses) should inherit from
// GarbageCollected. If there are non-trival destructors in a given class or
// any of its subclasses, GarbageCollectedFinalized should be used which
// guarantees that the destructor is called on an instance when the garbage
// collector determines that it is no longer reachable.
template<typename T> class GarbageCollected;
// Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected heap.
// Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the heap. 'delete'
// should not be called on objects that inherit from GarbageCollected.
// Instances of GarbageCollectedFinalized will have their destructor called when
// the garbage collector determines that the object is no longer reachable.
template<typename T>
class GarbageCollectedFinalized : public GarbageCollected<T> {
// finalizeGarbageCollectedObject is called when the object is freed from
// the heap. By default finalization means calling the destructor on the
// object. finalizeGarbageCollectedObject can be overridden to support
// calling the destructor of a subclass. This is useful for objects without
// vtables that require explicit dispatching. The name is intentionally a
// bit long to make name conflicts less likely.
void finalizeGarbageCollectedObject()
GarbageCollectedFinalized() { }
~GarbageCollectedFinalized() { }
template<typename U> friend struct HasFinalizer;
template<typename U, bool> friend struct FinalizerTraitImpl;
// Base class for objects that are in the Blink garbage-collected heap
// and are still reference counted.
// This class should be used sparingly and only to gradually move
// objects from being reference counted to being managed by the blink
// garbage collector.
// While the current reference counting keeps one of these objects
// alive it will have a Persistent handle to itself allocated so we
// will not reclaim the memory. When the reference count reaches 0 the
// persistent handle will be deleted. When the garbage collector
// determines that there are no other references to the object it will
// be reclaimed and the destructor of the reclaimed object will be
// called at that time.
template<typename T>
class RefCountedGarbageCollected : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<T> {
: m_refCount(0)
// Implement method to increase reference count for use with RefPtrs.
// In contrast to the normal WTF::RefCounted, the reference count can reach
// 0 and increase again. This happens in the following scenario:
// (1) The reference count becomes 0, but members, persistents, or
// on-stack pointers keep references to the object.
// (2) The pointer is assigned to a RefPtr again and the reference
// count becomes 1.
// In this case, we have to resurrect m_keepAlive.
void ref()
if (UNLIKELY(!m_refCount)) {
// Implement method to decrease reference count for use with RefPtrs.
// In contrast to the normal WTF::RefCounted implementation, the
// object itself is not deleted when the reference count reaches
// 0. Instead, the keep-alive persistent handle is deallocated so
// that the object can be reclaimed when the garbage collector
// determines that there are no other references to the object.
void deref()
ASSERT(m_refCount > 0);
if (!--m_refCount) {
delete m_keepAlive;
m_keepAlive = 0;
bool hasOneRef()
return m_refCount == 1;
~RefCountedGarbageCollected() { }
void makeKeepAlive()
m_keepAlive = new Persistent<T>(static_cast<T*>(this));
int m_refCount;
Persistent<T>* m_keepAlive;
template<typename T, bool = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<typename WTF::RemoveConst<T>::Type, GarbageCollected>::value> class NeedsAdjustAndMark;
template<typename T>
class NeedsAdjustAndMark<T, true> {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static const bool value = false;
template <typename T> const bool NeedsAdjustAndMark<T, true>::value;
template<typename T>
class NeedsAdjustAndMark<T, false> {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static const bool value = IsGarbageCollectedMixin<typename WTF::RemoveConst<T>::Type>::value;
template <typename T> const bool NeedsAdjustAndMark<T, false>::value;
// TODO(sof): migrate to wtf/TypeTraits.h
template<typename T>
class IsFullyDefined {
using TrueType = char;
struct FalseType {
char dummy[2];
template<typename U, size_t sz = sizeof(U)> static TrueType isSizeofKnown(U*);
static FalseType isSizeofKnown(...);
static T& t;
static const bool value = sizeof(TrueType) == sizeof(isSizeofKnown(&t));
} // namespace blink