blob: 86439e52dfb40b7738032d097ac1de2b690f0d4a [file] [log] [blame]
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<div id=howtoDumpForBugsHelpContent>
<h2>How to get data for bug reports</h2>
<li>Start a new instance of Chrome.</li>
<li>Create a new tab and go to chrome://net-internals</li>
<li>Reproduce the network problem in another tab.
It is important to do this only after opening net-internals.</li>
<li>Click the <i>Dump to file</i> button in the <i>Export</i>
section of the chrome://net-internals tab.</li>
<li>The log file will act like a normal download.</li>
<li>Email this log file to the bug investigator,
<b>along with an explanation of what went wrong, including any relevant
You may want to compress the file before sending, as the log files can be
fairly large but compress well.
The network log <b>may contain personally identifying information</b> like
IP addresses, URLs, and cookies.
<li>You can edit the log to obscure information if you like, but sometimes it
is relevant to the bug. If you choose do this, please make sure you can still
load the log file.</li>
<li>If you choose not to have cookies removed from the log, you must toggle
the checkbox before clicking the button.</li>
<h2>How it works</h2>
<li>While the net-internals page is open, it will capture the network events
that are happening in Chrome. You can view that in real-time by going to
the <i>Events</i> tab.</li>
<li>Once you close the net-internals window, the data it had captured will be
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