blob: 977df294fb784a3a654c81fc60c70f4e62bea287 [file] [log] [blame]
Hereyou find some XSL transformation scripts for processing mime
type definitions in XML format as defined by the Shared MIME-info Database
specification [1]
xdg-mime actually embeds a version of these scripts, the versions in this
directory are for entertainment purposes only
Command: xsltproc sharedmime-list.xsl input-file.xml
Lists all mimetypes contained in a shared mime Database XML input file
Command: xsltproc --stringparam type mime/type \
--stringparam source input-file.xml \
sharedmime2mimelnk.xsl /path/to/input-file.xml
Converts the mimetype "mime/type" contained in a shared mime Database XML
input file into KDE's mimelnk format.
* Add support for magic entries and convert to KDE magic chunks in