blob: bda68296448661d4ed27af92d76483d5387633f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM e:/builds/tinderbox/XR-Trunk/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/base/public/nsIObjectLoadingContent.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsIObjectLoadingContent_h__
#define __gen_nsIObjectLoadingContent_h__
#ifndef __gen_nsISupports_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIObjectFrame; /* forward declaration */
class nsIPluginInstance; /* forward declaration */
/* starting interface: nsIObjectLoadingContent */
#define NS_IOBJECTLOADINGCONTENT_IID_STR "90ab443e-3e99-405e-88c9-9c42adaa3217"
{0x90ab443e, 0x3e99, 0x405e, \
{ 0x88, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0x42, 0xad, 0xaa, 0x32, 0x17 }}
* This interface represents a content node that loads objects.
class NS_NO_VTABLE NS_SCRIPTABLE nsIObjectLoadingContent : public nsISupports {
enum { TYPE_LOADING = 0U };
enum { TYPE_IMAGE = 1U };
enum { TYPE_PLUGIN = 2U };
enum { TYPE_DOCUMENT = 3U };
enum { TYPE_NULL = 4U };
* The actual mime type (the one we got back from the network
* request) for the element.
/* readonly attribute ACString actualType; */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetActualType(nsACString & aActualType) = 0;
* Gets the type of the content that's currently loaded. See
* the constants above for the list of possible values.
/* readonly attribute unsigned long displayedType; */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetDisplayedType(PRUint32 *aDisplayedType) = 0;
* Gets the content type that corresponds to the give MIME type. See the
* constants above for the list of possible values. If nothing else fits,
* TYPE_NULL will be returned.
/* unsigned long getContentTypeForMIMEType (in AUTF8String aMimeType); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString & aMimeType, PRUint32 *_retval) = 0;
* Returns the plugin instance if it has already been instantiated. This
* will never instantiate the plugin and so is safe to call even when
* content script must not execute.
/* [noscript] readonly attribute nsIPluginInstance pluginInstance; */
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginInstance(nsIPluginInstance * *aPluginInstance) = 0;
* Makes sure that a frame for this object exists, and that the plugin is
* instantiated. This method does nothing if the type is not #TYPE_PLUGIN.
* There is no guarantee that there will be a frame after this method is
* called; for example, the node may have a display:none style. If plugin
* instantiation is possible, it will be done synchronously by this method,
* and the plugin instance will be returned. A success return value does not
* necessarily mean that the instance is nonnull.
* This is a noscript method because it is internal and will go away once
* plugin loading moves to content.
* @note If there is an error instantiating the plugin, this method will
* trigger fallback to replacement content, and the type will change (and
* this method will return a failure code)
/* [noscript] nsIPluginInstance ensureInstantiation (); */
NS_IMETHOD EnsureInstantiation(nsIPluginInstance **_retval) = 0;
* Tells the content about an associated object frame.
* This can be called multiple times for different frames.
* This is noscript because this is an internal method that will go away, and
* because nsIObjectFrame is unscriptable.
/* [noscript] void hasNewFrame (in nsIObjectFrame aFrame); */
NS_IMETHOD HasNewFrame(nsIObjectFrame *aFrame) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetActualType(nsACString & aActualType); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetDisplayedType(PRUint32 *aDisplayedType); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString & aMimeType, PRUint32 *_retval); \
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginInstance(nsIPluginInstance * *aPluginInstance); \
NS_IMETHOD EnsureInstantiation(nsIPluginInstance **_retval); \
NS_IMETHOD HasNewFrame(nsIObjectFrame *aFrame);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetActualType(nsACString & aActualType) { return _to GetActualType(aActualType); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetDisplayedType(PRUint32 *aDisplayedType) { return _to GetDisplayedType(aDisplayedType); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString & aMimeType, PRUint32 *_retval) { return _to GetContentTypeForMIMEType(aMimeType, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginInstance(nsIPluginInstance * *aPluginInstance) { return _to GetPluginInstance(aPluginInstance); } \
NS_IMETHOD EnsureInstantiation(nsIPluginInstance **_retval) { return _to EnsureInstantiation(_retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD HasNewFrame(nsIObjectFrame *aFrame) { return _to HasNewFrame(aFrame); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetActualType(nsACString & aActualType) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetActualType(aActualType); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetDisplayedType(PRUint32 *aDisplayedType) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDisplayedType(aDisplayedType); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString & aMimeType, PRUint32 *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetContentTypeForMIMEType(aMimeType, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetPluginInstance(nsIPluginInstance * *aPluginInstance) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPluginInstance(aPluginInstance); } \
NS_IMETHOD EnsureInstantiation(nsIPluginInstance **_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->EnsureInstantiation(_retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD HasNewFrame(nsIObjectFrame *aFrame) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->HasNewFrame(aFrame); }
#if 0
/* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
/* Header file */
class nsObjectLoadingContent : public nsIObjectLoadingContent
/* additional members */
/* Implementation file */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsObjectLoadingContent, nsIObjectLoadingContent)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* readonly attribute ACString actualType; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetActualType(nsACString & aActualType)
/* readonly attribute unsigned long displayedType; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetDisplayedType(PRUint32 *aDisplayedType)
/* unsigned long getContentTypeForMIMEType (in AUTF8String aMimeType); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetContentTypeForMIMEType(const nsACString & aMimeType, PRUint32 *_retval)
/* [noscript] readonly attribute nsIPluginInstance pluginInstance; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::GetPluginInstance(nsIPluginInstance * *aPluginInstance)
/* [noscript] nsIPluginInstance ensureInstantiation (); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::EnsureInstantiation(nsIPluginInstance **_retval)
/* [noscript] void hasNewFrame (in nsIObjectFrame aFrame); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsObjectLoadingContent::HasNewFrame(nsIObjectFrame *aFrame)
/* End of implementation class template. */
#endif /* __gen_nsIObjectLoadingContent_h__ */