blob: e3590d533efbc6851b8fe30a5f90603faa0ac82e [file] [log] [blame]
* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM e:/builds/tinderbox/XR-Trunk/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsIPipe.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsIPipe_h__
#define __gen_nsIPipe_h__
#ifndef __gen_nsIAsyncInputStream_h__
#include "nsIAsyncInputStream.h"
#ifndef __gen_nsIAsyncOutputStream_h__
#include "nsIAsyncOutputStream.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIMemory; /* forward declaration */
/* starting interface: nsIPipe */
#define NS_IPIPE_IID_STR "f4211abc-61b3-11d4-9877-00c04fa0cf4a"
#define NS_IPIPE_IID \
{0xf4211abc, 0x61b3, 0x11d4, \
{ 0x98, 0x77, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa0, 0xcf, 0x4a }}
* nsIPipe represents an in-process buffer that can be read using nsIInputStream
* and written using nsIOutputStream. The reader and writer of a pipe do not
* have to be on the same thread. As a result, the pipe is an ideal mechanism
* to bridge data exchange between two threads. For example, a worker thread
* might write data to a pipe from which the main thread will read.
* Each end of the pipe can be either blocking or non-blocking. Recall that a
* non-blocking stream will return NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK if it cannot be
* read or written to without blocking the calling thread. For example, if you
* try to read from an empty pipe that has not yet been closed, then if that
* pipe's input end is non-blocking, then the read call will fail immediately
* with NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK as the error condition. However, if that
* pipe's input end is blocking, then the read call will not return until the
* pipe has data or until the pipe is closed. This example presumes that the
* pipe is being filled asynchronously on some background thread.
* The pipe supports nsIAsyncInputStream and nsIAsyncOutputStream, which give
* the user of a non-blocking pipe the ability to wait for the pipe to become
* ready again. For example, in the case of an empty non-blocking pipe, the
* user can call AsyncWait on the input end of the pipe to be notified when
* the pipe has data to read (or when the pipe becomes closed).
* NS_NewPipe2 and NS_NewPipe provide convenient pipe constructors. In most
* cases nsIPipe is not actually used. It is usually enough to just get
* references to the pipe's input and output end. In which case, the pipe is
* automatically closed when the respective pipe ends are released.
class NS_NO_VTABLE NS_SCRIPTABLE nsIPipe : public nsISupports {
* initialize this pipe
* @param nonBlockingInput
* true specifies non-blocking input stream behavior
* @param nonBlockingOutput
* true specifies non-blocking output stream behavior
* @param segmentSize
* specifies the segment size in bytes (pass 0 to use default value)
* @param segmentCount
* specifies the max number of segments (pass 0 to use default
* value). Passing PR_UINT32_MAX here causes the pipe to have
* "infinite" space. This mode can be useful in some cases, but
* should always be used with caution. The default value for this
* parameter is a finite value.
* @param segmentAllocator
* pass reference to nsIMemory to have all pipe allocations use this
* allocator (pass null to use the default allocator)
/* void init (in boolean nonBlockingInput, in boolean nonBlockingOutput, in unsigned long segmentSize, in unsigned long segmentCount, in nsIMemory segmentAllocator); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Init(PRBool nonBlockingInput, PRBool nonBlockingOutput, PRUint32 segmentSize, PRUint32 segmentCount, nsIMemory *segmentAllocator) = 0;
* The pipe's input end, which also implements nsISearchableInputStream.
/* readonly attribute nsIAsyncInputStream inputStream; */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetInputStream(nsIAsyncInputStream * *aInputStream) = 0;
* The pipe's output end.
/* readonly attribute nsIAsyncOutputStream outputStream; */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOutputStream(nsIAsyncOutputStream * *aOutputStream) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Init(PRBool nonBlockingInput, PRBool nonBlockingOutput, PRUint32 segmentSize, PRUint32 segmentCount, nsIMemory *segmentAllocator); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetInputStream(nsIAsyncInputStream * *aInputStream); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOutputStream(nsIAsyncOutputStream * *aOutputStream);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
#define NS_FORWARD_NSIPIPE(_to) \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Init(PRBool nonBlockingInput, PRBool nonBlockingOutput, PRUint32 segmentSize, PRUint32 segmentCount, nsIMemory *segmentAllocator) { return _to Init(nonBlockingInput, nonBlockingOutput, segmentSize, segmentCount, segmentAllocator); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetInputStream(nsIAsyncInputStream * *aInputStream) { return _to GetInputStream(aInputStream); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOutputStream(nsIAsyncOutputStream * *aOutputStream) { return _to GetOutputStream(aOutputStream); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Init(PRBool nonBlockingInput, PRBool nonBlockingOutput, PRUint32 segmentSize, PRUint32 segmentCount, nsIMemory *segmentAllocator) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Init(nonBlockingInput, nonBlockingOutput, segmentSize, segmentCount, segmentAllocator); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetInputStream(nsIAsyncInputStream * *aInputStream) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetInputStream(aInputStream); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOutputStream(nsIAsyncOutputStream * *aOutputStream) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetOutputStream(aOutputStream); }
#if 0
/* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
/* Header file */
class nsPipe : public nsIPipe
/* additional members */
/* Implementation file */
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* void init (in boolean nonBlockingInput, in boolean nonBlockingOutput, in unsigned long segmentSize, in unsigned long segmentCount, in nsIMemory segmentAllocator); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPipe::Init(PRBool nonBlockingInput, PRBool nonBlockingOutput, PRUint32 segmentSize, PRUint32 segmentCount, nsIMemory *segmentAllocator)
/* readonly attribute nsIAsyncInputStream inputStream; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPipe::GetInputStream(nsIAsyncInputStream * *aInputStream)
/* readonly attribute nsIAsyncOutputStream outputStream; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPipe::GetOutputStream(nsIAsyncOutputStream * *aOutputStream)
/* End of implementation class template. */
/* starting interface: nsISearchableInputStream */
#define NS_ISEARCHABLEINPUTSTREAM_IID_STR "8c39ef62-f7c9-11d4-98f5-001083010e9b"
{0x8c39ef62, 0xf7c9, 0x11d4, \
{ 0x98, 0xf5, 0x00, 0x10, 0x83, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x9b }}
* XXX this interface doesn't really belong in here. It is here because
* currently nsPipeInputStream is the only implementation of this interface.
class NS_NO_VTABLE NS_SCRIPTABLE nsISearchableInputStream : public nsISupports {
* Searches for a string in the input stream. Since the stream has a notion
* of EOF, it is possible that the string may at some time be in the
* buffer, but is is not currently found up to some offset. Consequently,
* both the found and not found cases return an offset:
* if found, return offset where it was found
* if not found, return offset of the first byte not searched
* In the case the stream is at EOF and the string is not found, the first
* byte not searched will correspond to the length of the buffer.
/* void search (in string forString, in boolean ignoreCase, out boolean found, out unsigned long offsetSearchedTo); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Search(const char *forString, PRBool ignoreCase, PRBool *found, PRUint32 *offsetSearchedTo) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Search(const char *forString, PRBool ignoreCase, PRBool *found, PRUint32 *offsetSearchedTo);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Search(const char *forString, PRBool ignoreCase, PRBool *found, PRUint32 *offsetSearchedTo) { return _to Search(forString, ignoreCase, found, offsetSearchedTo); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Search(const char *forString, PRBool ignoreCase, PRBool *found, PRUint32 *offsetSearchedTo) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Search(forString, ignoreCase, found, offsetSearchedTo); }
#if 0
/* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
/* Header file */
class nsSearchableInputStream : public nsISearchableInputStream
/* additional members */
/* Implementation file */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsSearchableInputStream, nsISearchableInputStream)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* void search (in string forString, in boolean ignoreCase, out boolean found, out unsigned long offsetSearchedTo); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsSearchableInputStream::Search(const char *forString, PRBool ignoreCase, PRBool *found, PRUint32 *offsetSearchedTo)
/* End of implementation class template. */
* NS_NewPipe2
* This function supercedes NS_NewPipe. It differs from NS_NewPipe in two
* major ways:
* (1) returns nsIAsyncInputStream and nsIAsyncOutputStream, so it is
* not necessary to QI in order to access these interfaces.
* (2) the size of the pipe is determined by the number of segments
* times the size of each segment.
* @param pipeIn
* resulting input end of the pipe
* @param pipeOut
* resulting output end of the pipe
* @param nonBlockingInput
* true specifies non-blocking input stream behavior
* @param nonBlockingOutput
* true specifies non-blocking output stream behavior
* @param segmentSize
* specifies the segment size in bytes (pass 0 to use default value)
* @param segmentCount
* specifies the max number of segments (pass 0 to use default value)
* passing PR_UINT32_MAX here causes the pipe to have "infinite" space.
* this mode can be useful in some cases, but should always be used with
* caution. the default value for this parameter is a finite value.
* @param segmentAlloc
* pass reference to nsIMemory to have all pipe allocations use this
* allocator (pass null to use the default allocator)
extern NS_COM nsresult
NS_NewPipe2(nsIAsyncInputStream **pipeIn,
nsIAsyncOutputStream **pipeOut,
PRBool nonBlockingInput = PR_FALSE,
PRBool nonBlockingOutput = PR_FALSE,
PRUint32 segmentSize = 0,
PRUint32 segmentCount = 0,
nsIMemory *segmentAlloc = nsnull);
* NS_NewPipe
* Preserved for backwards compatibility. Plus, this interface is more
* amiable in certain contexts (e.g., when you don't need the pipe's async
* capabilities).
* @param pipeIn
* resulting input end of the pipe
* @param pipeOut
* resulting output end of the pipe
* @param segmentSize
* specifies the segment size in bytes (pass 0 to use default value)
* @param maxSize
* specifies the max size of the pipe (pass 0 to use default value)
* number of segments is maxSize / segmentSize, and maxSize must be a
* multiple of segmentSize. passing PR_UINT32_MAX here causes the
* pipe to have "infinite" space. this mode can be useful in some
* cases, but should always be used with caution. the default value
* for this parameter is a finite value.
* @param nonBlockingInput
* true specifies non-blocking input stream behavior
* @param nonBlockingOutput
* true specifies non-blocking output stream behavior
* @param segmentAlloc
* pass reference to nsIMemory to have all pipe allocations use this
* allocator (pass null to use the default allocator)
extern NS_COM nsresult
NS_NewPipe(nsIInputStream **pipeIn,
nsIOutputStream **pipeOut,
PRUint32 segmentSize = 0,
PRUint32 maxSize = 0,
PRBool nonBlockingInput = PR_FALSE,
PRBool nonBlockingOutput = PR_FALSE,
nsIMemory *segmentAlloc = nsnull);
#endif /* __gen_nsIPipe_h__ */