blob: 1b244b40d44198818ea70793790fb65225d1040f [file] [log] [blame]
* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM e:/builds/tinderbox/XR-Trunk/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsIStreamBufferAccess.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsIStreamBufferAccess_h__
#define __gen_nsIStreamBufferAccess_h__
#ifndef __gen_nsISupports_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#ifndef __gen_nsrootidl_h__
#include "nsrootidl.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
/* starting interface: nsIStreamBufferAccess */
#define NS_ISTREAMBUFFERACCESS_IID_STR "ac923b72-ac87-4892-ac7a-ca385d429435"
{0xac923b72, 0xac87, 0x4892, \
{ 0xac, 0x7a, 0xca, 0x38, 0x5d, 0x42, 0x94, 0x35 }}
* An interface for access to a buffering stream implementation's underlying
* memory buffer.
* Stream implementations that QueryInterface to nsIStreamBufferAccess must
* ensure that all buffers are aligned on the most restrictive type size for
* the current architecture (e.g., sizeof(double) for RISCy CPUs). malloc(3)
* satisfies this requirement.
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsIStreamBufferAccess : public nsISupports {
* Get access to a contiguous, aligned run of bytes in the stream's buffer.
* Exactly one successful getBuffer call must occur before a putBuffer call
* taking the non-null pointer returned by the successful getBuffer.
* The run of bytes are the next bytes (modulo alignment padding) to read
* for an input stream, and the next bytes (modulo alignment padding) to
* store before (eventually) writing buffered data to an output stream.
* There can be space beyond this run of bytes in the buffer for further
* accesses before the fill or flush point is reached.
* @param aLength
* Count of contiguous bytes requested at the address A that satisfies
* (A & aAlignMask) == 0 in the buffer, starting from the current stream
* position, mapped to a buffer address B. The stream implementation
* must pad from B to A by skipping bytes (if input stream) or storing
* zero bytes (if output stream).
* @param aAlignMask
* Bit-mask computed by subtracting 1 from the power-of-two alignment
* modulus (e.g., 3 or sizeof(PRUint32)-1 for PRUint32 alignment).
* @return
* The aligned pointer to aLength bytes in the buffer, or null if the
* buffer has no room for aLength bytes starting at the next address A
* after the current position that satisfies (A & aAlignMask) == 0.
/* [notxpcom] charPtr getBuffer (in PRUint32 aLength, in PRUint32 aAlignMask); */
NS_IMETHOD_(char *) GetBuffer(PRUint32 aLength, PRUint32 aAlignMask) = 0;
* Relinquish access to the stream's buffer, filling if at end of an input
* buffer, flushing if completing an output buffer. After a getBuffer call
* that returns non-null, putBuffer must be called.
* @param aBuffer
* A non-null pointer returned by getBuffer on the same stream buffer
* access object.
* @param aLength
* The same count of contiguous bytes passed to the getBuffer call that
* returned aBuffer.
/* [notxpcom] void putBuffer (in charPtr aBuffer, in PRUint32 aLength); */
NS_IMETHOD_(void) PutBuffer(char * aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength) = 0;
* Disable and enable buffering on the stream implementing this interface.
* DisableBuffering flushes an output stream's buffer, and invalidates an
* input stream's buffer.
/* void disableBuffering (); */
NS_IMETHOD DisableBuffering(void) = 0;
/* void enableBuffering (); */
NS_IMETHOD EnableBuffering(void) = 0;
* The underlying, unbuffered input or output stream.
/* readonly attribute nsISupports unbufferedStream; */
NS_IMETHOD GetUnbufferedStream(nsISupports * *aUnbufferedStream) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD_(char *) GetBuffer(PRUint32 aLength, PRUint32 aAlignMask); \
NS_IMETHOD_(void) PutBuffer(char * aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength); \
NS_IMETHOD DisableBuffering(void); \
NS_IMETHOD EnableBuffering(void); \
NS_IMETHOD GetUnbufferedStream(nsISupports * *aUnbufferedStream);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD_(char *) GetBuffer(PRUint32 aLength, PRUint32 aAlignMask) { return _to GetBuffer(aLength, aAlignMask); } \
NS_IMETHOD_(void) PutBuffer(char * aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength) { return _to PutBuffer(aBuffer, aLength); } \
NS_IMETHOD DisableBuffering(void) { return _to DisableBuffering(); } \
NS_IMETHOD EnableBuffering(void) { return _to EnableBuffering(); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetUnbufferedStream(nsISupports * *aUnbufferedStream) { return _to GetUnbufferedStream(aUnbufferedStream); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD_(char *) GetBuffer(PRUint32 aLength, PRUint32 aAlignMask) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetBuffer(aLength, aAlignMask); } \
NS_IMETHOD_(void) PutBuffer(char * aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->PutBuffer(aBuffer, aLength); } \
NS_IMETHOD DisableBuffering(void) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->DisableBuffering(); } \
NS_IMETHOD EnableBuffering(void) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->EnableBuffering(); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetUnbufferedStream(nsISupports * *aUnbufferedStream) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetUnbufferedStream(aUnbufferedStream); }
#if 0
/* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
/* Header file */
class nsStreamBufferAccess : public nsIStreamBufferAccess
/* additional members */
/* Implementation file */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsStreamBufferAccess, nsIStreamBufferAccess)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* [notxpcom] charPtr getBuffer (in PRUint32 aLength, in PRUint32 aAlignMask); */
NS_IMETHODIMP_(char *) nsStreamBufferAccess::GetBuffer(PRUint32 aLength, PRUint32 aAlignMask)
/* [notxpcom] void putBuffer (in charPtr aBuffer, in PRUint32 aLength); */
NS_IMETHODIMP_(void) nsStreamBufferAccess::PutBuffer(char * aBuffer, PRUint32 aLength)
/* void disableBuffering (); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsStreamBufferAccess::DisableBuffering()
/* void enableBuffering (); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsStreamBufferAccess::EnableBuffering()
/* readonly attribute nsISupports unbufferedStream; */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsStreamBufferAccess::GetUnbufferedStream(nsISupports * *aUnbufferedStream)
/* End of implementation class template. */
// Swap macros, used to convert to/from canonical (big-endian) format
#if defined IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN
# define NS_SWAP16(x) ((((x) & 0xff) << 8) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xff))
# define NS_SWAP32(x) ((NS_SWAP16((x) & 0xffff) << 16) | (NS_SWAP16((x) >> 16)))
// We want to avoid casting to 32-bit types if possible, since that violates
// aliasing rules (a standard compiler may assume that pointers of two types
// do not address overlapping storage).
// XXX What if we have a compiler that follows aliasing rules strictly but
// doesn't have a 64-bit int type?
// XXXbe shouldn't NSPR's LL_INIT work for non-constant arguments in all cases?
# if defined HAVE_LONG_LONG
# define ULL_(x) x ## UL
# elif (defined WIN32 || defined WIN16) && !defined __GNUC__
# define ULL_(x) ((uint64) x ## i64)
# else
# define ULL_(x) x ## ULL
# endif
# define NS_SWAP64(x) ((((x) & ULL_(0xff00000000000000)) >> 56) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x00ff000000000000)) >> 40) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x0000ff0000000000)) >> 24) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x000000ff00000000)) >> 8) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x00000000ff000000)) << 8) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x0000000000ff0000)) << 24) | \
(((x) & ULL_(0x000000000000ff00)) << 40) | \
(((x) /* & ULL_(0x00000000000000ff) */) << 56))
# else
# define NS_SWAP64(x) LL_INIT((((x).lo /* & 0xff000000ul */) >> 24) | \
(((x).lo & 0x00ff0000ul) >> 8) | \
(((x).lo & 0x0000ff00ul) << 8) | \
(((x).lo /* & 0x000000fful */) << 24), \
(((x).hi /* & 0xff000000ul */) >> 24) | \
(((x).hi & 0x00ff0000ul) >> 8) | \
(((x).hi & 0x0000ff00ul) << 8) | \
(((x).hi /* & 0x000000fful */) << 24))
# endif
#elif defined IS_BIG_ENDIAN
# define NS_SWAP16(x) (x)
# define NS_SWAP32(x) (x)
# define NS_SWAP64(x) (x)
# error "Unknown byte order"
* These macros get and put a buffer given either an sba parameter that may
* point to an object implementing nsIStreamBufferAccess, nsIObjectInputStream,
* or nsIObjectOutputStream.
#define NS_GET_BUFFER(sba,n,a) ((sba)->GetBuffer(n, a))
#define NS_PUT_BUFFER(sba,p,n) ((sba)->PutBuffer(p, n))
#define NS_GET8(p) (*(PRUint8*)(p))
#define NS_GET16(p) NS_SWAP16(*(PRUint16*)(p))
#define NS_GET32(p) NS_SWAP32(*(PRUint32*)(p))
#define NS_GET64(p) NS_SWAP64(*(PRUint64*)(p))
#define NS_GET_FLOAT(p) ((float)NS_SWAP32(*(PRUint32*)(p)))
#define NS_GET_DOUBLE(p) ((double)NS_SWAP64(*(PRUint64*)(p)))
#define NS_PUT8(p,x) (*(PRUint8*)(p) = (x))
#define NS_PUT16(p,x) (*(PRUint16*)(p) = NS_SWAP16(x))
#define NS_PUT32(p,x) (*(PRUint32*)(p) = NS_SWAP32(x))
#define NS_PUT64(p,x) (*(PRUint64*)(p) = NS_SWAP64(x))
#define NS_PUT_FLOAT(p,x) (*(PRUint32*)(p) = NS_SWAP32(*(PRUint32*)&(x)))
#define NS_PUT_DOUBLE(p,x) (*(PRUint64*)(p) = NS_SWAP64(*(PRUint64*)&(x)))
#endif /* __gen_nsIStreamBufferAccess_h__ */