blob: 3cca24bc50de03876d1c477ac2675ff5cb4ff06f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.distiller;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class DomUtil {
* GWT does not provide a way to get a list of all attributes that have been explicitly set on a
* DOM element (only a way to query the value of a particular attribute). In javascript, this
* list is accessible as elem.attributes.
* @Return The element's attribute list from javascript.
public static native JsArray<Node> getAttributes(Element elem) /*-{
return elem.attributes;
// Returns the first element with |className| in the tree rooted at |root|, null if none is
// found.
public static native Element getFirstElementWithClassName(Element root, String className) /*-{
return root.querySelector("." + className);
public static native boolean hasClassName(Element elem, String className) /*-{
return elem.classList.contains(className);
public static native JsArrayString getClassList(Element elem) /*-{
return elem.classList;
* Check to see if a provided URL has the specified root domain (ex. http://a.b.c/foo/bar has
* root domain of b.c).
* @param url The URL to test.
* @param root The root domain to test against.
* @return True if url has the specified root domain.
public static boolean hasRootDomain(String url, String root) {
if (url == null || root == null) {
return false;
AnchorElement anchor = Document.get().createAnchorElement();
String host = anchor.getPropertyString("host");
return ("." + host).endsWith("." + root);
* Split URL parameters into key/value pairs and return them in a map.
* @param query The query string after the "?".
* @return Map of all query parameters or an empty map.
public static Map<String, String> splitUrlParams(String query) {
if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
return new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<>();
String[] params = query.split("&");
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {}
for (String currentParam : params) {
String[] paramSplit = currentParam.split("=");
if (paramSplit.length > 1) {
paramMap.put(paramSplit[0], URL.decode(paramSplit[1]));
return paramMap;
* @Return The CSS style of an element after applying the active stylesheets and resolving any
* basic computation the style's value(s) may contain.
* @param el - DOM element
public static native Style getComputedStyle(Element el) /*-{
return getComputedStyle(el, null);
public static boolean isVisible(Element e) {
Style style = getComputedStyle(e);
double opacity = JavaScript.parseFloat(style.getOpacity());
return !(style.getDisplay().equals("none") ||
style.getVisibility().equals("hidden") ||
opacity == 0.0F);
* Verifies if a given element is visible by checking its offset.
public static boolean isVisibleByOffset(Element e) {
// Detect whether any of the ancestors has "display: none".
// Using offsetParent alone wouldn't work because it's also null when position is fixed.
// Using offsetHeight/Width alone makes sense in production, but we have too many
// zero-sized elements in our tests.
return e.getOffsetParent() != null || e.getOffsetHeight() != 0 || e.getOffsetWidth() != 0;
* Get the element of the main article, if any.
* @return An element of article (not necessarily the html5 article element).
public static Element getArticleElement(Element root) {
NodeList<Element> allArticles = root.getElementsByTagName("ARTICLE");
List<Element> visibleElements = getVisibleElements(allArticles);
// Having multiple article elements usually indicates a bad case for this shortcut.
// TODO(wychen): some sites exclude things like title and author in article element.
if (visibleElements.size() == 1) {
return visibleElements.get(0);
// Note that the CSS property matching is case sensitive, and "Article" is the correct
// capitalization.
String query = "[itemscope][itemtype*=\"Article\"],[itemscope][itemtype*=\"Posting\"]";
allArticles = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(root, query);
visibleElements = getVisibleElements(allArticles);
// It is commonly seen that the article is wrapped separately or in multiple layers.
if (visibleElements.size() > 0) {
return null;
* Get a list of visible elements.
* @return A list of visible elements.
public static List<Element> getVisibleElements(NodeList<Element> nodeList) {
List<Element> visibleElements = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
Element element = nodeList.getItem(i);
if (DomUtil.isVisible(element) &&
DomUtil.isVisibleByOffset(element)) {
return visibleElements;
* We want to use jsni for direct access to javascript's innerText. This avoids GWT's
* implementation of Element::getInnerText(), which is intentionally different to mimic an old
* IE behaviour, which returns text within <script> tags.
public static native String getInnerText(Node node) /*-{
return node.innerText;
public static native double getTime() /*-{
// window.performance is unavailable in Gwt's dev environment and even referencing it on iOS
// causes a crash.
if ((typeof distiller_on_ios === 'undefined' || !distiller_on_ios) && window.performance) {
* Use jsni for direct access to javascript's textContent. textContent is different from
* innerText (see
* - textContent is the raw textual content, doesn't require layout, and is basically a
* concatenation of the values of all text nodes within a subtree.
* - innerText is what is presented to the user, requires layout, and excludes text in invisible
* elements, e.g. <title> tags.
public static native String javascriptTextContent(Node node) /*-{
return node.textContent;
* Get a list of all the parents of this node starting with the node itself.
* @param n The node to get the parents of.
* @return A list of the provided node's parents.
public static List<Node> getParentNodes(Node n) {
ArrayList<Node> result = new ArrayList<Node>();
Node curr = n;
while (curr != null) {
curr = curr.getParentNode();
return result;
* Get the depth of the given node in the DOM tree (only counting elements).
* @param n The node to find the depth of.
* @return The depth of the provided node; -1 if n is null.
public static int getNodeDepth(final Node n) {
return getParentNodes(n).size()-1;
* Get the nearest common ancestor of two nodes.
* @param n1 First node.
* @param n2 Second node.
* @return The nearest common ancestor node of n1 and n2.
public static Node getNearestCommonAncestor(final Node n1, final Node n2) {
Node parent = n1;
while (parent != null && !JavaScript.contains(parent, n2)) parent = parent.getParentNode();
return parent;
* Get the nearest common ancestor of nodes.
public static Node getNearestCommonAncestor(final List<? extends Node> ns) {
if (ns.size() == 0) return null;
Node parent = ns.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < ns.size(); i++) {
parent = getNearestCommonAncestor(parent, ns.get(i));
return parent;
* Get all text from a tree/sub-tree.
* @param node The root of the tree.
* @return The text contained in this tree.
public static String getTextFromTree(Node node) {
// Temporarily add the node to the DOM so that style is calculated.
String output = DomUtil.getInnerText(node);
// And remove it again.
return output;
* Generate the HTML output for a list of relevant nodes.
* @param outputNodes The list of nodes in a subtree that are considered relevant.
* @param textOnly If this function should return text only instead of HTML.
* @return Displayable HTML content representing this WebElement.
public static String generateOutputFromList(List<Node> outputNodes, boolean textOnly) {
if (outputNodes.size() == 0) {
return "";
NodeTree expanded = NodeListExpander.expand(outputNodes);
Node clonedSubtree = expanded.cloneSubtreeRetainDirection();
if (clonedSubtree.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return "";
if (textOnly) {
return DomUtil.getTextFromTree(clonedSubtree);
* Makes all anchors and video posters absolute. This calls "makeAllSrcAttributesAbsolute".
* @param rootNode The root Node to look through.
public static void makeAllLinksAbsolute(Node rootNode) {
Element root =;
// AnchorElement.getHref() and ImageElement.getSrc() both return the
// absolute URI, so simply set them as the respective attributes.
if ("A".equals(root.getTagName())) {
AnchorElement link =;
if (!link.getHref().isEmpty()) {
NodeList<Element> allLinks = root.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (int i = 0; i < allLinks.getLength(); i++) {
AnchorElement link =;
if (!link.getHref().isEmpty()) {
if (root.getTagName().equals("VIDEO")) {
VideoElement video = (VideoElement) root;
if (!video.getPoster().isEmpty()) {
NodeList<Element> videoTags = root.getElementsByTagName("VIDEO");
for (int i = 0; i < videoTags.getLength(); i++) {
VideoElement video = (VideoElement) videoTags.getItem(i);
if (!video.getPoster().isEmpty()) {
private static void makeSrcSetAbsolute(Element root) {
if (root.getTagName().equals("IMG")) {
NodeList<Element> imgs = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(root, "IMG[SRCSET]");
for (int i = 0; i < imgs.getLength(); i++) {
public static void makeSrcSetAbsolute(ImageElement ie) {
String srcset = ie.getAttribute("srcset");
if (srcset == "") {
String oldsrc = ie.getSrc();
String[] sizes = StringUtil.jsSplit(srcset, ",");
for(int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
String size = StringUtil.jsTrim(sizes[i]);
if (size.isEmpty()) continue;
String[] comp = size.split(" ");
comp[0] = ie.getSrc();
sizes[i] = StringUtil.join(comp, " ");
ie.setAttribute("srcset", StringUtil.join(sizes, ", "));
public static void stripImageElements(Node root) {
if (root.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element element =;
if (element.getTagName().equals("IMG")) {
NodeList<Element> imgs = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(root, "IMG");
for (int i = 0; i < imgs.getLength(); i++) {
* Only keep some attributes for image elements.
* @param imgElement The image element to strip in-place.
public static void stripImageElement(ImageElement imgElement) {
JsArray<Node> attrs = getAttributes(imgElement);
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length(); ) {
String name = attrs.get(i).getNodeName();
if (!"src".equals(name) &&
!"alt".equals(name) &&
!"srcset".equals(name) &&
!"dir".equals(name) &&
!"width".equals(name) &&
!"height".equals(name) &&
!"title".equals(name)) {
} else {
* Makes all "img", "source", "track", and "video" tags have an absolute "src" attribute.
* @param root The root element to look through.
public static native void makeAllSrcAttributesAbsolute(Element root) /*-{
if (root.tagName == "IMG" || root.tagName == "SOURCE" || root.tagName == "TRACK" ||
root.tagName == "VIDEO") {
if (root.src) {
root.src = root.src;
var elementsWithSrc = root.querySelectorAll('img,source,track,video');
for (var key in elementsWithSrc) {
if (elementsWithSrc[key].src) {
elementsWithSrc[key].src = elementsWithSrc[key].src;
* Strips some attribute from certain tags in the tree rooted at |rootNode|, including root.
* @param tagNames The tag names to be processed. ["*"] means all.
public static void stripAttributeFromTags(Node rootNode, String attribute, String[] tagNames) {
Element root =;
for (String tag: tagNames) {
if (root.getTagName().equals(tag) || tag.equals("*")) {
for (String tag: tagNames) {
tag += "[" + attribute + "]";
String query = StringUtil.join(tagNames, ", ");
NodeList<Element> tags = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(root, query);
for (int i = 0; i < tags.getLength(); i++) {
* Strips all "id" attributes from all nodes in the tree rooted at |node|
public static void stripIds(Node node) {
stripAttributeFromTags(node, "ID", new String[]{"*"});
* Strips all "color" attributes from "font" nodes in the tree rooted at |rootNode|
public static void stripFontColorAttributes(Node rootNode) {
stripAttributeFromTags(rootNode, "COLOR", new String[]{"FONT"});
* Strips all "bgcolor" attributes from table nodes in the tree rooted at |rootNode|
public static void stripTableBackgroundColorAttributes(Node rootNode) {
stripAttributeFromTags(rootNode, "BGCOLOR", new String[]{"TABLE", "TR", "TD", "TH"});
* Strips all "style" attributes from all nodes in the tree rooted at |rootNode|
public static void stripStyleAttributes(Node rootNode) {
stripAttributeFromTags(rootNode, "STYLE", new String[]{"*"});
* Strips all "target" attributes from anchor nodes in the tree rooted at |rootNode|
public static void stripTargetAttributes(Node rootNode) {
stripAttributeFromTags(rootNode, "TARGET", new String[]{"A"});
* Get a list of relevant nodes from a subtree.
* @param root The root of the subtree.
* @return A list of relevant nodes.
public static List<Node> getOutputNodes(Node root) {
final List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
new DomWalker(new DomWalker.Visitor() {
public boolean visit(Node n) {
switch (n.getNodeType()) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
return false;
if (!DomUtil.isVisible( return false;
return true;
return false;
public void exit(Node n) {
public void skip(Element e) {
return nodes;
public static int getArea(Element e) {
if (e != null) {
return e.getOffsetHeight() * e.getOffsetWidth();
return 0;
* Generate HTML/text output for a given node tree/subtree. This will ignore hidden
* elements.
* @param subtree The root of the subtree.
* @param textOnly If this function should return text only and not HTML.
* @return The output for the provided subtree.
public static String generateOutputFromTree(Node subtree, boolean textOnly) {
return generateOutputFromList(getOutputNodes(subtree), textOnly);
// Returns whether querySelectorAll is available
public static native boolean supportQuerySelectorAll(Element root) /*-{
return (typeof(root.querySelectorAll) == 'function');
// GWT doesn't support querySelectorAll, so testing the caller could be harder.
public static native NodeList<Element> querySelectorAll(Node l, String selectors) /*-{
return l.querySelectorAll(selectors);
public static native Document createHTMLDocument(Document doc) /*-{
return doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
public static native Element getFirstElementChild(Document document) /*-{
return document.firstElementChild;