android: Disable thinlto for a while.

A recent lld roll broke how lld interacts with our resource whitelist
generation hack.  This seems to only happen when thinlto is enabled,
so turn it off until we have a real fix.

This will increase binary size while it's in, but we should have
a fix in time of the next branch.

Binary-Size: 1.6MB apk size regression expected, will recover when we turn this back on
Bug: 960881,960255
Change-Id: I9211a804b63908d20fa30742d608f2d1495ffc38
Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <>
Commit-Queue: Peter Collingbourne <>
Auto-Submit: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: Peter Collingbourne <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#657862}
1 file changed