blob: a248ffbf4be0dfc311fde9eb29a6d56fab5f524f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
define('data_receiver', [
], function(dataStream, serialization, core, router) {
* @module data_receiver
* A pending receive operation.
* @constructor
* @alias module:data_receiver~PendingReceive
* @private
function PendingReceive() {
* The promise that will be resolved or rejected when this receive completes
* or fails, respectively.
* @type {!Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
* @private
this.promise_ = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
* The callback to call with the data received on success.
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.dataCallback_ = resolve;
* The callback to call with the error on failure.
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.errorCallback_ = reject;
* Returns the promise that will be resolved when this operation completes or
* rejected if an error occurs.
* @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} A promise to the data received.
PendingReceive.prototype.getPromise = function() {
return this.promise_;
* Dispatches received data to the promise returned by
* [getPromise]{@link module:data_receiver.PendingReceive#getPromise}.
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} data The data to dispatch.
PendingReceive.prototype.dispatchData = function(data) {
* Dispatches an error if the offset of the error has been reached.
* @param {!PendingReceiveError} error The error to dispatch.
* @param {number} bytesReceived The number of bytes that have been received.
PendingReceive.prototype.dispatchError = function(error) {
if (error.queuePosition > 0)
return false;
var e = new Error();
e.error = error.error;
return true;
* Unconditionally dispatches an error.
* @param {number} error The error to dispatch.
PendingReceive.prototype.dispatchFatalError = function(error) {
var e = new Error();
e.error = error;
* A DataReceiver that receives data from a DataSource.
* @param {!MojoHandle} source The handle to the DataSource.
* @param {!MojoHandle} client The handle to the DataSourceClient.
* @param {number} bufferSize How large a buffer to use.
* @param {number} fatalErrorValue The receive error value to report in the
* event of a fatal error.
* @constructor
* @alias module:data_receiver.DataReceiver
function DataReceiver(source, client, bufferSize, fatalErrorValue) {
this.init_(source, client, fatalErrorValue, 0, null, [], false);
DataReceiver.prototype =
* Closes this DataReceiver.
DataReceiver.prototype.close = function() {
if (this.shutDown_)
this.shutDown_ = true;
if (this.receive_) {
this.receive_ = null;
* Initialize this DataReceiver.
* @param {!MojoHandle} source A handle to the DataSource.
* @param {!MojoHandle} client A handle to the DataSourceClient.
* @param {number} fatalErrorValue The error to dispatch in the event of a
* fatal error.
* @param {number} bytesReceived The number of bytes already received.
* @param {PendingReceiveError} pendingError The pending error if there is
* one.
* @param {!Array<!ArrayBuffer>} pendingData Data received from the
* DataSource not yet requested by the client.
* @param {boolean} paused Whether the DataSource is paused.
* @private
DataReceiver.prototype.init_ = function(source, client, fatalErrorValue,
bytesReceived, pendingError,
pendingData, paused) {
* The [Router]{@link module:mojo/public/js/router.Router} for the
* connection to the DataSource.
* @private
this.router_ = new router.Router(source);
* The [Router]{@link module:mojo/public/js/router.Router} for the
* connection to the DataSource.
* @private
this.clientRouter_ = new router.Router(client);
* The connection to the DataSource.
* @private
this.source_ = new dataStream.DataSource.proxyClass(this.router_);
this.client_ = new dataStream.DataSourceClient.stubClass(this);
* The current receive operation.
* @type {module:data_receiver~PendingReceive}
* @private
this.receive_ = null;
* The error to be dispatched in the event of a fatal error.
* @const {number}
* @private
this.fatalErrorValue_ = fatalErrorValue;
* The pending error if there is one.
* @type {PendingReceiveError}
* @private
this.pendingError_ = pendingError;
* Whether the DataSource is paused.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.paused_ = paused;
* A queue of data that has been received from the DataSource, but not
* consumed by the client.
* @type {module:data_receiver~PendingData[]}
* @private
this.pendingDataBuffers_ = pendingData;
* Whether this DataReceiver has shut down.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.shutDown_ = false;
* Serializes this DataReceiver.
* This will cancel a receive if one is in progress.
* @return {!Promise<SerializedDataReceiver>} A promise that will resolve to
* the serialization of this DataReceiver. If this DataReceiver has shut
* down, the promise will resolve to null.
DataReceiver.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (this.shutDown_)
return Promise.resolve(null);
if (this.receive_) {
this.receive_ = null;
var serialized = new serialization.SerializedDataReceiver();
serialized.source = this.router_.connector_.handle_;
serialized.client = this.clientRouter_.connector_.handle_;
serialized.fatal_error_value = this.fatalErrorValue_;
serialized.paused = this.paused_;
serialized.pending_error = this.pendingError_;
serialized.pending_data = [];
$Array.forEach(this.pendingDataBuffers_, function(buffer) {
serialized.pending_data.push(new Uint8Array(buffer));
this.router_.connector_.handle_ = null;
this.clientRouter_.connector_.handle_ = null;
this.shutDown_ = true;
return Promise.resolve(serialized);
* Deserializes a SerializedDataReceiver.
* @param {SerializedDataReceiver} serialized The serialized DataReceiver.
* @return {!DataReceiver} The deserialized DataReceiver.
DataReceiver.deserialize = function(serialized) {
var receiver = $Object.create(DataReceiver.prototype);
return receiver;
* Deserializes a SerializedDataReceiver into this DataReceiver.
* @param {SerializedDataReceiver} serialized The serialized DataReceiver.
* @private
DataReceiver.prototype.deserialize_ = function(serialized) {
if (!serialized) {
this.shutDown_ = true;
var pendingData = [];
$Array.forEach(serialized.pending_data, function(data) {
var buffer = new Uint8Array(data.length);
this.init_(serialized.source, serialized.client,
serialized.fatal_error_value, serialized.bytes_received,
serialized.pending_error, pendingData, serialized.paused);
* Receive data from the DataSource.
* @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} A promise to the received data. If an error
* occurs, the promise will reject with an Error object with a property
* error containing the error code.
* @throws Will throw if this has encountered a fatal error or another receive
* is in progress.
DataReceiver.prototype.receive = function() {
if (this.shutDown_)
throw new Error('DataReceiver has been closed');
if (this.receive_)
throw new Error('Receive already in progress.');
var receive = new PendingReceive();
var promise = receive.getPromise();
if (this.pendingError_ &&
receive.dispatchError(this.pendingError_)) {
this.pendingError_ = null;
this.paused_ = true;
return promise;
if (this.paused_) {
this.paused_ = false;
this.receive_ = receive;
return promise;
DataReceiver.prototype.dispatchData_ = function() {
if (!this.receive_) {
if (this.pendingDataBuffers_.length) {
this.receive_ = null;
if (this.pendingError_)
* Invoked by the DataSource when an error is encountered.
* @param {number} offset The location at which the error occurred.
* @param {number} error The error that occurred.
* @private
DataReceiver.prototype.onError = function(error) {
if (this.shutDown_)
var pendingError = new serialization.PendingReceiveError();
pendingError.error = error;
pendingError.queuePosition = this.pendingDataBuffers_.length;
if (this.receive_ && this.receive_.dispatchError(pendingError)) {
this.receive_ = null;
this.paused_ = true;
this.pendingError_ = pendingError;
DataReceiver.prototype.onData = function(data) {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(data.length);
var uintView = new Uint8Array(buffer);
if (this.receive_)
return {DataReceiver: DataReceiver};