Roll src/third_party/skia/ 4eabd5d88..bc9cd524d (20 commits).

$ git log 4eabd5d88..bc9cd524d --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2017-02-21 benjaminwagner Split Valgrind jobs -- one DM/NB run per task.
2017-02-21 ethannicholas fixed SPIR-V vector equality tests
2017-02-21 mtklein Move looping logic into start_pipeline().
2017-02-17 csmartdalton Print GL shader source with line numbers when there is a compile error
2017-02-21 bsalomon Make GrXferProcessor and related classes private.
2017-02-21 kjlubick Make sure fuzzer can't pick an illegal colortype
2017-02-21 robertphillips Remove SkSpecialImage's GrTexture-based ctors
2017-02-21 csmartdalton Rename GrContextFactory::ContextOptions to ContextOverrides
2017-02-21 bsalomon Fix ComposeOneFragmentProcessor coverage as alpha optimization.
2017-02-21 halcanary SkPath.readFromMemory:  check for error case
2017-02-21 bsalomon Clamp gradient colors in fragment shader after interpolation when there is a color space.
2017-02-21 mtklein SkJumper: Windows
2017-02-21 senorblanco GrTessellator (AA): implement fast path for removing non-boundary edges.
2017-02-21 reed initial clean up of pdf clipping
2017-02-19 csmartdalton Add GrTFlagsMask<> wrapper for C++11 bitfield enums
2017-02-21 hcm Update milestone schedule on
2017-02-21 reed move PDFDevice over to cipstackdevice
2017-02-21 kjlubick Remove unneeded is_fuzzing flag
2017-02-18 benjaminwagner Add machine_type dimension to disambiguate bots with GTX960.
2017-02-21 bsalomon Simplify GrPaint::isConstantBlendedColor to avoid FP analysis and XP virtual calls

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/skia

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#451990}
1 file changed