blob: 25ec4f1d482901b62d6e1572c4164ee482a394c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview A helper object used from the "Kerberos Accounts" subsection of
* the "People" section of Settings, to interact with the browser. Chrome OS
* only.
* Information for a Chrome OS Kerberos account.
* @typedef {{
* principalName: string,
* isSignedIn: boolean,
* pic: string,
* }}
cr.define('settings', function() {
* @enum {number}
* These values must be kept in sync with the ErrorType enum in
* third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/kerberos/kerberos_service.proto.
const KerberosErrorType = {
kNone: 0,
kUnknown: 1,
kDBusFailure: 2,
kNetworkProblem: 3,
kUnknownKrb5Error: 4,
kBadPrincipal: 5,
kBadPassword: 6,
kPasswordExpired: 7,
kPasswordRejected: 8,
kNoCredentialsCacheFound: 9,
kKerberosTicketExpired: 10,
kKdcDoesNotSupportEncryptionType: 11,
kContactingKdcFailed: 12,
kParseRequestFailed: 13,
kLocalIo: 14,
kUnknownPrincipalName: 15,
kDuplicatePrincipalName: 16,
kInProgress: 17,
kParsePrincipalFailed: 18,
/** @interface */
class KerberosAccountsBrowserProxy {
* Returns a Promise for the list of Kerberos accounts held in the kerberosd
* system daemon.
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!settings.KerberosAccount>>}
getAccounts() {}
* Attempts to add a new (or update an existing) Kerberos account.
* @param {string} principalName Kerberos principal (
* @param {string} password Account password.
* @return {!Promise<!settings.KerberosErrorType>}
addAccount(principalName, password) {}
* Removes |account| from the set of Kerberos accounts.
* @param {!settings.KerberosAccount} account
removeAccount(account) {}
* @implements {settings.KerberosAccountsBrowserProxy}
class KerberosAccountsBrowserProxyImpl {
/** @override */
getAccounts() {
return cr.sendWithPromise('getKerberosAccounts');
/** @override */
addAccount(principalName, password) {
return cr.sendWithPromise('addKerberosAccount', principalName, password);
/** @override */
removeAccount(account) {
chrome.send('removeKerberosAccount', [account.principalName]);
return {
KerberosErrorType: KerberosErrorType,
KerberosAccountsBrowserProxy: KerberosAccountsBrowserProxy,
KerberosAccountsBrowserProxyImpl: KerberosAccountsBrowserProxyImpl,