Parameterize accessibility "dump" tests

The accessibility dump tests (both tree-dump and event-dump) execute
multiple passes for each test.  Most OSes run two passes (Blink +
Native), but on Windows we recently introduced a third pass for UIA.

The addition of the UIA pass required that we toggle an experimental
command-line flag to ensure that UIA is properly enabled/disabled.

Unfortunately, modifying the command-line multiple times during the
test ran afoul of the ThreadSanitizer, which reported a data-race
condition.  This required that the dump tests be parameterized, so that
each "pass" now runs independently, and can update their command line
only once.

Note: "gtest_filter" now requires a "/xxx" suffix, e.g.:

Bug: 946481, 928949
Change-Id: I6490f33681b5567b6584442c9cf241611b3b5baa
Commit-Queue: Ian Prest <>
Reviewed-by: Dominic Mazzoni <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#646672}
21 files changed