blob: c7a6f4b93ac84be658f2d91a16279d7db47e8feb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This is an expanding container for a list of apps that shows some items by
* default and can be expanded to show more.
* Note: The implementation assumes children are all the same height.
* Example usage:
* <app-management-expandable-app-list apps="[[appsList]]">
* <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[appsList]]" as="app" notify-dom-change>
* <app-management-app-item app="[[app]]"></app-management-app-item>
* </template>
* </app-management-expandable-app-list>
is: 'app-management-expandable-app-list',
properties: {
* Title of the expandable list.
* @type {String}
listTitle: {
type: String,
value: '',
observer: 'onListTitleChanged_',
/** The number of apps to collapse down to. */
collapsedSize: {
type: Number,
/** @private {boolean} */
listExpanded_: {
type: Boolean,
observer: 'onListExpandedChanged_',
/** @private {number} */
numChildrenForTesting_: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
notify: true,
listeners: {
'dom-change': 'onDomChange_',
attached: function() {
// Hide on reattach.
this.listExpanded_ = false;
/** @private */
onAppsChanged_: function(change) {},
/** @private */
onListTitleChanged_() {
this.$['app-list-title'].hidden = !this.listTitle;
/** @private */
onDomChange_: function() {
let collapsedHeight = 0;
let numChildren = 0;
for (const child of this.$.collapse.getContentChildren()) {
// Wait until we have an actual child element rather than just the
// dom-repeat.
if (child.tagName == 'DOM-REPEAT' || child.tagName == 'TEMPLATE') {
if (numChildren < this.collapsedSize) {
collapsedHeight += child.offsetHeight;
'--collapsed-height', String(collapsedHeight) + 'px');
this.$['expander-row'].hidden = numChildren <= this.collapsedSize;
this.numChildrenForTesting_ = numChildren;
/** @private */
toggleListExpanded_: function() {
this.listExpanded_ = !this.listExpanded_;
/** @private */
onListExpandedChanged_() {
// TODO(calamity): Hiding should display:none after the animation to prevent
// tabbing into hidden items.
const collapse = this.$.collapse;
// Since iron-collapse does not support a 'min-height' property, we force it
// to animate to the collapsed height.
if (this.listExpanded_) {
// Reset the opened state, or show won't work.
} else {
// This technically leaves the collapse open.
collapse.updateSize('var(--collapsed-height)', true);
* @param {boolean} listExpanded
* @return {string}
* @private
getCollapsedIcon_: function(listExpanded) {
return listExpanded ? 'cr:expand-less' : 'cr:expand-more';
* @param {number} numApps
* @param {boolean} listExpanded
* @return {string}
* @private
moreAppsString_: function(numApps, listExpanded) {
return listExpanded ?
loadTimeData.getString('lessApps') :
loadTimeData.getStringF('moreApps', numApps - this.collapsedSize);