blob: 2f902ea3bd886d3b381e3804a6bd8b6b7242e8f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Set true if we should use wasm for raw preview image extraction (PIEX),
* by the fileManagerPrivate.isPiexLoaderEnabled() code below.
* @type {boolean}
let useWasm = false;
* Call FMP.isPiexLoaderEnabled() to get the piex feature flag, and use it
* to select nacl or wasm for PIEX work.
if (chrome && chrome.fileManagerPrivate) {
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.isPiexLoaderEnabled((piex_nacl_enabled) => {
useWasm = !piex_nacl_enabled;
console.log('[PiexLoader] wasm mode ' + useWasm);
* Declares the piex-wasm Module interface. The Module has many interfaces
* but only declare the parts required for PIEX work.
* @typedef {{
* calledRun: boolean,
* onAbort: function((!Error|string)):undefined,
* HEAP8: !Uint8Array,
* _malloc: function(number):number,
* _free: function(number):undefined,
* image: function(number, number):PiexWasmImageResult
* }}
var PiexWasmModule;
* |window| var Module defined in page <script src='piex/piex.js.wasm'>.
* @type {PiexWasmModule}
var Module = window['Module'] || {};
* Set true only if the wasm Module.onAbort() handler is called.
* @type {boolean}
let wasmFailed = false;
* Installs an (Emscripten) wasm Module.onAbort handler, that records that
* the Module has failed and re-throws the error.
* @throws {!Error|string}
Module.onAbort = (error) => {
wasmFailed = true;
throw error;
* Module failure recovery: if wasmFailed is set via onAbort due to OOM in
* the C++ for example, or the Module failed to load or call run, then the
* wasm Module is in a broken, non-functional state.
* Re-loading the page is the only reliable way to attempt to recover from
* broken Module state.
function wasmModuleFailed() {
if (wasmFailed || !Module.calledRun) {
console.error('[PiexLoader] wasmModuleFailed');
setTimeout(chrome.runtime.reload, 0);
return true;
* @typedef {{
* fulfill: function(PiexLoaderResponse):undefined,
* reject: function(string):undefined}
* }}
var PiexRequestCallbacks;
* @param {{id:number, thumbnail:!ArrayBuffer, orientation:number,
* colorSpace: ColorSpace}}
* data Data directly returned from NaCl module.
* @constructor
* @struct
function PiexLoaderResponse(data) {
* @public {number}
* @const
*/ =;
* @public {!ArrayBuffer}
* @const
this.thumbnail = data.thumbnail;
* @public {!ImageOrientation}
* @const
this.orientation =
* @public {ColorSpace}
* @const
this.colorSpace = data.colorSpace;
* Creates a PiexLoader for loading RAW files using a Piex NaCl module.
* All of the arguments are optional and used for tests only. If not passed,
* then default implementations and values will be used.
* @param {function()=} opt_createModule Creates a NaCl module.
* @param {function(!Element)=} opt_destroyModule Destroys a NaCl module.
* @param {number=} opt_idleTimeout Idle timeout to destroy NaCl module.
* @constructor
* @struct
function PiexLoader(opt_createModule, opt_destroyModule, opt_idleTimeout) {
* @private {function():!HTMLEmbedElement}
this.createModule_ = opt_createModule || this.defaultCreateModule_.bind(this);
* @private {function():!Element}
this.destroyModule_ =
opt_destroyModule || this.defaultDestroyModule_.bind(this);
this.idleTimeoutMs_ = opt_idleTimeout !== undefined ?
opt_idleTimeout :
* @private {HTMLEmbedElement}
this.naclModule_ = null;
* @private {Element}
this.containerElement_ = null;
* @private {number}
this.unloadTimer_ = 0;
* @private {Promise<boolean>}
this.naclPromise_ = null;
* @private {?function(boolean)}
this.naclPromiseFulfill_ = null;
* @private {?function(string=)}
this.naclPromiseReject_ = null;
* @private {!Object<number, ?PiexRequestCallbacks>}
* @const
this.requests_ = {};
* @private {number}
this.requestIdCount_ = 0;
// Bound function so the listeners can be unregistered.
this.onNaclLoadBound_ = this.onNaclLoad_.bind(this);
this.onNaclMessageBound_ = this.onNaclMessage_.bind(this);
this.onNaclErrorBound_ = this.onNaclError_.bind(this);
this.onNaclCrashBound_ = this.onNaclCrash_.bind(this);
* Idling time before the NaCl module is unloaded. This lets the image loader
* extension close when inactive.
* @const {number}
PiexLoader.DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000; // 3 seconds.
* Creates a NaCl module element.
* Do not call directly. Use this.loadModule_ instead to support
* tests.
* @return {!HTMLEmbedElement}
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.defaultCreateModule_ = function() {
var embed =
assertInstanceof(document.createElement('embed'), HTMLEmbedElement);
embed.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-pnacl');
// The extension nmf is not allowed to load. We uses .nmf.js instead.
embed.setAttribute('src', '/piex/piex.nmf.txt');
embed.width = '0';
embed.height = '0';
return embed;
PiexLoader.prototype.defaultDestroyModule_ = function(module) {
// The module is destroyed by removing it from DOM in loadNaclModule_().
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.loadNaclModule_ = function() {
if (this.naclPromise_) {
return this.naclPromise_;
this.naclPromise_ =
new Promise(function(fulfill) {
const useNacl = !useWasm;
.then(function(enabled) {
if (!enabled) {
return false;
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
this.naclPromiseFulfill_ = fulfill;
this.naclPromiseReject_ = reject;
this.naclModule_ = this.createModule_();
// The <EMBED> element is wrapped inside a <DIV>, which has both a
// 'load' and a 'message' event listener attached. This wrapping
// method is used instead of attaching the event listeners
// directly to the <EMBED> element to ensure that the listeners
// are active before the NaCl module 'load' event fires.
var listenerContainer = assertInstanceof(
document.createElement('div'), HTMLDivElement);
'load', this.onNaclLoadBound_, true);
'message', this.onNaclMessageBound_, true);
'error', this.onNaclErrorBound_, true);
'crash', this.onNaclCrashBound_, true); = '0px';
this.containerElement_ = listenerContainer;
// Force a relayout. Workaround for load event not being called on
// <embed> for a NaCl module.
/** @suppress {suspiciousCode} */ this.naclModule_.offsetTop;
.catch(function(error) {
return false;
return this.naclPromise_;
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.unloadNaclModule_ = function() {
this.containerElement_.removeEventListener('load', this.onNaclLoadBound_);
'message', this.onNaclMessageBound_);
this.containerElement_.removeEventListener('error', this.onNaclErrorBound_);
this.containerElement_.removeEventListener('crash', this.onNaclCrashBound_);
this.containerElement_ = null;
this.naclModule_ = null;
this.naclPromise_ = null;
this.naclPromiseFulfill_ = null;
this.naclPromiseReject_ = null;
* @param {Event} event
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.onNaclLoad_ = function(event) {
* @param {Event} listener_event
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.onNaclMessage_ = function(listener_event) {
let event = /** @type{MessageEvent} */ (listener_event);
var id =;
if (! {
var response = new PiexLoaderResponse(;
} else {
delete this.requests_[id];
if (Object.keys(this.requests_).length === 0) {
* @param {Event} event
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.onNaclError_ = function(event) {
* @param {Event} event
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.onNaclCrash_ = function(event) {
this.naclPromiseReject_('PiexLoader crashed.');
* Schedules unloading the NaCl module after IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS passes.
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.scheduleUnloadOnIdle_ = function() {
if (this.unloadTimer_) {
this.unloadTimer_ =
setTimeout(this.onIdleTimeout_.bind(this), this.idleTimeoutMs_);
* @private
PiexLoader.prototype.onIdleTimeout_ = function() {
* Simulates time passed required to fire the closure enqueued with setTimeout.
* Note, that if there is no active timer set with setTimeout earlier, then
* nothing will happen.
* This method is used to avoid waiting for DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS in tests.
* Also, it allows to avoid flakyness by effectively removing any dependency
* on execution speed of the test (tests set the timeout to a very large value
* and only rely on this method to simulate passed time).
PiexLoader.prototype.simulateIdleTimeoutPassedForTests = function() {
if (this.unloadTimer_) {
* Resolves the file entry associated with DOM filesystem |url| and returns
* the file content in an ArrayBuffer.
* @param {string} url - DOM filesystem URL of the file.
* @returns {!Promise<!ArrayBuffer>}
function readFromFileSystem(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
* Reject the Promise on fileEntry URL resolve or file read failures.
function failure(error) {
reject(new Error('Reading file system: ' + error));
* Returns true if the fileEntry file size is within sensible limits.
* @param {number} size - file size.
* @return {boolean}
function valid(size) {
return size > 0 && size < Math.pow(2, 30);
* Reads the fileEntry's content into an ArrayBuffer: resolve Promise
* with the ArrayBuffer result or reject the Promise on failure.
* @param {!Entry} entry - file system entry of |url|.
function readEntry(entry) {
const fileEntry = /** @type {!FileEntry} */ (entry);
fileEntry.file((file) => {
if (valid(file.size)) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = failure;
reader.onload = (_) => resolve(reader.result);
} else {
failure('invalid file size: ' + file.size);
}, failure);
window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(url, readEntry, failure);
* Piex wasm extacts the preview image metadata from a raw image. The preview
* image |format| is either 0 (JPEG) or 1 (RGB), and has a |colorSpace| (sRGB
* or AdobeRGB1998) and a JETA EXIF image |orientation|.
* An RGB format preview image has both |width| and |height|, but JPEG format
* previews have neither (PIEX C++ does not attempt to parse/decode JPEG).
* The |offset| to, and |length| of, the preview image relative to the source
* data is indicated by those fields, and they are never 0. Note their values
* are controlled by a third-party and are untrustworthy (Security).
* @typedef {{
* format:number,
* colorSpace:ColorSpace,
* orientation:number,
* width:?number,
* height:?number,
* offset:number,
* length:number
* }}
var PiexWasmPreviewImageMetadata;
* The piex wasm Module.image(<raw image source>,...) API returns |error|, or
* else the source |preview| and/or |thumbnail| image metadata.
* FilesApp (and related) only use |preview| images. Preview images are JPEG.
* The |thumbnail| images are small, lower-quality, JPEG or RGB format images
* and are not currently used in FilesApp.
* @typedef {{
* error:?string,
* preview:?PiexWasmPreviewImageMetadata,
* thumbnail:?PiexWasmPreviewImageMetadata
* }}
var PiexWasmImageResult;
* Piex wasm raw image preview image extractor.
class ImageBuffer {
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} buffer - raw image source data.
* @param {number} id - caller-defined id.
constructor(buffer, id) {
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
*/ = id;
* @type {!Uint8Array}
* @const
* @private
this.source = new Uint8Array(buffer);
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
this.length = buffer.byteLength;
* @type {number}
* @private
this.memory = 0;
* Calls Module.image() to process |this.source|, and returns the result.
* @return {!PiexWasmImageResult}
* @throws {!Error}
process() {
this.memory = Module._malloc(this.length);
if (!this.memory) {
throw new Error('Image malloc failed: ' + this.length + ' bytes');
Module.HEAP8.set(this.source, this.memory);
const result = Module.image(this.memory, this.length);
if (result.error) {
throw new Error(result.error);
return result;
* Returns the preview image data. If no preview image was found, returns
* an empty preview image.
* @param {!PiexWasmImageResult} result
* @throws {!Error} Data access security error.
* @return {{id:number, thumbnail:!ArrayBuffer, orientation:number,
* colorSpace: ColorSpace}}
preview(result) {
const preview = result.preview;
if (!preview) {
return {
thumbnail: new ArrayBuffer(0),
colorSpace: ColorSpace.SRGB,
orientation: 1,
const offset = preview.offset;
const length = preview.length;
if (offset > this.length || (this.length - offset) < length) {
throw new Error('Preview image access failed');
const view = new Uint8Array(this.source.buffer, offset, length);
return {
thumbnail: new Uint8Array(view).buffer,
orientation: preview.orientation,
colorSpace: preview.colorSpace,
* Release resources.
close() {
* Starts to load RAW image.
* @param {string} url
* @return {!Promise<!PiexLoaderResponse>}
PiexLoader.prototype.load = function(url) {
var requestId = this.requestIdCount_++;
if (this.unloadTimer_) {
this.unloadTimer_ = 0;
if (useWasm) {
let imageBuffer;
return readFromFileSystem(url)
.then((buffer) => {
if (wasmModuleFailed() === true) {
return Promise.reject('piex wasm module failed');
imageBuffer = new ImageBuffer(buffer, requestId);
return imageBuffer.process();
.then((result) => {
return new PiexLoaderResponse(imageBuffer.preview(result));
.catch((error) => {
if (wasmModuleFailed() === true) {
return Promise.reject('piex wasm module failed');
imageBuffer && imageBuffer.close();
console.error('[PiexLoader] ' + error);
return Promise.reject(error);
// Prevents unloading the NaCl module during handling the promises below.
this.requests_[requestId] = null;
return this.loadNaclModule_().then(function(loaded) {
if (!loaded) {
return Promise.reject('Piex is not loaded');
var message = {id: requestId, name: 'loadThumbnail', url: url};
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
delete this.requests_[requestId];
this.requests_[] = {fulfill: fulfill, reject: reject};
.catch(function(error) {
delete this.requests_[requestId];
console.error('PiexLoaderError: ', error);
return Promise.reject(error);