blob: 415dafa788da80874730d4d0a43bc8cbcb6d60ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @implements {d3.ForceNode} */
class GraphNode {
constructor(id) { = id;
// Implementation of the d3.ForceNode interface.
// See
this.index = null;
this.x = null;
this.y = null;
this.vx = null;
this.vy = null;
this.fx = null;
this.fy = null;
/** @return {string} */
get title() {
return '';
* @param {number} height
* @return {number}
yPosition(height) {
// By default, nodes are biased mildly to the center of the graph.
return height / 2;
/** @return {number} */
yStrength() {
return 0.1;
/** @return {!Array<number>} */
linkTargets() {
return [];
class PageNode extends GraphNode {
/** @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIPageInfo} page */
constructor(page) {
super(; = page;
/** override */
get title() {
/** override */
yPosition(height) {
return 30;
/** @override */
yStrength() {
return 1;
/** override */
linkTargets() {
return [];
class FrameNode extends GraphNode {
/** @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIFrameInfo} frame */
constructor(frame) {
this.frame = frame;
/** override */
get title() {
return 'Frame';
/** override */
linkTargets() {
return [this.frame.parentFrameId, this.frame.processId];
class ProcessNode extends GraphNode {
/** @param {!resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIProcessInfo} process */
constructor(process) {
/** {!resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIProcessInfo} */
this.process = process;
/** override */
yPosition(height) {
return height - 30;
/** @return {number} */
yStrength() {
return 1;
/** override */
get title() {
return `PID: ${}`;
class Graph {
* TODO(siggi): This should be SVGElement, but closure doesn't have externs
* for this yet.
* @param {Element} svg
constructor(svg) {
* TODO(siggi): SVGElement.
* @private {Element}
this.svg_ = svg;
/** @private {number} */
this.width_ = 100;
/** @private {number} */
this.height_ = 100;
/** @private {d3.ForceSimulation} */
this.simulation_ = null;
* A selection for the top-level <g> node that contains all nodes.
* @private {d3.selection}
this.nodeGroup_ = null;
* A selection for the top-level <g> node that contains all edges.
* @private {d3.selection}
this.linkGroup_ = null;
/** @private {!Map<number, !GraphNode>} */
this.nodes_ = new Map();
* The links.
* @private {!Array<!d3.ForceLink>}
this.links_ = [];
initialize() {
// Set up a message listener to receive the graph data from the WebUI.
// This is hosted in a webview that is never navigated anywhere else,
// so these event handlers are never removed.
window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage_.bind(this));
// Set up a window resize listener to track the graph on resize.
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize_.bind(this));
// Create the simulation and set up the permanent forces.
const simulation = d3.forceSimulation();
simulation.on('tick', this.onTick_.bind(this));
const linkForce = d3.forceLink().id(d =>;
simulation.force('link', linkForce);
simulation.force('charge', d3.forceManyBody());
this.simulation_ = simulation;
// Create the <g> elements that host nodes and links.
// The link group is created first so that all links end up behind nodes.
const svg =;
this.linkGroup_ = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'links');
this.nodeGroup_ = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'nodes');
* @param {!Event} event A graph update event posted from the WebUI.
* @private
onMessage_(event) {
/** @private */
render_() {
// Select the links.
const link = this.linkGroup_.selectAll('line').data(this.links_);
// Add new links.
link.enter().append('line').attr('stroke-width', 1);
// Remove dead links.
// Select the nodes, except for any dead ones that are still transitioning.
const nodes = Array.from(this.nodes_.values());
const node =
this.nodeGroup_.selectAll('circle:not(.dead)').data(nodes, d =>;
// Add new nodes, if any.
if (!node.enter().empty()) {
const drag = d3.drag();
drag.on('start', this.onDragStart_.bind(this));
drag.on('drag', this.onDrag_.bind(this));
drag.on('end', this.onDragEnd_.bind(this));
const circles = node.enter()
.attr('r', 7.5)
.attr('fill', 'green') // New nodes appear green.
// Transition new nodes to black over 2 seconds.
circles.transition().duration(2000).attr('fill', 'black').attr('r', 5);
// Give dead notes a distinguishing class to exclude them from the selection
// above. Interrupt any ongoing transitions, then transition them out.
.classed('dead', true)
.attr('r', 7.5)
.attr('fill', 'red')
.attr('r', 0)
// Update the title for all nodes.
node.selectAll('title').text(d => d.title);
// Update and restart the simulation if the graph changed.
if (!node.enter().empty() || !node.exit().empty() ||
!link.enter().empty() || !link.exit().empty()) {
/** @private */
onTick_() {
const lines = this.linkGroup_.selectAll('line');
lines.attr('x1', d => d.source.x)
.attr('y1', d => d.source.y)
.attr('x2', d =>
.attr('y2', d =>;
const circles = this.nodeGroup_.selectAll('circle');
circles.attr('cx', d => d.x).attr('cy', d => d.y);
* @param {!Map<number, !GraphNode>} oldNodes
* @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIPageInfo} page
* @private
addOrUpdatePage_(oldNodes, page) {
if (!page) {
let node = /** @type {?PageNode} */ (oldNodes.get(;
if (node) { = page;
} else {
node = new PageNode(page);
this.nodes_.set(, node);
* @param {!Map<number, !GraphNode>} oldNodes
* @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIFrameInfo} frame
* @private
addOrUpdateFrame_(oldNodes, frame) {
if (!frame) {
let node = /** @type {?FrameNode} */ (oldNodes.get(;
if (node) {
node.frame = frame;
} else {
node = new FrameNode(frame);
this.nodes_.set(, node);
* @param {!Map<number, !GraphNode>} oldNodes
* @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIProcessInfo} process
* @private
addOrUpdateProcess_(oldNodes, process) {
if (!process) {
let node = /** @type {?ProcessNode} */ (oldNodes.get(;
if (node) {
node.process = process;
} else {
node = new ProcessNode(process);
this.nodes_.set(, node);
* @param {!GraphNode} source
* @param {number} dst_id
* @private
maybeAddLink_(source, dst_id) {
const target = this.nodes_.get(dst_id);
if (target) {
this.links_.push({source: source, target: target});
* @param {resourceCoordinator.mojom.WebUIGraph} graph An updated graph from
* the WebUI.
* @private
onGraphDump_(graph) {
// Keep a copy of the current node list, as the new node list will copy
// existing nodes into it.
const oldNodes = this.nodes_;
this.nodes_ = new Map();
for (const page of graph.pages) {
this.addOrUpdatePage_(oldNodes, page);
for (const frame of graph.frames) {
this.addOrUpdateFrame_(oldNodes, frame);
for (const process of graph.processes) {
this.addOrUpdateProcess_(oldNodes, process);
// Recompute the links, there's no benefit to maintaining the identity
// of the previous links.
// TODO(siggi): I'm not sure this is true in general. Edges might cache
// their individual strengths, as a case in point.
this.links_ = [];
const newNodes = this.nodes_.values();
for (const node of newNodes) {
const linkTargets = node.linkTargets();
for (const linkTarget of linkTargets) {
this.maybeAddLink_(node, linkTarget);
// TODO(siggi): this is a good place to do initial positioning of new nodes.
* @param {!GraphNode} d The dragged node.
* @private
onDragStart_(d) {
if (! {
d.fx = d.x;
d.fy = d.y;
* @param {!GraphNode} d The dragged node.
* @private
onDrag_(d) {
d.fx = d3.event.x;
d.fy = d3.event.y;
* @param {!GraphNode} d The dragged node.
* @private
onDragEnd_(d) {
if (! {
d.fx = null;
d.fy = null;
* @param {!d3.ForceNode} d The node to position.
* @private
getYPosition_(d) {
return d.yPosition(this.height_);
* @param {!d3.ForceNode} d The node to position.
* @private
getYStrength_(d) {
return d.yStrength();
/** @private */
restartSimulation_() {
// Restart the simulation.
* Resizes and restarts the animation after a size change.
* @private
onResize_() {
this.width_ = this.svg_.clientWidth;
this.height_ = this.svg_.clientHeight;
// Reset both X and Y attractive forces, as they're cached.
const xForce = d3.forceX().x(this.width_ / 2).strength(0.1);
const yForce = d3.forceY()
this.simulation_.force('x_pos', xForce);
this.simulation_.force('y_pos', yForce);
let graph = null;
function onLoad() {
graph = new Graph(document.querySelector('svg'));
window.addEventListener('load', onLoad);