Expose ImageAnnotationStatus via Mac accessibility APIs

This is the Mac counterpart to http://crrev.com/c/1471353, which
implemented the same functionality on Windows.

When an image is annotated with a description of an image, the
ImageAnnotationStatus enum field of AXNodeData keeps track of
the current state, like available for annotation, waiting on
an annotation, or successfully annotated. We want to expose
this to VoiceOver users.

For the NSAccessibility protocol on Mac, accessible text can
be exposed in either AXTitle or AXDescription. Since image
descriptions are not visible text, we want to expose them in
AXDescription. They're appended to any existing description so
nothing is ever overwritten.

Bug: 905419
Change-Id: I801ca80b3a1fd7c4744cd69a0681a705fc9e1a69
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1476942
Commit-Queue: Dominic Mazzoni <dmazzoni@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Alice Boxhall <aboxhall@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#633198}
2 files changed