FileManager: Generate unit test html files from closure dependencies.

JS files don't name their `#includes`, but for closure compilation we
must effectively list each .js file's #includes in build dependencies.
We can use this to generate the list of .js files, in the correct
order, that we use for js unittests. Manually creating the
foo_unittest.html files is fiddly, error-prone, and is not robust to
files being moved around. However, it does require the unittest js
file to be properly closure-compiled.

Start by obsoleting the 3 foo_unittest.html files in
gallery/image_editor, which are the only ones currently closure-

Note that the dependency files are created _regardless_ of the
`closure_compilation = true` gn flag. i.e. this does not introduce a
dependency on the closure _compiler_: dependency information comes from
the GN build files alone. The closure_compilation flag only affects the
js_type_check(..) targets, but the approach here uses js_library(..)

Bug: 867700
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:closure_compilation
Change-Id: I91b3a726b999a9f7db721fefc23b3f6512fd3c0c
Reviewed-by: Noel Gordon <>
Commit-Queue: Trent Apted <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#581795}
12 files changed