Remove NewTabButton::GetVisibleBounds().

This was a computed by constructing the border path and computing the bounding
box.  However, it was only used for the ink drop, and ink drops are only used in
newer material mode, where the border path is a square.

Instead, we can use GetContentsBounds(), as long as those are actually
positioned correctly.  The new tab button has empty space at the top, which is
included (by the tabstrip) in its size and accounted for when doing painting and
hittesting.  By adding an empty top border of this thickness, a lot of this code
can be simplified.  (Further simplifications are coming in a subsequent CL.)

Bug: none
Change-Id: I431c6100d45b7f92a0ab1c9ed9f81f8fab436ebe
Reviewed-by: Allen Bauer <>
Commit-Queue: Peter Kasting <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#574585}
3 files changed