blob: 9ee616b2eaa09950e1084a443b3a42e43f4f5cfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_migrator.h"
namespace policy {
// A helper class that migrates a deprecated policy to a new policy across
// domain boundaries, by setting up the new policy based on the old one. It can
// migrate a deprecated extension policy to a new Chrome policy.
// PolicyMigrator with chrome-specific helper functions.
class ChromeExtensionPolicyMigrator : public PolicyMigrator {
~ChromeExtensionPolicyMigrator() override {}
// Helper function intended for implementers who want to rename policies and
// copy them from an extension domain to the Chrome domain. If one of the
// Chrome domain policies is already set, it is not overridden.
// hashed_extension_id is the SHA1-hashed extension_id to avoid the necessity
// of possibly hardcoding extension ids.
static void CopyPoliciesIfUnset(PolicyBundle* bundle,
const std::string& hashed_extension_id,
base::span<const Migration> migrations);
} // namespace policy