blob: 9d70f390711e4b38b975d4c4ee110e0e75b9fb17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TestBrowserProxy} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/_test_resources/webui/test_browser_proxy.m.js';
import {NavigatorDelegate, PdfNavigator, WindowOpenDisposition} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/navigator.js';
import {OpenPdfParamsParser} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/open_pdf_params_parser.js';
import {PDFScriptingAPI} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/pdf_scripting_api.js';
import {getZoomableViewport, MockDocumentDimensions, MockElement, MockSizer, MockViewportChangedCallback} from './test_util.js';
/** @implements {NavigatorDelegate} */
class MockNavigatorDelegate extends TestBrowserProxy {
constructor() {
/** @override */
navigateInCurrentTab(url) {
this.methodCalled('navigateInCurrentTab', url);
/** @override */
navigateInNewTab(url) {
this.methodCalled('navigateInNewTab', url);
/** @override */
navigateInNewWindow(url) {
this.methodCalled('navigateInNewWindow', url);
* Given a |navigator|, navigate to |url| in the current tab, a new tab, or
* a new window depending on the value of |disposition|. Use
* |viewportChangedCallback| and |navigatorDelegate| to check the callbacks,
* and that the navigation to |expectedResultUrl| happened.
* @param {!PdfNavigator} navigator
* @param {string} url
* @param {!WindowOpenDisposition} disposition
* @param {(string|undefined)} expectedResultUrl
* @param {!MockViewportChangedCallback} viewportChangedCallback
* @param {!MockNavigatorDelegate} navigatorDelegate
async function doNavigationUrlTest(
navigator, url, disposition, expectedResultUrl, viewportChangedCallback,
navigatorDelegate) {
await navigator.navigate(url, disposition);
if (expectedResultUrl === undefined) {
let actualUrl = null;
switch (disposition) {
case WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB:
actualUrl = await navigatorDelegate.whenCalled('navigateInCurrentTab');
case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB:
actualUrl = await navigatorDelegate.whenCalled('navigateInNewTab');
case WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_WINDOW:
actualUrl = await navigatorDelegate.whenCalled('navigateInNewWindow');
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedResultUrl, actualUrl);
* Helper function to run doNavigationUrlTest() for the current tab, a new
* tab, and a new window.
* @param {string} originalUrl
* @param {string} url
* @param {(string|undefined)} expectedResultUrl
async function doNavigationUrlTests(originalUrl, url, expectedResultUrl) {
const mockWindow = new MockElement(100, 100, null);
const mockSizer = new MockSizer();
const mockViewportChangedCallback = new MockViewportChangedCallback();
const viewport = getZoomableViewport(mockWindow, mockSizer, 0, 1, 0);
const paramsParser = new OpenPdfParamsParser(function(name) {
return Promise.resolve(
{messageId: 'getNamedDestination_1', pageNumber: -1});
const navigatorDelegate = new MockNavigatorDelegate();
const navigator =
new PdfNavigator(originalUrl, viewport, paramsParser, navigatorDelegate);
await doNavigationUrlTest(
navigator, url, WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB, expectedResultUrl,
mockViewportChangedCallback, navigatorDelegate);
await doNavigationUrlTest(
navigator, url, WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB,
expectedResultUrl, mockViewportChangedCallback, navigatorDelegate);
await doNavigationUrlTest(
navigator, url, WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_WINDOW, expectedResultUrl,
mockViewportChangedCallback, navigatorDelegate);
const tests = [
* Test navigation within the page, opening a url in the same tab and
* opening a url in a new tab.
async function testNavigate() {
const mockWindow = new MockElement(100, 100, null);
const mockSizer = new MockSizer();
const mockCallback = new MockViewportChangedCallback();
const viewport = getZoomableViewport(mockWindow, mockSizer, 0, 1, 0);
const paramsParser = new OpenPdfParamsParser(function(destination) {
if (destination === 'US') {
return Promise.resolve(
{messageId: 'getNamedDestination_1', pageNumber: 0});
} else if (destination === 'UY') {
return Promise.resolve(
{messageId: 'getNamedDestination_2', pageNumber: 2});
} else {
return Promise.resolve(
{messageId: 'getNamedDestination_3', pageNumber: -1});
const url = 'http://xyz.pdf';
const navigatorDelegate = new MockNavigatorDelegate();
const navigator =
new PdfNavigator(url, viewport, paramsParser, navigatorDelegate);
const documentDimensions = new MockDocumentDimensions();
documentDimensions.addPage(100, 100);
documentDimensions.addPage(200, 200);
documentDimensions.addPage(100, 400);
// This should move viewport to page 0.
await navigator.navigate(url + '#US', WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.x);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.y);
// This should open "http://xyz.pdf#US" in a new tab. So current tab
// viewport should not update and viewport position should remain same.
await navigator.navigate(
url + '#US', WindowOpenDisposition.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB);
await navigatorDelegate.whenCalled('navigateInNewTab');
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.x);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.y);
// This should move viewport to page 2.
await navigator.navigate(url + '#UY', WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.x);
chrome.test.assertEq(300, viewport.position.y);
// #ABC is not a named destination in the page so viewport should not
// update, and the viewport position should remain same as testNavigate3's
// navigating results, as this link will open in the same tab.
await navigator.navigate(url + '#ABC', WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB);
await navigatorDelegate.whenCalled('navigateInCurrentTab');
chrome.test.assertEq(0, viewport.position.x);
chrome.test.assertEq(300, viewport.position.y);
* Test opening a url in the same tab, in a new tab, and in a new window for
* a http:// url as the current location. The destination url may not have
* a valid scheme, so the navigator must determine the url by following
* similar heuristics as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
async function testNavigateForLinksWithoutScheme() {
const url = '';
// Sanity check.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '', '');
// Open relative links.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, 'foo/bar.pdf', '');
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '',
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '../',
// Open an absolute link.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '/foodotcom/bar.pdf', '');
// Open a http url without a scheme.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '', '');
// Test three dots.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '.../bar.pdf', '');
// Test forward slashes.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '..\\bar.pdf', '');
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '.\\bar.pdf', '');
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '\\bar.pdf', '');
// Regression test for
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, 'http://something.else/foo#page=5',
* Test opening a url in the same tab, in a new tab, and in a new window with
* a file:/// url as the current location.
async function testNavigateFromLocalFile() {
const url = 'file:///some/path/to/myfile.pdf';
// Open an absolute link.
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, '/foodotcom/bar.pdf', 'file:///foodotcom/bar.pdf');
async function testNavigateInvalidUrls() {
const url = '';
// From non-file: to file:
await doNavigationUrlTests(url, 'file:///bar.pdf', undefined);
await doNavigationUrlTests(url, 'chrome://version', undefined);
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, 'javascript:// this is not a document.pdf', undefined);
await doNavigationUrlTests(
url, 'this-is-not-a-valid-scheme://path.pdf', undefined);
await doNavigationUrlTests(url, '', undefined);
const scriptingAPI = new PDFScriptingAPI(window, window);
scriptingAPI.setLoadCompleteCallback(function() {