blob: 244f0944be23bedd6d3c310bed448e8bd9b6a068 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Test suite for chrome-untrusted://help-app. */
// Test that language is set correctly on the guest frame.
GUEST_TEST('GuestHasLang', () => {
assertEquals(document.documentElement.lang, 'en-US');
* Waits for the app's initial index update to complete. This prevents it from
* interfering with test code. After the update completes, there will be at
* least one search result for the query "Chrome".
* Returns the app's client API delegate.
async function waitForInitialIndexUpdate() {
const delegate = /** @type {!helpApp.ClientApi} */ (
for (let numTries = 0; numTries < 50; numTries++) {
// 'Chrome' appears in the mock app's fake search results, and should appear
// in the real app's search results.
const response = await delegate.findInSearchIndex('Chrome');
if (response && response.results && response.results.length > 0) break;
await new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 50)});
return delegate;
// Test that search (add, find) works when called from the guest frame,
// and it works for searchable items with and without subheadings.
GUEST_TEST('GuestCanSearchWithHeadings', async () => {
const delegate = await waitForInitialIndexUpdate();
await delegate.addOrUpdateSearchIndex([{
// Title match. No subheadings.
id: 'test-id-1',
title: 'Title with verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Help',
locale: 'en-US',
// Subheading match.
id: 'test-id-2',
title: 'Title 2',
subheadings: [
'Subheading 1',
'verycomplicatedsearchtoken in subheading. Verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
'Another subheading with verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Help',
locale: 'en-US',
// Should not appear in the results.
id: 'test-id-3',
title: 'Title of irrelevant article',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Help',
locale: 'en-US',
// Keep polling until the index finishes updating or too much time has passed.
/** @type {?helpApp.FindResponse} */
let response = null;
for (let numTries = 0; numTries < 50; numTries++) {
// This search query was chosen because it is unlikely to show any search
// results for the real app's data.
response = await delegate.findInSearchIndex('verycomplicatedsearchtoken');
if (response && response.results && response.results.length > 0) break;
await new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 50)});
assertDeepEquals(response.results, [
// The first result only matches on the title.
id: 'test-id-1',
titlePositions: [{start: 11, length: 26}],
subheadingIndex: null,
subheadingPositions: null,
bodyPositions: [],
// The second result only matches on the second and third subheadings, and
// it uses the subheading with the most matches in the snippet.
id: 'test-id-2',
titlePositions: [],
subheadingIndex: 1,
subheadingPositions: [
{start: 0, length: 26},
{start: 42, length: 26},
bodyPositions: [],
// Test that search works for the categories and subcategories of searchable
// items.
GUEST_TEST('GuestCanSearchWithCategories', async () => {
const delegate = await waitForInitialIndexUpdate();
await delegate.addOrUpdateSearchIndex([{
// Main category match. No subcategories.
id: 'test-id-1',
title: 'Title with of article',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
locale: 'en-US',
// Subcategory match.
id: 'test-id-2',
title: 'Title 2',
subcategoryNames: [
'Subcategory 1',
'verycomplicatedsearchtoken in subcategory. Verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
'Another subcategory with verycomplicatedsearchtoken',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Help',
locale: 'en-US',
// Should not appear in the results.
id: 'test-id-3',
title: 'Title of irrelevant article',
body: 'Body text',
mainCategoryName: 'Help',
locale: 'en-US',
// Keep polling until the index finishes updating or too much time has passed.
/** @type {?helpApp.FindResponse} */
let response = null;
for (let numTries = 0; numTries < 50; numTries++) {
// This search query was chosen because it is unlikely to show any search
// results for the real app's data.
response = await delegate.findInSearchIndex('verycomplicatedsearchtoken');
if (response && response.results && response.results.length > 0) break;
await new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 50)});
// Don't test the ordering of search results because they should have similar
// relevance.
// This result only matches on the main category.
id: 'test-id-1',
titlePositions: [],
subheadingIndex: null,
subheadingPositions: null,
bodyPositions: [],
// This result only matches on the second and third subcategories.
id: 'test-id-2',
titlePositions: [],
subheadingIndex: null,
subheadingPositions: null,
bodyPositions: [],
// Test that the guest frame can clear the search index.
GUEST_TEST('GuestCanClearSearchIndex', async () => {
const delegate = await waitForInitialIndexUpdate();
// Clear resolves after the index finishes clearing, so we don't need to try
// finding multiple times.
await delegate.clearSearchIndex();
const res = await delegate.findInSearchIndex('Chrome');
assertDeepEquals(res, {results: null});