blob: d257a7543082891891b36e588492b85a3e8442f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Class to handle focus rings.
class FocusRingManager {
* @param {!SwitchAccessInterface} switchAccess
* @param {!BackButtonManager} backButtonManager
constructor(switchAccess, backButtonManager) {
* A map of all the focus rings.
* @private {!Map<SAConstants.Focus.ID,
* chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusRingInfo>}
this.rings_ = new Map();
* Regex pattern to verify valid colors. Checks that the first character
* is '#', followed by between 3 and 8 valid hex characters, and no other
* characters (ignoring case).
this.colorPattern_ = /^#[0-9A-F]{3,8}$/i;
* Keeps track of the scope node currently being focused.
* @private {chrome.automation.AutomationNode}
* A reference to the Switch Access object.
* @private {!SwitchAccessInterface}
this.switchAccess_ = switchAccess;
* The back button manager.
* @private {!BackButtonManager}
this.backButtonManager_ = backButtonManager;
/** Finishes setup of focus rings once the preferences are loaded. */
onPrefsReady() {
// Currently all focus rings share the same color.
// TODO(anastasi): Make the primary color a preference.
const color = SAConstants.Focus.PRIMARY_COLOR;
// Create each focus ring.
this.rings_.set(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY, {
id: SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY,
rects: [],
type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusType.SOLID,
color: color,
secondaryColor: SAConstants.Focus.SECONDARY_COLOR
this.rings_.set(SAConstants.Focus.ID.SCOPE, {
id: SAConstants.Focus.ID.SCOPE,
rects: [],
type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusType.DASHED,
color: color,
secondaryColor: SAConstants.Focus.SECONDARY_COLOR
this.rings_.set(SAConstants.Focus.ID.TEXT, {
id: SAConstants.Focus.ID.TEXT,
rects: [],
type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusType.DASHED,
color: color,
secondaryColor: SAConstants.Focus.SECONDARY_COLOR
* Sets the focus ring color.
* @param {!string} color
setColor(color) {
if (this.colorPattern_.test(color) !== true) {
const errorString = 'Problem setting focus ring color: color is not' +
'a valid CSS color string.';
throw new Error(errorString);
this.rings_.forEach((ring) => ring.color = color);
* Sets the primary and scope focus rings to be around the given nodes.
* Saves the scope for future comparison.
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} primary
* @param {!chrome.automation.AutomationNode} scope
setFocusNodes(primary, scope) {
if (this.rings_.size === 0) return;
const focusRect = primary.location;
// If the scope element has not changed, we want to use the previously
// calculated rect as the current scope rect.
let scopeRect = scope.location;
const currentScopeRects = this.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.SCOPE).rects;
if (currentScopeRects.length && scope === this.currentScope_)
scopeRect = currentScopeRects[0];
this.currentScope_ = scope;
if (primary === this.backButtonManager_.backButtonNode()) {;
this.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY).rects = [];
this.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.SCOPE).rects = [scopeRect];
// If the current element is not the back button, the scope rect should
// expand to contain the focus rect.
scopeRect = RectHelper.expandToFitWithPadding(
SAConstants.Focus.SCOPE_BUFFER, scopeRect, focusRect);
this.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY).rects = [focusRect];
this.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.SCOPE).rects = [scopeRect];
* Clears the focus ring with the given ID.
* @param {!SAConstants.Focus.ID} id
clearRing(id) {
this.rings_.get(id).rects = [];
* Clears all focus rings.
clearAll() {
this.rings_.forEach((ring) => ring.rects = []);
* Sets the indicated focus ring to highlight the given rects.
* @param {!SAConstants.Focus.ID} id
* @param {!Array<chrome.accessibilityPrivate.ScreenRect>} rects
setRing(id, rects) {
if (this.rings_.size === 0) return;
this.rings_.get(id).rects = rects;
* Updates all focus rings to reflect new location, color, style, or other
* changes.
updateFocusRings_() {
let focusRings = [];
this.rings_.forEach((ring) => focusRings.push(ring));