blob: ea1312ecabbafa2f41e9ff421307d1a902332a4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var chrome;
if (!chrome)
chrome = {};
if (!chrome.embeddedSearch) {
chrome.embeddedSearch = new function() {
this.searchBox = new function() {
// =======================================================================
// Private functions
// =======================================================================
native function Focus();
native function GetMostVisitedItemData();
native function GetQuery();
native function GetSearchRequestParams();
native function GetRightToLeft();
native function GetSuggestionToPrefetch();
native function IsFocused();
native function IsKeyCaptureEnabled();
native function Paste();
native function StartCapturingKeyStrokes();
native function StopCapturingKeyStrokes();
// =======================================================================
// Exported functions
// =======================================================================
this.__defineGetter__('isFocused', IsFocused);
this.__defineGetter__('isKeyCaptureEnabled', IsKeyCaptureEnabled);
this.__defineGetter__('rtl', GetRightToLeft);
this.__defineGetter__('suggestion', GetSuggestionToPrefetch);
this.__defineGetter__('value', GetQuery);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'requestParams',
{ get: GetSearchRequestParams });
this.focus = function() {
// This method is restricted to chrome-search://most-visited pages by
// checking the invoking context's origin in
this.getMostVisitedItemData = function(restrictedId) {
var item = GetMostVisitedItemData(restrictedId);
if (item) {
var sizeInPx = Math.floor(48 * window.devicePixelRatio + 0.5);
// Populate large icon and fallback icon data, if they exist. We'll
// render everything here, once these become available by default.
if (item.largeIconUrl) {
item.largeIconUrl +=
sizeInPx + "/" + item.renderViewId + "/" + item.rid;
if (item.fallbackIconUrl) {
item.fallbackIconUrl +=
sizeInPx + ",,,,/" + item.renderViewId + "/" + item.rid;
return item;
this.paste = function(value) {
this.startCapturingKeyStrokes = function() {
this.stopCapturingKeyStrokes = function() {
this.onfocuschange = null;
this.onkeycapturechange = null;
this.onsubmit = null;
this.onsuggestionchange = null;
this.newTabPage = new function() {
// =======================================================================
// Private functions
// =======================================================================
native function CheckIsUserSignedInToChromeAs();
native function CheckIsUserSyncingHistory();
native function DeleteMostVisitedItem();
native function GetMostVisitedItems();
native function GetThemeBackgroundInfo();
native function IsInputInProgress();
native function LogEvent();
native function LogMostVisitedImpression();
native function LogMostVisitedNavigation();
native function UndoAllMostVisitedDeletions();
native function UndoMostVisitedDeletion();
function GetMostVisitedItemsWrapper() {
var mostVisitedItems = GetMostVisitedItems();
for (var i = 0, item; item = mostVisitedItems[i]; ++i) {
item.faviconUrl = GenerateFaviconURL(item.renderViewId, item.rid);
// These properties are private data and should not be returned to
// the page. They are only accessible via getMostVisitedItemData().
delete item.url;
delete item.title;
delete item.domain;
delete item.direction;
delete item.renderViewId;
delete item.largeIconUrl;
delete item.fallbackIconUrl;
return mostVisitedItems;
function GenerateFaviconURL(renderViewId, rid) {
return "chrome-search://favicon/size/16@" +
window.devicePixelRatio + "x/" +
renderViewId + "/" + rid;
// =======================================================================
// Exported functions
// =======================================================================
this.__defineGetter__('isInputInProgress', IsInputInProgress);
this.__defineGetter__('mostVisited', GetMostVisitedItemsWrapper);
this.__defineGetter__('themeBackgroundInfo', GetThemeBackgroundInfo);
this.deleteMostVisitedItem = function(restrictedId) {
this.checkIsUserSignedIntoChromeAs = function(identity) {
this.checkIsUserSyncingHistory = function() {
// This method is restricted to chrome-search://most-visited pages by
// checking the invoking context's origin in
this.logEvent = function(histogram_name) {
// This method is restricted to chrome-search://most-visited pages by
// checking the invoking context's origin in
this.logMostVisitedImpression = function(position, provider) {
LogMostVisitedImpression(position, provider);
// This method is restricted to chrome-search://most-visited pages by
// checking the invoking context's origin in
this.logMostVisitedNavigation = function(position, provider) {
LogMostVisitedNavigation(position, provider);
this.undoAllMostVisitedDeletions = function() {
this.undoMostVisitedDeletion = function(restrictedId) {
this.onsignedincheckdone = null;
this.onhistorysynccheckdone = null;
this.oninputcancel = null;
this.oninputstart = null;
this.onmostvisitedchange = null;
this.onthemechange = null;
// TODO(jered): Remove when google no longer expects this object.
chrome.searchBox = this.searchBox;