blob: fce3e5795a3459975d8a74caf594393bbb1e1dc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {MenuManager} from './menu_manager.js';
import {SAChildNode, SARootNode} from './nodes/switch_access_node.js';
import {SwitchAccess} from './switch_access.js';
import {SAConstants} from './switch_access_constants.js';
* Class to handle focus rings.
export class FocusRingManager {
/** @private */
constructor() {
* A map of all the focus rings.
* @private {!Map<SAConstants.Focus.ID,
* chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusRingInfo>}
this.rings_ = this.createMap_();
* Regex pattern to verify valid colors. Checks that the first character
* is '#', followed by 3, 4, 6, or 8 valid hex characters, and no other
* characters (ignoring case).
* @private
this.colorPattern_ = /^#([0-9A-F]{3,4}|[0-9A-F]{6}|[0-9A-F]{8})$/i;
static get instance() {
if (!FocusRingManager.instance_) {
FocusRingManager.instance_ = new FocusRingManager();
return FocusRingManager.instance_;
* Sets the focus ring color.
* @param {!string} color
static setColor(color) {
const manager = FocusRingManager.instance;
if (manager.colorPattern_.test(color) !== true) {
'Problem setting focus ring color: ' + color + ' is not' +
'a valid CSS color string.'));
manager.rings_.forEach((ring) => ring.color = color);
* Sets the primary and preview focus rings based on the current primary and
* group nodes used for navigation.
* @param {!SAChildNode} node
static setFocusedNode(node) {
const manager = FocusRingManager.instance;
if (node.ignoreWhenComputingUnionOfBoundingBoxes()) {
// Nodes of this type, e.g. the back button node, handles setting its own
// focus, as it has special requirements (a round focus ring that has no
// gap with the edges of the view).
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY).rects = [];
// Clear the dashed ring between transitions, as the animation is
// distracting.
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW).rects = [];
manager.updateFocusRings_(node, null);
// The dashed focus ring should not be shown around the menu when exiting.
if (!MenuManager.isMenuOpen()) {
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW).rects =
manager.updateFocusRings_(node, null);
if (!node.location) {
throw SwitchAccess.error(
'Cannot set focus rings if node location is undefined',
true /* shouldRecover */);
// If the primary node is a group, show its first child as the "preview"
// focus.
if (node.isGroup()) {
const firstChild = node.asRootNode().firstChild;
// Clear the dashed ring between transitions, as the animation is
// distracting.
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW).rects = [];
let focusRect = node.location;
const childRect = firstChild ? firstChild.location : null;
if (childRect) {
// If the current element is not specialized in location handling, e.g.
// the back button, the focus rect should expand to contain the child
// rect.
focusRect = RectUtil.expandToFitWithPadding(
SAConstants.Focus.GROUP_BUFFER, focusRect, childRect);
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW).rects = [childRect];
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY).rects = [focusRect];
manager.updateFocusRings_(node, firstChild);
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY).rects = [node.location];
manager.rings_.get(SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW).rects = [];
manager.updateFocusRings_(node, null);
/** Clears all focus rings. */
static clearAll() {
const manager = FocusRingManager.instance;
manager.rings_.forEach((ring) => {
ring.rects = [];
manager.updateFocusRings_(null, null);
* Set an observer that will be called every time the focus rings
* are updated. It will be called with two arguments: the node for
* the primary ring, and the node for the preview ring. Either may
* be null.
* @param {function(SAChildNode, SAChildNode)} observer
static setObserver(observer) {
FocusRingManager.instance.observer_ = observer;
* Creates the map of focus rings.
* @return {!Map<SAConstants.Focus.ID,
* chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusRingInfo>}
* @private
createMap_() {
const primaryRing = {
id: SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY,
rects: [],
type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusType.SOLID,
color: SAConstants.Focus.PRIMARY_COLOR,
secondaryColor: SAConstants.Focus.SECONDARY_COLOR
const previewRing = {
id: SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW,
rects: [],
type: chrome.accessibilityPrivate.FocusType.DASHED,
color: SAConstants.Focus.PRIMARY_COLOR,
secondaryColor: SAConstants.Focus.SECONDARY_COLOR
return new Map([
[SAConstants.Focus.ID.PRIMARY, primaryRing],
[SAConstants.Focus.ID.PREVIEW, previewRing]
* Updates all focus rings to reflect new location, color, style, or other
* changes. Enables observers to monitor what's focused.
* @private
updateFocusRings_(primaryRingNode, previewRingNode) {
const focusRings = [];
this.rings_.forEach((ring) => focusRings.push(ring));
const observer = FocusRingManager.instance.observer_;
if (observer) {
observer(primaryRingNode, previewRingNode);