Roll src/third_party/libFuzzer/src/ e9b95bcfe..b80b89cb6 (22 commits)

$ git log e9b95bcfe..b80b89cb6 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-14 kcc [libFuzzer] in autofocus mode, give more weight to functions with DFT
2019-06-14 kcc [libFuzzer] implement a better queue for the fork mode. Add an internal flag -stop_file to allow graceful shutdown of fuzzing. Enhance the logging in the fork mode
2019-06-14 kcc [libFuzzer] fix -Werror build
2019-06-14 kcc [libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels. Second attempt. This time with a fix for windows (putenv instead of setenv))
2019-06-14 dor1s [libFuzzer] Disable len_control by default if LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator is used.
2019-06-14 hans Revert r363326 "[libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels."
2019-06-13 kcc [libFuzzer] simplify the DFT trace collection using the new faster DFSan mode that traces up to 16 labels at a time and never runs out of labels.
2019-06-11 dor1s Add FuzzedDataProvider helper class / single header library.
2019-05-24 kcc [libFuzzer] when using data-flow-trace (DFT) only load the DFT for the files present in the corpus
2019-05-23 kcc [libFuzzer] remove the data-flow-trace (DFT) python scripts; their functionality is now part of libFuzzer proper; also write functions.txt to the disk only if this file doesn't exist yet
2019-05-23 kcc [libFuzzer] automatically collect the data flow trace (DFT) in the fork mode if -collect_data_flow= is given
2019-05-22 phosek [libFuzzer] Ignore synthetic exceptions on Fuchsia
2019-05-14 kcc [libFuzzer] replace string_view with string to fix the bots. This is NFC, just slower.
2019-05-14 kcc [libFuzzer] #include <string_view>, hopefully should fix the windows build
2019-05-14 kcc [libFuzzer] reimplement DFT's collect_data_flow inside libFuzzer so that we don't need external python scripts
2019-05-10 kcc [libFuzzer] code refactoring; NFC
2019-05-10 kcc [libFuzzer] small refactoring in the driver; dummy implementation of collect_data_flow; attempt to fix the windows bot
2019-05-09 morehouse [libFuzzer] Unpoison parameters before calling user callback.
2019-05-09 kcc [libFuzzer] perform more agressive value profiling in memcmp
2019-05-09 kcc [libFuzzer] implement -focus_function=auto, to be used with Data Flow Traces
2019-05-08 kcc [libFuzzer] DFT: when dumping coverage, also dump the total number of instrumented blocks in a function; update to merge coverage
2019-05-08 kcc [libFuzzer] extend the data flow tracer to also produce basic block coverage for every input. An extended test coming in a separte change.

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/libFuzzer/src

Bug: 919530
Change-Id: Ib373a725598a7bb97934e5fa8ee03630fea0dc47
Commit-Queue: Max Moroz <>
Commit-Queue: Jonathan Metzman <>
Auto-Submit: Max Moroz <>
Reviewed-by: Jonathan Metzman <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#669683}
1 file changed