color: Clarify default behaviors

Change YUVDrawFrame to use REC709 if no valid color space is

Make ColorTransform do nothing if the source color space is invalid.

Add a method for constructing video color spaces, CreateVideo, which
does translation from h264 spec values to gfx::ColorSpace values. For
now, leave all values in existence, though they can likely be removed
in the future.

Change the media/ callers that used to static-cast h264 values to use
this constructor.

Change the ColorSpace PrimaryID/TransferID/MatrixID to not exactly
match the h264 spec (offset by 1000) to discourage doing static

Add a method to query the h264 values for casting.

Change vp9 to always specify a color space to its frame, even when
one is not known.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#451151}
13 files changed