blob: dce4de17600500e9feb1aad0f5437fb446fd4d90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Fake task.
* @param {boolean} isDefault Whether the task is default or not.
* @param {string} taskId Task ID.
* @param {string} title Title of the task.
* @param {boolean=} opt_isGenericFileHandler Whether the task is a generic
* file handler.
* @constructor
function FakeTask(isDefault, taskId, title, opt_isGenericFileHandler) {
this.driveApp = false;
this.iconUrl = 'chrome://theme/IDR_DEFAULT_FAVICON'; // Dummy icon
this.isDefault = isDefault;
this.taskId = taskId;
this.title = title;
this.isGenericFileHandler = opt_isGenericFileHandler || false;
* Fake tasks for a local volume.
* @type {Array<FakeTask>}
* @const
new FakeTask(true, 'dummytaskid|open-with', 'DummyTask1'),
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid-2|open-with', 'DummyTask2')
* Fake tasks for a drive volume.
* @type {Array<FakeTask>}
* @const
new FakeTask(true, 'dummytaskid|drive|open-with', 'DummyTask1'),
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid-2|drive|open-with', 'DummyTask2')
* Sets up task tests.
* @param {string} rootPath Root path.
* @param {Array<FakeTask>} fakeTasks Fake tasks.
function setupTaskTest(rootPath, fakeTasks) {
return setupAndWaitUntilReady(null, rootPath).then(function(results) {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
[fakeTasks]).then(function() {
return results.windowId;
* Tests executing the default task when there is only one task.
* @param {string} expectedTaskId Task ID expected to execute.
* @param {string} windowId Window ID.
function executeDefaultTask(expectedTaskId, windowId) {
// Select file.
var selectFilePromise =
remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', windowId, ['hello.txt']);
// Double-click the file.
var doubleClickPromise = selectFilePromise.then(function(result) {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['#file-list li.table-row[selected] .filename-label span']);
// Wait until the task is executed.
return doubleClickPromise.then(function(result) {
return remoteCall.waitUntilTaskExecutes(windowId, expectedTaskId);
* Tests to specify default task via the default task dialog.
* @param {string} expectedTaskId Task ID to be expected to newly specify as
* default.
* @param {string} windowId Window ID.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled/rejected depends on the test
* result.
function defaultTaskDialog(expectedTaskId, windowId) {
// Prepare expected labels.
var expectedLabels = [
'DummyTask1 (default)',
// Select file.
var selectFilePromise =
remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', windowId, ['hello.txt']);
// Click the change default menu.
var menuClickedPromise = selectFilePromise.
then(function() {
return remoteCall.waitForElement(windowId, '#tasks[multiple]');
then(function() {
return remoteCall.waitForElement(
windowId, '#tasks-menu .change-default');
then(function() {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', windowId, ['#tasks', 'select', {
item: {type: 'ChangeDefaultTask'}
then(function(result) {
var caller = getCaller();
// Wait for the list of menu item is added as expected.
var menuPreparedPromise = menuClickedPromise.then(function() {
return repeatUntil(function() {
// Obtains menu items.
var menuItemsPromise = remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
['#default-task-dialog #default-tasks-list li']);
// Compare the contents of items.
return menuItemsPromise.then(function(items) {
var actualLabels = { return item.text; });
if (chrome.test.checkDeepEq(expectedLabels, actualLabels)) {
return true;
} else {
return pending(
caller, 'Tasks do not match, expected: %j, actual: %j.',
expectedLabels, actualLabels);
// Click the non default item.
var itemClickedPromise = menuPreparedPromise.
then(function() {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'#default-task-dialog #default-tasks-list li:nth-of-type(2)',
{bubbles: true, button: 0}
then(function() {
return remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'#default-task-dialog #default-tasks-list li:nth-of-type(2)',
{bubbles: true}
then(function(result) {
// Wait for the dialog hidden, and the task is executed.
var dialogHiddenPromise = itemClickedPromise.then(function() {
return remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
windowId, '#default-task-dialog', null);
// Execute the new default task.
var taskButtonClicked =
.then(function() {
// Click on "Open ▼" button.
'fakeMouseClick', windowId, ['#tasks']);
// Wait for dropdown menu to show.
return remoteCall.waitForElement(
windowId, '#tasks-menu:not([hidden]) cr-menu-item');
.then(function(result) {
// Click on first menu item.
'fakeMouseClick', windowId,
['#tasks-menu:not([hidden]) cr-menu-item:nth-child(1)']);
// Wait dropdown menu to hide.
return remoteCall.waitForElement(windowId, '#tasks-menu[hidden]');
.then(function(result) {
// Check the executed tasks.
return taskButtonClicked.then(function() {
return remoteCall.waitUntilTaskExecutes(windowId, expectedTaskId);
testcase.executeDefaultTaskDrive = function() {
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DRIVE, DRIVE_FAKE_TASKS).then(
executeDefaultTask.bind(null, 'dummytaskid|drive|open-with')));
testcase.executeDefaultTaskDownloads = function() {
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DOWNLOADS, DOWNLOADS_FAKE_TASKS).then(
executeDefaultTask.bind(null, 'dummytaskid|open-with')));
testcase.defaultTaskDialogDrive = function() {
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DRIVE, DRIVE_FAKE_TASKS).then(
defaultTaskDialog.bind(null, 'dummytaskid-2|drive|open-with')));
testcase.defaultTaskDialogDownloads = function() {
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DOWNLOADS, DOWNLOADS_FAKE_TASKS).then(
defaultTaskDialog.bind(null, 'dummytaskid-2|open-with')));
testcase.genericTaskIsNotExecuted = function() {
var tasks = [
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid|open-with', 'DummyTask1',
true /* isGenericFileHandler */)
// When default task is not set, executeDefaultInternal_ in file_tasks.js
// tries to show it in a browser tab. By checking the view-in-browser task is
// executed, we check that default task is not set in this situation.
// See: src/ui/file_manager/file_manager/foreground/js/file_tasks.js&l=404
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DOWNLOADS, tasks)
.then(function(windowId) {
return executeDefaultTask(
FILE_MANAGER_EXTENSIONS_ID + '|file|view-in-browser',
testcase.genericTaskAndNonGenericTask = function() {
var tasks = [
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid|open-with', 'DummyTask1',
true /* isGenericFileHandler */),
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid-2|open-with', 'DummyTask2',
false /* isGenericFileHandler */),
new FakeTask(false, 'dummytaskid-3|open-with', 'DummyTask3',
true /* isGenericFileHandler */)
testPromise(setupTaskTest(RootPath.DOWNLOADS, tasks).then(
executeDefaultTask.bind(null, 'dummytaskid-2|open-with')));