[Autofill Assistant] Prevent crash when animating carousel.

This CL prevents the application from crashing when hiding then showing
and update a carousel in the same short period.

This bug is due to incompatibilities between animations performed by the
LayoutTransition in the bottom bar container (enabled via the
animateLayoutChanges attribute) and the animations inside the
RecyclerView performed by the default ItemAnimation. The possible
workaround are:

1) Disable animateLayoutChanges on the bottom bar container. This would
disable all animations currently triggered when any of its children is
shown or hidden.
2) Disable carousels animations. This would disable the current
transition animation when chips change (e.g. centered 'Cancel' chip to a
'Cancel' and 'Done' chip aligned to the right).
3) Never hide the carousels, so that they are not impacted by the layout
transition from the bottom bar container. This would disabled animations
when a carousel is shown or hidden.

This CL implements solution 3), as most of the time the suggestions
carousel is empty and actions carousel is not.

Change-Id: Icacf01afcd13a2af423e57963c733198d9cc9e57
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1518512
Commit-Queue: Jordan Demeulenaere <jdemeulenaere@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Stephane Zermatten <szermatt@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#639995}
6 files changed