blob: f4b2d1b8c15999345d58732673b3eed7826c6df9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview @externs
* Externs file shipped into the chromium build to typecheck uncompiled, "pure"
* JavaScript used to interoperate with the open-source privileged WebUI.
* TODO(b/142750452): Convert this file to ES6.
* Response message to a successful overwrite (no error thrown). If defined,
* indicates that an overwrite failed, but the user was able to select a new
* file from a file picker. The UI should update to reflect the new name.
* `errorName` is the error on the write attempt that triggered the picker.
* @typedef {{renamedTo: string, errorName: string}|undefined}
let OverwriteFileResponse;
/** @const */
const mediaApp = {};
* Wraps an HTML File object (or a mock, or media loaded through another means).
* @record
* @struct
mediaApp.AbstractFile = function() {};
* The native Blob representation.
* @type {!Blob}
* A name to represent this file in the UI. Usually the filename.
* @type {string}
* Size of the file, e.g., from the HTML5 File API.
* @type {number}
* Mime Type of the file, e.g., from the HTML5 File API. Note that the name
* intentionally does not match the File API version because 'type' is a
* reserved word in TypeScript.
* @type {string}
* Whether the file came from the clipboard or a similar in-memory source not
* backed by a file on disk.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* An error associated with this file.
* @type {string|undefined}
* A function that will overwrite the original file with the provided Blob.
* Returns a promise that resolves when the write operations are complete. Or
* rejects. Upon success, `size` will reflect the new file size.
* If null, then in-place overwriting is not supported for this file.
* Note the "overwrite" may be simulated with a download operation.
* @type {function(!Blob): !Promise<!OverwriteFileResponse>}
* A function that will delete the original file. Returns a promise that
* resolves to an enum value (see DeleteResult in chromium message_types)
* reflecting the result of the deletion. Errors encountered are thrown from the
* message pipe and handled by invoking functions in Google3.
* @type {function(): !Promise<number>|undefined}
* A function that will rename the original file. Returns a promise that
* resolves to an enum value (see RenameResult in message_types) reflecting the
* result of the rename. Errors encountered are thrown from the message pipe and
* handled by invoking functions in Google3.
* @type {function(string): !Promise<number>|undefined}
* Wraps an HTML FileList object.
* @record
* @struct
mediaApp.AbstractFileList = function() {};
/** @type {number} */
* @param {number} index
* @return {(null|!mediaApp.AbstractFile)}
mediaApp.AbstractFileList.prototype.item = function(index) {};
* Returns the file which is currently writable or null if there isn't one.
* @return {?mediaApp.AbstractFile}
mediaApp.AbstractFileList.prototype.getCurrentlyWritable = function() {};
* Loads in the next file in the list as a writable.
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
mediaApp.AbstractFileList.prototype.loadNext = function() {};
* Loads in the previous file in the list as a writable.
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
mediaApp.AbstractFileList.prototype.loadPrev = function() {};
* @param {function(!mediaApp.AbstractFileList): void} observer invoked when the
* size or contents of the file list changes.
mediaApp.AbstractFileList.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {};
* The delegate which exposes open source privileged WebUi functions to
* MediaApp.
* @record
* @struct
mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate = function() {};
* Opens up the built-in chrome feedback dialog.
* @return {!Promise<?string>} Promise which resolves when the request has been
* acknowledged, if the dialog could not be opened the promise resolves with
* an error message, resolves with null otherwise.
mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate.prototype.openFeedbackDialog = function() {};
* Request for the user to be prompted with a save file dialog. Once the user
* selects a location a new file handle is created and a unique token to that
* file will be returned. This token can be then used with saveCopy(). The file
* extension on `suggestedName` and the provided `mimeType` are used to inform
* the save as dialog what file should be created. Once the Native Filesystem
* API allows, this save as dialog will additionally have the filename input be
* pre-filled with `suggestedName`.
* TODO(b/161087799): Update function description once Native Filesystem API
* supports suggestedName.
* @param {string} suggestedName
* @param {string} mimeType
* @return {!Promise<number>}
mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate.prototype.requestSaveFile = function(
suggestedName, mimeType) {};
* Saves a copy of `file` in the file specified by `token`.
* @param {!mediaApp.AbstractFile} file
* @param {number} token
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate.prototype.saveCopy = function(file, token) {};
* The client Api for interacting with the media app instance.
* @record
* @struct
mediaApp.ClientApi = function() {};
* Looks up handler(s) and loads media via FileList.
* @param {!mediaApp.AbstractFileList} files
* @return {!Promise<undefined>}
mediaApp.ClientApi.prototype.loadFiles = function(files) {};
* Sets the delegate through which MediaApp can access open-source privileged
* WebUI methods.
* @param {?mediaApp.ClientApiDelegate} delegate
mediaApp.ClientApi.prototype.setDelegate = function(delegate) {};
* Launch data that can be read by the app when it first loads.
* @type {{files: mediaApp.AbstractFileList}}