blob: 96983f1ba8bd5fe41ed540a0b291761c178ac0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertInstanceof} from '../chrome_util.js';
import * as Comlink from '../lib/comlink.js';
import {clearAsyncInterval, setAsyncInterval} from './async_interval.js';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import {BarcodeWorkerInterface} from './barcode_worker_interface.js';
// TODO(b/172879638): Get some performance data and tune the scan interval.
const SCAN_INTERVAL = 1000;
// If any dimension of the video exceeds this size, the image would be cropped
// and/or scaled before scanning to speed up the detection.
const MAX_SCAN_SIZE = 720;
// The portion of the sqaure in the middle that would be scanned for barcode.
// TODO(b/172879638): Change 1.0 to match the final UI spec.
const ACTIVE_SCAN_RATIO = 1.0;
* A barcode scanner to detect barcodes from a camera stream.
export class BarcodeScanner {
* @param {!HTMLVideoElement} video The video to be scanned for barcode.
* @param {function(string)} callback The callback for the detected barcodes.
constructor(video, callback) {
* @type {!HTMLVideoElement}
* @private
this.video_ = video;
* @type {function(string)}
* @private
this.callback_ = callback;
* @type {!BarcodeWorkerInterface}
* @private
this.worker_ = Comlink.wrap(
new Worker('/js/models/barcode_worker.js', {type: 'module'}));
* The current running interval id.
* @type {?number}
this.intervalId_ = null;
* Starts scanning barcodes continuously. Calling this method when it's
* already started would be no-op.
start() {
if (this.intervalId_ !== null) {
let prevCode = null;
this.intervalId_ = setAsyncInterval(async () => {
const code = await this.scan_();
if (code !== null && code !== prevCode) {
prevCode = code;
* Stops scanning barcodes.
stop() {
if (this.intervalId_ === null) {
this.intervalId_ = null;
* Grabs the current video frame for scanning. If the video resolution is too
* high, the image would be scaled and/or cropped from the center.
* @return {!Promise<!ImageBitmap>}
async grabFrameForScan_() {
const {videoWidth: vw, videoHeight: vh} = this.video_;
if (vw <= MAX_SCAN_SIZE && vh <= MAX_SCAN_SIZE) {
return createImageBitmap(this.video_);
const scanSize = Math.min(MAX_SCAN_SIZE, vw, vh);
const ratio = ACTIVE_SCAN_RATIO * Math.min(vw / scanSize, vh / scanSize);
const sw = ratio * scanSize;
const sh = ratio * scanSize;
const sx = (vw - sw) / 2;
const sy = (vh - sh) / 2;
// TODO(b/172879638): Figure out why drawing on canvas first is much faster
// than createImageBitmap() directly.
const canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(scanSize, scanSize);
const ctx = assertInstanceof(
canvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: false}),
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
ctx.imageSmoothingQuality = 'high';
ctx.drawImage(this.video_, sx, sy, sw, sh, 0, 0, scanSize, scanSize);
return canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
* Scans barcodes from the current frame.
* @return {!Promise<?string>} The detected barcode value, or null if no
* barcode is detected.
* @private
async scan_() {
const frame = await this.grabFrameForScan_();
const value = await this.worker_.detect(Comlink.transfer(frame, [frame]));
return value;