blob: 2d52fd678ab1f602b81295904afdd428a3c736db [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=worker,jsshell
// META: script=../resources/rs-utils.js
'use strict';
let ReadableStreamBYOBReader;
test(() => {
// It's not exposed globally, but we test a few of its properties here.
ReadableStreamBYOBReader = (new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes' }))
.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }).constructor;
}, 'Can get the ReadableStreamBYOBReader constructor indirectly');
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new ReadableStreamBYOBReader('potato'));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new ReadableStreamBYOBReader({}));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new ReadableStreamBYOBReader());
}, 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader constructor should get a ReadableStream object as argument');
test(() => {
const methods = ['cancel', 'constructor', 'read', 'releaseLock'];
const properties = methods.concat(['closed']).sort();
const rsReader = new ReadableStreamBYOBReader(new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes' }));
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(rsReader);
assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort(), properties);
for (const m of methods) {
const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, m);
assert_equals(propDesc.enumerable, false, 'method should be non-enumerable');
assert_equals(propDesc.configurable, true, 'method should be configurable');
assert_equals(propDesc.writable, true, 'method should be writable');
assert_equals(typeof rsReader[m], 'function', 'should have be a method');
const expectedName = m === 'constructor' ? 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader' : m;
assert_equals(rsReader[m].name, expectedName, 'method should have the correct name');
const closedPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'closed');
assert_equals(closedPropDesc.enumerable, false, 'closed should be non-enumerable');
assert_equals(closedPropDesc.configurable, true, 'closed should be configurable');
assert_not_equals(closedPropDesc.get, undefined, 'closed should have a getter');
assert_equals(closedPropDesc.set, undefined, 'closed should not have a setter');
assert_equals(rsReader.cancel.length, 1, 'cancel has 1 parameter');
assert_not_equals(rsReader.closed, undefined, 'has a non-undefined closed property');
assert_equals(typeof rsReader.closed.then, 'function', 'closed property is thenable');
assert_equals(rsReader.constructor.length, 1, 'constructor has 1 parameter');
assert_equals(, 1, 'read has 1 parameter');
assert_equals(rsReader.releaseLock.length, 0, 'releaseLock has no parameters');
}, 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader instances should have the correct list of properties');
promise_test(t => {
const rs = new ReadableStream({
pull(controller) {
return t.step(() => {
const byobRequest = controller.byobRequest;
const methods = ['constructor', 'respond', 'respondWithNewView'];
const properties = methods.concat(['view']).sort();
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(byobRequest);
assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort(), properties);
for (const m of methods) {
const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, m);
assert_equals(propDesc.enumerable, false, 'method should be non-enumerable');
assert_equals(propDesc.configurable, true, 'method should be configurable');
assert_equals(propDesc.writable, true, 'method should be writable');
assert_equals(typeof byobRequest[m], 'function', 'should have a method');
const expectedName = m === 'constructor' ? 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest' : m;
assert_equals(byobRequest[m].name, expectedName, 'method should have the correct name');
const viewPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, 'view');
assert_equals(viewPropDesc.enumerable, false, 'view should be non-enumerable');
assert_equals(viewPropDesc.configurable, true, 'view should be configurable');
assert_not_equals(viewPropDesc.get, undefined, 'view should have a getter');
assert_equals(viewPropDesc.set, undefined, 'view should not have a setter');
assert_not_equals(byobRequest.view, undefined, 'has a non-undefined view property');
assert_equals(byobRequest.constructor.length, 0, 'constructor has 0 parameters');
assert_equals(byobRequest.respond.length, 1, 'respond has 1 parameter');
assert_equals(byobRequest.respondWithNewView.length, 1, 'releaseLock has 1 parameter');
type: 'bytes' });
const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' });
return Uint8Array(1));
}, 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest instances should have the correct list of properties');
test(() => {
const methods = ['close', 'constructor', 'enqueue', 'error'];
const accessors = ['byobRequest', 'desiredSize'];
const properties = methods.concat(accessors).sort();
let controller;
new ReadableStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
type: 'bytes'
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(controller);
assert_array_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort(), properties);
for (const m of methods) {
const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, m);
assert_equals(propDesc.enumerable, false, 'method should be non-enumerable');
assert_equals(propDesc.configurable, true, 'method should be configurable');
assert_equals(propDesc.writable, true, 'method should be writable');
assert_equals(typeof controller[m], 'function', 'should have be a method');
const expectedName = m === 'constructor' ? 'ReadableByteStreamController' : m;
assert_equals(controller[m].name, expectedName, 'method should have the correct name');
for (const a of accessors) {
const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, a);
assert_equals(propDesc.enumerable, false, `${a} should be non-enumerable`);
assert_equals(propDesc.configurable, true, `${a} should be configurable`);
assert_not_equals(propDesc.get, undefined, `${a} should have a getter`);
assert_equals(propDesc.set, undefined, `${a} should not have a setter`);
assert_equals(controller.close.length, 0, 'cancel has no parameters');
assert_equals(controller.constructor.length, 0, 'constructor has no parameters');
assert_equals(controller.enqueue.length, 1, 'enqueue has 1 parameter');
assert_equals(controller.error.length, 1, 'releaseLock has 1 parameter');
}, 'ReadableByteStreamController instances should have the correct list of properties');