blob: b991795a1898e9b1d479d1497009b889f0d786ce [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=worker,jsshell
'use strict';
// The purpose of this file is to test for objects, attributes and arguments that should not exist.
// The test cases are generated from data tables to reduce duplication.
// Courtesy of André Bargull. Source is
function IsConstructor(o) {
try {
new new Proxy(o, { construct: () => ({}) })();
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
for (const func of ['WritableStreamDefaultController', 'WritableStreamDefaultWriter']) {
test(() => {
assert_equals(self[func], undefined, `${func} should not be defined`);
}, `${func} should not be exported on the global object`);
// Now get hold of the symbols so we can test their properties.
self.WritableStreamDefaultController = (() => {
let controller;
new WritableStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
return controller.constructor;
self.WritableStreamDefaultWriter = new WritableStream().getWriter().constructor;
const expected = {
WritableStream: {
constructor: {
type: 'constructor',
length: 0
locked: {
type: 'getter'
abort: {
type: 'method',
length: 1
getWriter: {
type: 'method',
length: 0
WritableStreamDefaultController: {
constructor: {
type: 'constructor',
length: 0
error: {
type: 'method',
length: 1
WritableStreamDefaultWriter: {
constructor: {
type: 'constructor',
length: 1
closed: {
type: 'getter'
desiredSize: {
type: 'getter'
ready: {
type: 'getter'
abort: {
type: 'method',
length: 1
close: {
type: 'method',
length: 0
releaseLock: {
type: 'method',
length: 0
write: {
type: 'method',
length: 1
for (const c in expected) {
const properties = expected[c];
const prototype = self[c].prototype;
for (const name in properties) {
const fullName = `${c}.prototype.${name}`;
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name);
test(() => {
const { configurable, enumerable } = descriptor;
assert_true(configurable, `${name} should be configurable`);
assert_false(enumerable, `${name} should not be enumerable`);
}, `${fullName} should have standard properties`);
const type = properties[name].type;
switch (type) {
case 'getter':
test(() => {
const { writable, get, set } = descriptor;
assert_equals(writable, undefined, `${name} should not be a data descriptor`);
assert_equals(typeof get, 'function', `${name} should have a getter`);
assert_equals(set, undefined, `${name} should not have a setter`);
}, `${fullName} should be a getter`);
case 'constructor':
case 'method':
test(() => {
assert_true(descriptor.writable, `${name} should be writable`);
assert_equals(typeof prototype[name], 'function', `${name} should be a function`);
assert_equals(prototype[name].length, properties[name].length,
`${name} should take ${properties[name].length} arguments`);
if (type === 'constructor') {
assert_true(IsConstructor(prototype[name]), `${name} should be a constructor`);
assert_equals(prototype[name].name, c, `${name}.name should be '${c}'`);
} else {
assert_false(IsConstructor(prototype[name]), `${name} should not be a constructor`);
assert_equals(prototype[name].name, name, `${name}.name should be '${name}`);
}, `${fullName} should be a ${type}`);
test(() => {
const expectedPropertyNames = Object.keys(properties).sort();
const actualPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype).sort();
assert_array_equals(actualPropertyNames, expectedPropertyNames,
`${c} properties should match expected properties`);
}, `${c}.prototype should have exactly the expected properties`);
const sinkMethods = {
start: {
length: 1,
trigger: () => Promise.resolve()
write: {
length: 2,
trigger: writer => writer.write()
close: {
length: 0,
trigger: writer => writer.close()
abort: {
length: 1,
trigger: writer => writer.abort()
for (const method in sinkMethods) {
const { length, trigger } = sinkMethods[method];
// Some semantic tests of how sink methods are called can be found in general.js, as well as in the test files
// specific to each method.
promise_test(() => {
let argCount;
const ws = new WritableStream({
[method](...args) {
argCount = args.length;
return Promise.resolve(trigger(ws.getWriter())).then(() => {
assert_equals(argCount, length, `${method} should be called with ${length} arguments`);
}, `sink method ${method} should be called with the right number of arguments`);
promise_test(() => {
let methodWasCalled = false;
function Sink() {}
Sink.prototype = {
[method]() {
methodWasCalled = true;
const ws = new WritableStream(new Sink());
return Promise.resolve(trigger(ws.getWriter())).then(() => {
assert_true(methodWasCalled, `${method} should be called`);
}, `sink method ${method} should be called even when it's located on the prototype chain`);
promise_test(t => {
const unreachedTraps = ['getPrototypeOf', 'setPrototypeOf', 'isExtensible', 'preventExtensions',
'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'defineProperty', 'has', 'set', 'deleteProperty', 'ownKeys',
'apply', 'construct'];
const touchedProperties = [];
const handler = {
get: t.step_func((target, property) => {
if (property === 'type') {
return undefined;
return () => Promise.resolve();
for (const trap of unreachedTraps) {
handler[trap] = t.unreached_func(`${trap} should not be trapped`);
const sink = new Proxy({}, handler);
const ws = new WritableStream(sink);
assert_array_equals(touchedProperties, ['type', 'write', 'close', 'abort', 'start'],
'expected properties should be got');
return trigger(ws.getWriter()).then(() => {
assert_array_equals(touchedProperties, ['type', 'write', 'close', 'abort', 'start'],
'no properties should be accessed on method call');
}, `unexpected properties should not be accessed when calling sink method ${method}`);