blob: 0a470b4282783883649bbf8f2051b5ce5dcf0571 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.m.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.m.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://test/chai_assert.js';
import {util} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {DisplayPanel} from './xf_display_panel.js';
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
let displayPanel;
* Adds a xf-display-panel element to the test page.
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML +=
'<xf-display-panel id="test-xf-display-panel"></xf-display-panel>';
displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
export function tearDown() {
* Tests that adding and removing panels to <xf-display-panel> updates the
* aria-hidden attribute.
export function testDisplayPanelAriaHidden() {
// Starts without any panel so should be hidden;
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'true');
// Create a panel, but since it isn't attached so the container should still
// be hidden.
const progressPanel = displayPanel.createPanelItem('testpanel');
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'true');
// Attach the Panel. It should make the container visible.
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'false');
// Remove the last panel and should be hidden again.
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'true');
// Add multiple panels, then should be visible.
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'false');
// Clear all the panels, then should be hidden.
assertEquals(displayPanel.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), 'true');
export async function testDisplayPanelAttachPanel(done) {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Test create/attach/remove sequences.
// Create a progress panel item.
let progressPanel = displayPanel.createPanelItem('testpanel');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Attach the panel to it's host display panel.
// Verify the panel is attached to the document.
// Remove the panel item.
// Verify the panel item is not attached to the document.
// Create a progress panel item.
progressPanel = displayPanel.createPanelItem('testpanel2');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Remove the panel item.
// Try to attach the removed panel to it's host display panel.
// Verify the panel is not attached to the document.
export async function testDisplayPanelChangingPanelTypes(done) {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
const panelItem = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel');
panelItem.panelType = panelItem.panelTypeProgress;
// Setup the panel item signal (click) callback.
/** @type {?string} */
let signal = null;
panelItem.signalCallback = (name) => {
assert(typeof name === 'string');
signal = name;
// Verify the panel item indicator is progress.
panelItem.indicator, 'progress',
'Wrong panel indicator, got ' + panelItem.indicator);
// Check cancel signal from the panel from a click.
/** @type {!HTMLElement} */
const cancel = assert(panelItem.secondaryButton);;
signal, 'cancel', 'Expected signal name "cancel". Got ' + signal);
// Check the progress panel text container has correct aria role.
const textHost = panelItem.shadowRoot.querySelector('.xf-panel-text');
assertEquals('alert', textHost.getAttribute('role'));
// Change the panel item to an error panel.
panelItem.panelType = panelItem.panelTypeError;
// Verify the panel item indicator is set to error.
panelItem.indicator, 'status',
'Wrong panel indicator, got ' + panelItem.indicator);
panelItem.status, 'failure',
'Wrong panel status, got ' + panelItem.status);
// Verify the panel item icon is the failure icon.
const failIcon = panelItem.shadowRoot.querySelector('iron-icon');
assertEquals('files36:failure', failIcon.getAttribute('icon'));
// Check dismiss signal from the panel from a click.
/** @type {!HTMLElement} */
let dismiss = assert(panelItem.secondaryButton);;
signal, 'dismiss', 'Expected signal name "dismiss". Got ' + signal);
// Change the panel type to a done panel.
panelItem.panelType = panelItem.panelTypeDone;
// Verify the panel item indicator is set to done.
panelItem.indicator, 'status',
'Wrong panel indicator, got ' + panelItem.indicator);
panelItem.status, 'success',
'Wrong panel status, got ' + panelItem.status);
// Verify the panel item icon is the success icon.
const successIcon = panelItem.shadowRoot.querySelector('iron-icon');
assertEquals('files36:success', successIcon.getAttribute('icon'));
// Check the dimiss signal from the panel from a click.
signal = 'none';
dismiss = assert(panelItem.primaryButton);;
signal, 'dismiss', 'Expected signal name "dismiss". Got ' + signal);
// Change the type to a summary panel.
panelItem.panelType = panelItem.panelTypeSummary;
// Verify the panel item indicator is largeprogress.
panelItem.indicator, 'largeprogress',
'Wrong panel indicator, got ' + panelItem.indicator);
// Check no signal emitted from the summary panel from a click.
const expand = assert(panelItem.primaryButton);
signal = 'none';;
assertEquals(signal, 'none', 'Expected no signal. Got ' + signal);
// Check the summary panel text container has no aria role.
assertEquals('', textHost.getAttribute('role'));
export function testFilesDisplayPanelErrorText() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add a panel item to the display panel container.
const panelItem = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel');
/** @type {!HTMLElement} */
const text = assert(panelItem.shadowRoot.querySelector('.xf-panel-text'));
// To work with screen readers, the text element should have aria role
// 'alert'.
assertEquals('alert', text.getAttribute('role'));
// Change the primary and secondary text on the panel item.
panelItem.primaryText = 'foo';
panelItem.secondaryText = 'bar';
// Check the primary and secondary text has been set on the panel.
assertEquals('foo', panelItem.primaryText);
assertEquals('bar', panelItem.secondaryText);
// Change the panel item type to an error panel.
panelItem.panelType = panelItem.panelTypeError;
// Check the default primary text displays a generic error message.
// Note, the i18n message gets smooshed into 'An error occurred.' in the app.
assertEquals('$i18n{FILE_ERROR_GENERIC}', panelItem.primaryText);
// Check the secondary text is empty.
assertEquals('', panelItem.secondaryText);
// Override the formatting function for unit testing.
util.strf = (end, option) => {
return option + end;
export function testFilesDisplayPanelErrorMarker() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add a summary panel item to the display panel container.
const summaryPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel');
summaryPanel.panelType = summaryPanel.panelTypeSummary;
// Confirm the error marker is not visible by default.
const progressIndicator =
const errorMarker = progressIndicator.shadowRoot.querySelector('.errormark');
errorMarker.getAttribute('visibility'), 'hidden',
'Summary panel error marker should default to hidden');
// Confirm the error marker can be made visible through property setting on
// the progress indicator.
progressIndicator.errorMarkerVisibility = 'visible';
errorMarker.getAttribute('visibility'), 'visible',
'Summary panel error marker should be visible');
// Confirm we can change visibility of the error marker from panel item
// property setting.
summaryPanel.errorMarkerVisibility = 'hidden';
errorMarker.getAttribute('visibility'), 'hidden',
'Summary panel error marker should be hidden');
// Confirm the panel item reflects the visibility of the error marker.
summaryPanel.errorMarkerVisibility, 'hidden',
'Summary panel error marker property is wrong, should be "hidden"');
export function testFilesDisplayPanelMixedSummary() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add an error panel item to the display panel container.
let errorPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
errorPanel.panelType = errorPanel.panelTypeError;
assertEquals('status', errorPanel.indicator);
// Add a progress panel item to the display panel container.
const progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel2');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Verify a summary panel item is created and shows the error indicator.
const summaryContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#summary');
let summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary, summaryPanelItem.panelType);
assertEquals('largeprogress', summaryPanelItem.indicator);
assertEquals('visible', summaryPanelItem.errorMarkerVisibility);
// Remove the error panel item and add a second progress panel item.
const extraProgressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel3');
extraProgressPanel.panelType = extraProgressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Verify a summary panel item is created without an error indicator.
summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary, summaryPanelItem.panelType);
assertEquals('largeprogress', summaryPanelItem.indicator);
assertEquals('hidden', summaryPanelItem.errorMarkerVisibility);
// Remove the progress panel items and add 2 error panel items.
errorPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel4');
errorPanel.panelType = errorPanel.panelTypeError;
const extraErrorPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel5');
extraErrorPanel.panelType = extraErrorPanel.panelTypeError;
// Verify a summary panel item is shown, with an error status indicator.
summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary, summaryPanelItem.panelType);
assertEquals('status', summaryPanelItem.indicator);
assertEquals('failure', summaryPanelItem.status);
// Remove the error panel items and add 2 done (a.k.a. success) panel items.
const donePanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel6');
donePanel.panelType = donePanel.panelTypeDone;
const extraDonePanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel7');
extraDonePanel.panelType = extraDonePanel.panelTypeDone;
// Verify a summary panel is shown with success indicator.
summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary, summaryPanelItem.panelType);
assertEquals('status', summaryPanelItem.indicator);
assertEquals('success', summaryPanelItem.status);
export function testFilesDisplayPanelMixedProgress() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add a generic progress panel item to the display panel container.
const progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
progressPanel.progress = '1';
// Add a format progress panel item to the display panel container.
const formatProgressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel2');
formatProgressPanel.panelType = formatProgressPanel.panelTypeFormatProgress;
formatProgressPanel.progress = '2';
// Confirm that format progress panels do not have a cancel button.
assertEquals(null, formatProgressPanel.secondaryButton);
// Add a drive sync progress panel item to the display panel container.
const syncProgressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel3');
syncProgressPanel.panelType = syncProgressPanel.panelTypeSyncProgress;
syncProgressPanel.progress = '6';
// Confirm that sync progress panels do not have a cancel button.
assertEquals(null, syncProgressPanel.secondaryButton);
// Verify a summary panel item is created with the correct average.
const summaryContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#summary');
const summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary, summaryPanelItem.panelType);
assertEquals('largeprogress', summaryPanelItem.indicator);
assertEquals('hidden', summaryPanelItem.errorMarkerVisibility);
assertEquals('3', summaryPanelItem.progress);
export function testFilesDisplayPanelCircularProgress() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add a progress panel item to the display panel container.
const progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Verify the circular progress panel item marker stroke width.
const circularProgress = progressPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#indicator');
const strokeWidthContainerGroup =
assertEquals('3', strokeWidthContainerGroup.getAttribute('stroke-width'));
// Verify setting large radius on the circular marker changes stroke width.
circularProgress.setAttribute('radius', '11');
assertEquals('4', strokeWidthContainerGroup.getAttribute('stroke-width'));
export async function testFilesDisplayPanelSummaryPanel(done) {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Declare the expected panel item height managed from CSS.
const singlePanelHeight = 68;
// Add a progress panel item to the display panel container.
let progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Confirm the expected height of a single panelItem.
let bounds = progressPanel.getBoundingClientRect();
assert(bounds.height === singlePanelHeight);
// Add second panel item.
progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel2');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Confirm multiple progress panel items are hidden by default.
const panelContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#panels');
// Confirm multiple progress panels cause creation of a summary panel.
const summaryContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#summary');
let summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelType, summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary);
// Confirm the expected height of the summary panel.
bounds = summaryPanelItem.getBoundingClientRect();
assert(bounds.height === singlePanelHeight);
// Trigger expand of the summary panel.
const expandButton =
// Confirm the panel container is no longer hidden.
// Remove a progress panel and ensure the summary panel is removed.
const panelToRemove = displayPanel.findPanelItemById('testpanel1');
summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem, null);
// Confirm the reference to the removed panel item is gone.
assertEquals(displayPanel.findPanelItemById('testpanel1'), null);
// Add another panel item and confirm the expanded state persists by
// checking the panel container is not hidden and there is a summary panel.
progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('xf-panel-item');
assertEquals(summaryPanelItem.panelType, summaryPanelItem.panelTypeSummary);
export function testFilesDisplayPanelTransferDetails() {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add a generic progress panel item to the display panel container.
const progressPanel = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
progressPanel.panelType = progressPanel.panelTypeProgress;
// Check detailed-panel is added when FilesTransferDetails enabled.
assertEquals('detailed-panel', progressPanel.getAttribute('detailed-panel'));
export async function testFilesDisplayPanelTransferDetailsSummary(done) {
// Get the host display panel container element.
/** @type {!DisplayPanel|!Element} */
const displayPanel = assert(document.querySelector('#test-xf-display-panel'));
// Add two generic progress panel items to the display panel container.
const panel1 = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel1');
panel1.panelType = panel1.panelTypeProgress;
const panel2 = displayPanel.addPanelItem('testpanel2');
panel2.panelType = panel2.panelTypeProgress;
const panelContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#panels');
const summaryContainer = displayPanel.shadowRoot.querySelector('#summary');
const summaryPanelItem = summaryContainer.querySelector('#summary-panel');
// Check summary panel has both detailed-panel and detailed-summary attribute.
'detailed-panel', summaryPanelItem.getAttribute('detailed-panel'));
assertEquals('', summaryPanelItem.getAttribute('detailed-summary'));
// Trigger expand of the summary panel by summary label.
const summaryLabel =
// Confirm the panel container is no longer hidden.
assertEquals('expanded', summaryPanelItem.getAttribute('data-category'));